Alien God System

Chapter 1912: The thief shouts to catch the thief

"Brother Yang, you are frightened today, so please take a good rest recently. You can rest assured after the old man has eliminated the safety hazards of the entire animal road."

"Excuse me!"

An hour later, Ying Long safely sent Yang Feng back to the castle before leaving in a hurry to deal with this attack.

After Yang Feng watched him far away, he hurriedly closed the door of the room, his body shook, and the figure of the Soul Heaven Emperor immediately appeared beside him.

Looking at Yang Feng, the Emperor Soul Tian smiled and said, "I didn't expect that the old man, a living body, could be included in your body, making it as if I were your clone."

"Generally speaking, my storage backpack cannot hold a living body.

But your body incorporates my power, just like a part of my body, so I can **** you into my body without being noticed. This is one of the other gods' unique skills. "

After a little explanation, Yang Feng entered the topic: "Now I send the Black Wing Demon back to Vincent to work as an undercover agent. Do you think the mental quality of this old guy is good?

Will it be seen directly by Vincent? "

"Probably not. They are all old fairies who have lived for so many years. I believe I can do such a simple thing."

"That's good, with this eyeliner, it is also convenient for me to spin with the chairman of the Rothschild family, Zhou []."

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and the corner of Yang Feng's mouth swept across the arc of evil charm: "The elite child of the earth's first family, I didn't think he was worthy of hearing his name before, but now he can compete as an opponent, and I am excited just thinking about it, hahaha!"

At the same time, in a luxuriously furnished room, Vincent swayed slightly with a glass of red wine in his hand, listening to Ye Feiyue’s report on the action, and thinking carefully.

"You mean... that group of trash fought with Yang Feng for a long time, but failed to take him?"


Nodding her head, Ye Feiyue said coldly, "That bunch of waste is too useless. The old man was so anxious that he rushed out by himself and solved the kid for them. As a result, the beastly Daoist came.

The old man can only wipe out the waste for the time being, and there is no time to kill the kid. "

squeak! The shaking wine glass stagnated suddenly, and Vincent gave him a cold look: "Black Wing Great Demon, I didn't want that kid's life, I just wanted to beat him, let him stand on my side as much as possible.

If you dare to give me this **** that I have waited so long for, I will kill you. "

Humph! A rough breath came out of her nostrils, and Ye Feiyue smiled disdainfully and said: "The old man is not your subordinate. If the old man really wants to kill someone, you don't need your approval!"

"what did you say?"

call! In an instant, Vincent's eyes were cold, and an incomparable horror aura immediately pressed on that night Feiyue.

Ye Feiyue's eyes trembled, and she suddenly felt that her body was completely frozen and she could no longer move a finger.

"This is..." "Black Wing Great Demon!"

Once again, gently shaking the red wine in the glass, Vincent stared at him intently, and said in a condescending manner: "Perhaps you were an invincible hero in the ancient times, but judging from the current situation, your time has passed. .

I can provide you with a place for old-age care, so that you can do something within your power, is pity for you.

If you don't know how to promote, and if you can do anything arbitrarily, I promise, you will regret escaping from the Brahma Realm of the Great Dream. "

Well! Ye Feiyue couldn't speak hard with a twitch of face.

Vincent didn't pay attention to him anymore, took back his momentum, and shouted: "Go back, this time I will forgive you for the time being, there is no next time.

Regarding a disobedient dog, even if this dog is fierce, and can look after the nursing home, I will never be soft. "

Gritting her teeth tightly, Ye Feiyue didn't say anything, or that she was already speechless, she could only leave the room with her head down.

It's just that the moment he left this room, he found that his entire back was wet.

Vincent's terrifying coercion made him seem to be facing the six elders in a trance.

Tsk tsk, the young people nowadays are really better than one another. It seems that the old man is really old and will be abandoned by this era, alas! Thinking of the Yang Feng she had encountered earlier, Ye Feiyue couldn't stop sighing and shook her head and left.

When Ye Feiyue was gone, Ying Longqian came in and bowed and said, "Chairman, everything is going well."

"Well, I got it."

Taking a sip of wine, Vincent murmured: "What's the attitude of that kid?

Is there a change? "

"With some changes, after he was attacked, he appeared a little flustered, and has always admired the president for his reasoning. Those local protoss who dare to oppose us are indeed a big hidden danger.

And he also said that this is not only a hidden danger for our people on earth, but also a hidden danger for the entire God Realm. "

The corner of his mouth turned slightly, and Vincent smiled: "No matter who the hidden danger is, as long as he feels that the opponent is an enemy, it is enough.

The biggest problem for that kid right now is that he hasn't fundamentally put these local protoss on the opposite side.

When he truly regards these people as enemies, he will definitely help me to wipe them out.

In other words, that kid is good, he deserves to be the first in the school.

With his conditions, coupled with our support, I believe that we will soon be able to reach the place where we want him to go. "

"Yes, this kid really lives up to expectations!"

With a slight smile, Ying Long said again: "Then President, what shall we do next?"

Gently shaking the wine glass, Vincent thought for a while, then smiled suddenly: "Anyway, this scene has been done, so it's better to do it to the end.

Going to attack those local Protoss, there are some advantages, hahaha! "

Vincent laughed loudly as he suffocated the red wine in his hand.

Therefore, in the next few days, the fellow townsmen of the ancient Protoss will mobilize a large number of contacts to stir up the matter, and report the True Gods to the Tiandao Judgment Division, causing a stir.

The realm controlled by the ancient gods began to avenge honestly, causing some local gods related to the true gods to suffer heavy losses.

The True God Society also refused to accept it, and held an internal meeting to prepare for revenge.

After listening to the opinions of all parties, the old president once again set his sights on Zhidoxing Wenliang: "That... what do you mean?"

"Let me ask first, did we do the animal life thing this time?"

After pondering a little, Wen Liang murmured.

The old president immediately shook his head like a rattle: "Impossible. After the Hungry Ghost Dao incident, the old man has severely restrained his men, and we have also suffered heavy losses. How can we create a brutal Dao in such a short time? What about moths?

I don't know which group of people did it. His ancient Protoss just suspected that it was us again, alas. "

"That is probably the thief shouting to catch the thief."

"what did you say?

Are you saying that this matter was self-directed and acted by their ancient Protoss? "

"Vincent, this guy, has always been good at calculations. This time I guess he wants to take advantage of the victory and chase him. Let's hit us again, ha ha ha."

bump! With a loud noise, the old president slapped the table fiercely and yelled: "It's simply unreasonable, deceiving people too much.

Last time we had given in so much, he actually had to make an inch?

This time he dared to plant up and frame up in such a fair manner, the old man would never let it go! "

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