Alien God System

Chapter 1911: Undercover

Zi Zi Zi! The gurgling green lines resemble caterpillars, winding up and down Ye Feiyue's body, even covering his face, just like a subway bus line.

Ye Feiyue was terrified in her heart, and wanted to transport the powerful soul power to force out the things in her body, but she suddenly discovered that at this moment, his whole body was completely stiff and could not move.


Who are you? "

The pupils flicked, Ye Feiyue stared at the green blade light that had suddenly emerged from her chest, and shouted heartbreakingly.

puff! With a muffled sound, Ye Feiyue’s chest burst directly, and green mucus came out like pus. A whole body of emerald green figure came out of him, with a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth, and a green dagger in his hand. He patted lightly on his cheek and said, "Swallow me?

You are so kind to swallow me, Jie Jie! "

" are..." "I'll introduce to you!"

At this time, the Emperor Soul Heaven coughed twice and solemnly said: "This is the descendant of another god, if you dare to touch him, then he will be his person in this life, and he will end up like the old man, ah."

"Master, I seem to be very dissatisfied with what you mean."

The green light on the whole body gradually converged, and Yang Feng changed back to what he was like, and gave him a sideways glance.

The Soul Tiandi smiled dumbly and shook his head: "No, no, I'm honored."

Ye Feiyue's pupils couldn't help but shrank severely, and suddenly wailed: "No..." After a quarter of an hour, everything returned to calm, Ye Feiyue sat on the ground with her eyes slumped in silence. Linguistic, a look of nothing to love.

Yang Feng took two steps in front of him, with a cheerful smile on his face: "You are now completely infected by me. As the strongest virus in the entire universe, I can tell you responsibly.

I now let you live for life, let you die for life, let you live better than death, you can't die if you want to die. This is the situation, what else do you want to say? "

"I have nothing to say."

The corners of her mouth slumped, and Ye Feiyue suddenly had an urge to cry: "The old man finally escaped from the Brahma realm of the big dream. He just wanted to find a place to hide, and after avoiding the limelight, he would come out again.

But who ever thought that he would be ruined for a lifetime if he could meet the demon of another god. "

"Don't be so pessimistic. Although you have changed from a boss to a part-time worker, my boss is still a good opponent.

As long as you are obedient, any benefits will not shorten you.

Otherwise, take a look at my master’s current treatment. Have I ever abused him?

I also trained him with the strongest divine body to help him resurrect. "

Hearing his words, Ye Feiyue looked at the Soul Heaven Emperor again, and saw that the Soul Heaven Emperor smirked at him and nodded reluctantly.

In fact, the most admired of these ancient monsters is a free life.

Even if Yang Feng didn't abuse them, but lost their unfettered life, they were still quite aggrieved.

But what can I do if I am dissatisfied?

When it fell into the hands of other gods, they basically said goodbye to the word freedom.

"My lord, I wonder if you have any orders?

Ye Feiyue went through fire and water, without hesitation. "

With a long breath, Ye Feiyue murmured.

Yang Feng grinned, and after a little thought, he came down solemnly: "Why did Vincent send you?

Is it just here to kill people? "

"Yes, completely cut off the clues of this brutal turmoil, so that everyone can't find it.

Even if some clues were found, it was done by a fugitive from a serious sentence and would not be implicated in the association of the same town. "

"Then you go back and tell Vincent that everything is going smoothly and all the mouths are gone, let him rest assured."


Ye Feiyue gave him a strange look, and the corner of Yang Feng's mouth curled up: "Go and stare at Vincent. I will contact you later if I have something to do."

"Yes, I understand."

After thinking a little, Ye Feiyue nodded lightly.

Then, Yang Feng asked Ye Feiyue to leave and went back to report, but before he could go far, Yang Feng stopped him again and said, "By the way, in the Brahma Realm of Da Meng, what characters are there?

Are there any subordinates or powers of other gods? "

"I don't know this. We were all suppressed alone, and no one knew what was going on inside.

But those who have this qualification to be locked into the Brahma Realm of the Big Dream are definitely not ordinary characters, at least they are level 200 demon. "

"Okay, I see, you go!"

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng waved his hand and sent Ye Feiyue away.

In fact, he wanted to inquire about the origin of that code.

Earlier, he saw a green code running out of the Brahma dream like a snake in the door of resurrection, and finally got into his body and disappeared.

Later, he searched in the body for a long time, but didn't find it. I don't know where he went.

It seems that even the people inside don't know the details.

Whoosh whoosh! Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air. It was Ying Long who was late with a group of beast gods, and happened to ran into the Black Wing Great Demon Ye Feiyue that was about to be evacuated.

The two sides immediately launched a fierce confrontation, but with Ye Feiyue's strength, coupled with Yinglong's release of water, Ye Feiyue soon broke through and disappeared.

Ying Long and others came to Yang Feng anxiously, but did not see the shadow of the Soul Heaven Emperor, and said concerned: "Yang Feng, are you okay?

What happened here just now?

Who is that escape? "

"Senior Ying Long, you are too timely.

Don't you know how dangerous it was just now, I was almost killed by them. "

Yang Feng pretended to be sincere and frightened, panting and saying, "Those people said they came to kill me, and they shouted some ancient dog. You escaped in Hungry Ghost Road last time. This time it's not that cheap."


That is to say, they are the same group of people who attacked Hungry Ghost Road last time? "


Nodded deeply, and Yang Feng said again: "Fortunately, you came in time. They evacuated as soon as the reinforcements arrived. One of the old men with two bat wings might be afraid of their low strength and could not escape. Kill them all.

You see, the remnants of the divine body here belong to those people. "

Well, as expected, there is no survival.

Turning his head and glanced at the black water on the ground, Ying Long nodded happily.

Even though the Black Wing Great Demon had a surly temperament, his strength was still leveraged, and he was reassuring to get things done.

Yang Feng squinted at him and smiled inwardly.

Ying Long thought a little more, and solemnly said, "Brother Yang Feng, these must be extremists from the local Protoss who are here to assassinate you again.

But you can rest assured that I will notify the chairman of the matter immediately. He will definitely find a way to ensure your safety. Who made us the same race? "

"Then there will be senior Lao Yinglong."

After spitting out a long breath, Yang Feng frowned and sighed: "Speaking of which, Lord President, he is right.

The extreme forces of these local protoss are not eliminated, not only for us on earth, but also for the entire God Realm. "

Ok! Nodded in agreement, Ying Long smiled triumphantly...

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