Alien God System

Chapter 1913: This is wisdom

"Yes, never let it go!"

"Fight with them!"


...As soon as the voice fell, the group was angry, and all members of the True God Society gritted their teeth with hatred, and their eyes were red.

Only a faint light flashed in Wen Liang's eyes, silent.

The old president glanced at him and asked, "Wen Liang, what do you mean?"

"Before I say my thoughts, I want to ask everyone, do you want face or lee?"


Unconsciously, everyone was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"Now Vincent is fanning the racial sentiments of the ancient people, shouting and killing us, destroying our private property everywhere and wounding our personnel, right?"

"Yes, so we have to teach them a lesson."

Someone immediately waved their arms out of righteous indignation and shouted again and again, and everyone else responded.

Wen Liang nodded and said, "Yes, if the other party hits the door, if we don't fight back, it will appear that we are very confused.

We have to fight back bravely to save face, but..." "But what? "

"But have you ever thought that if we do the same, the animal road case this time will be completely lost, and the water will be completely muddy.

By then, even if we haven't done anything, we will recognize it. "


This is not what we did, so why do we recognize it? "

Someone refused to accept it and shouted immediately.

Wen Liang smiled slightly: "Because once the two sides fight, the cause is no longer important. Hatred takes over the brains of both sides, and they will never die.

The ancient people believed that this matter was done by us. No matter what evidence we produce, they would not believe it.

This is the result Vincent wanted, fish in troubled waters.

In order to calm the turmoil by then, we might have to bleed again, just taking advantage of Vincent's will, right? "

Uh! The mind was stagnant, and everyone stopped talking.

Wen Liang chuckled: "These politicians on the earth are the best at fanning public opinion.

Once public opinion is fanned, it is crazy and unreasonable, just like zombies, regardless of the consequences.

If we were to riot together like them, then Master Tiandao would be furious, and the best result would be to play 50 boards each, and both sides would lose.

But Vincent now throws the black pot on us, maybe he can make a fortune. "

"If by then, Vincent organizes people to retire, and we are still driven by anger to fight and kill the ancient people, then he will hit us again as a victim, and he will earn more.

This is why I said that if we want to win face, we will lose lizi. "

Silence, everyone stopped talking.

After a long time, the old president murmured again: "Then what should we do to win the lining?"


With eyes certain, Wen Liang shouted: "Immediately order all of us to stay at home, not to stand firm, and not to break into conflict with those ancient people.

We want Lord Tiandao to see our attitude. Even in this situation, we are still very restrained.

We are the ones who really hope that the God Realm is stable, not the black sheep.

On the contrary, the ancient Protoss will be full of ugliness in this turmoil. "

"Although we endured the provocation of the ancient Protoss this time, like a tortoise with a shrunken head, there is no face.

But you have to believe me, we will win the praise of Lord Tiandao, and will naturally compensate afterwards.

Lord Tiandao will return everything we have lost. This is the lining. "

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, everyone agrees, but some others worry: "If Master Tiandao thinks we are confessing our sins, what should we do?

"Therefore, while we are forbearing, we must also actively cooperate with the various agencies and departments of Tiandao to investigate this case.

He Vincent didn't mean that we sent people to assassinate their people again, then we will show it to everyone, we are upright and not afraid of being investigated.

Everyone must believe that Lord Tiandao has a clear-sighted mind, and he knows who should reward and who should be punished better than anyone else, hum. "

With a cold smile, Wen Liang's eyes flashed with evil charm.

Ever since, in this way, in the face of the retaliatory actions of the ancient Protoss, the True God Society all maintained great restraint and avoided conflict with them.

In addition, several members of the True God Society actively cooperated with the investigation and evidence collection of various departments of Tiandao. The clear ones cleared themselves. So and so, one week later, Lord Tiandao really severely punished the riots of the ancient gods and sent people to imprison the rioters. Detention quelled the conflict between the two races.

Half a month later, the results of the investigation were released, and all the charges were thrown on the fugitive Black Wing Great Demon, once again defining the attack by Brute Dao as a terrorist attack.

It's just that those with a heart will find that within a few days after this result appeared, the personnel transfer of the entire God Realm changed again.

The seats lost by the local protoss returned to the hands of the local protoss again, and many members of the ancient protoss were investigated and were subject to double regulations.

These few things seem unrelated in the eyes of ordinary people, but they represent that the entire political situation has changed again.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, Lord Hungry Ghost King is okay, the official is reinstated!"

The beast said, Yang Feng was chatting with a bunch of Yang family buddies, and Zhong Lihun suddenly ran over with a magic mirror with a look of excitement.

Yang Feng took a look and immediately understood.

The Hungry Ghost King’s investigation is over, the evidence is insufficient, and the return to the original position marks a major victory for the local Protoss.

"What a master's trick, I'm an eye-opener today. Vincent is stealing a chicken and not losing money!"

Yang Feng couldn't help but sighed, Zhao Gongming on the side blinked his innocent big eyes: "Brother Feng, what do you mean?"

"Take it and read it carefully, read this news together, and taste it well. This is the master, this is the wisdom in politics.

Your usual conspiracies and tricks of gangs are simply not popular, huh. "

Yang Feng handed the magic mirror to everyone, thinking carefully.

There are also experts in the local Protoss. With the help of this effort, even though he didn't seem to have done anything, he took back all he had lost.

And Master Tiandao is standing on the side of the local Protoss this time. It is estimated that apart from the lack of greed to beat the ancient Protoss, he also wants to balance the forces of the two races.

After all, the last time the local Protoss was suppressed too harshly, this balance has been severely damaged. This time, there is just an excuse to find this balance.

Vincent thought very well this time, but he didn't expect that the opponent would be so restrained. It would be a miss if he didn't play his tricks.

"I am impulsive, I am impulsive!"

In the private room of the fellow club, Vincent reluctantly closed his eyes, lay on his back on the sofa, and said leisurely: "This time it is all my fault.

However, those people of the True God Society are so agitated by us, and they still don’t get caught up, is that amazing? "

"Before I heard that they were going to make a big counterattack, they were dissuaded by a man named Wen Liang."

Ying Long bowed and said leisurely.

His eyes shushed, Vincent muttered: "Gentle?

Haha, there are still capable people in the True God Association, not all angry youths! "

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