Alien God System

Chapter 1910: Poor man

"Who are you?

Why do you know so much about the old man? "

Ye Feiyue exclaimed after suffering a few heavy punches from the Emperor Soul Heaven.

The Soul Tiandi sneered coldly, and said sarcastically: "Who just said that the old man's baby can't help you?

You were bragging just now, now you want to beg for mercy?

It's late, hum! "


You are...the soul emperor! "


bump! With a loud shout, the Emperor Soul Tian made a flying kick, and immediately kicked Ye Feiyue's lower abdomen, kicking it out of the ground two miles instantly.

Wherever he went, the pitch-black space cracks turned into a staff, which was grabbed by Ye Feiyue bluntly by hand.

But even so, the speed at which he flew out did not slow down a bit, showing how great the strength of this Soul Heaven Emperor's kick was.

Yang Feng glanced in the distance, nodding his head in satisfaction.

This Chi You's 200-level Demon God's body, coupled with his own forging with the best refining materials of the Animal Dao, immediately refined this Demon God's body into the top flesh body of the Animal Dao.

If you want to fight for the power of God and Body now, even Ying Long, the top executive of the 200-level Animal Dao, can't match it, right?

And the main strength of the Soul Heaven Emperor is above the Divine Soul.

In this way, the strongest divine body plus the strongest divine soul, and the Soul Heaven Emperor was immediately built into the strongest man-made human by Yang Feng.

For such a powerful bodyguard, Yang Feng felt relieved to be able to protect him personally in the future.

"Black wings cover the sky!"

call! At this moment, Ye Feiyue yelled, and the ruins suddenly filled with endless darkness, covering the entire sky in an instant, and finally, like a pocket, it galloped forward, taking advantage of the entire package of the soul of the emperor, who was chasing after victory, but... puff! With a muffled sound, this endless darkness shattered a hole, and the Soul Heaven Emperor just waved it casually and broke the darkness.

"So strong defensive power!"

Her complexion tightened, Ye Feiyue gritted her teeth.

The Soul Tiandi looked at his waving wrist, and immediately laughed and said, "Good divine body, really high resistance.

The old man hadn't used the power of the soul, only with the body, the darkness of Ye Feiyue was swallowed to pieces.

If the old man uses the power of the soul, this old thing will not die without a place to be buried?

Hahaha! "

boom! With a frantic laughter, the Soul Heaven Emperor slammed, and powerful spirit power fluctuations sprayed out of the gods.

Under the union of soul and body, the aura of the Emperor Soul Heaven immediately reached a powerful height that the world could hardly reach.

Not only was the darkness swallowed by that night and the moon was completely dispelled, but even the entire animal life could not be shattered, and it was likely to collapse.

Feeling this unimaginable impact of energy, the beast gods of the whole animal life were shocked.

Who is this?

Could it release such a terrifying energy shock?

Could it be possible... Someone has already practiced his divine body to the extreme of animal life?

So that the entire plane of the animal life can't bear it?

"Blackwing Demon?"

Ying Long clenched his fists and gritted his teeth with anger.

The president asked him to be responsible for the finishing work, didn't he make him so swagger?

He is a wanted criminal who just escaped from the Brahma Realm of the Big Dream, so hesitate here?

Is it to recruit the Kabbah from the Asura Way?

It's really a headstrong bastard. If he hadn't had a case, he wouldn't be able to find us in his work. Who would use this kind of stuff, alas.

However, Ying Long has wronged Ye Feiyue this time.

Although Ye Feiyue was arrogant, it was obvious that he was not qualified to be arrogant this time.

At this moment, Ye Feiyue felt the now reborn powerful aura of the Soul Heaven Emperor, and she was also frightened with cold sweat on her forehead.

Ancient prisoners like them know each other well.

In the past, the Soul Heaven Emperor only relied on his powerful soul power, which was trained by his two supernatural abilities, the Soul Fusion Dafa and the Lust Secret Art, enough to be proud of their demon domain.

Now, people are not only powerful in their spirits, but also in their bodies. How can they be their opponents?

However, he was unwilling to admit defeat.

First of all, it is a matter of face. The boss who has come out must be strong even when he is weak. Otherwise, how can he recruit the younger brother?

Secondly, they know each other too much between these demon heads, and they are all cruel and cruel characters.

Either don't do it, and when you do it, you will put the other party to death.

I'm fighting with him now. If I admit defeat, it's dead. What should I do?

Ye Feiyue was so sad that her brows were condensed, but she suddenly heard a laugh from a distance.

"Master, my divine body trains you well, right?

Tell you, I have added a lot of precious refining materials to this divine body for you.

What anti-magic, anti-fire, anti-cold, anti-spiritual attack, etc., etc. are all added to you.

You are now a living peerless magic weapon. Basically, few people in the God Realm can hurt you a vellus hair, hahaha! "

Whoosh! Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and Yang Feng was blaming his ground skills, and a black shadow suddenly struck him.

Before he realized what was going on, he was swallowed by the black shadow.

"Hey, Ye Feiyue, what are you doing?"

Perceiving the movement below, the soul of the emperor lost his momentum and roared.

Ye Feiyue flashed her body, appeared from the dark shadow, and sneered: "Emperor Soul Heaven, I didn't expect you old fellow to find such a powerful body after he came back out of the rivers and lakes. The old man admires him."

"Stop talking nonsense, let me free that kid quickly, otherwise..." "How about it?"

Looking at the fast flying Soul Heaven Emperor, Ye Feiyue's mouth flicked an evil smile: "It seems that you still value you as a good apprentice.

That being the case, then you let me go, I promise not to hurt him a single hair. "


Do you still want to hurt his hair? "

Rolling his eyes, the Soul Tiandi sneered unconsciously and said: "Old man, I advise you to release him to me as soon as possible, otherwise a catastrophe is imminent, and I can't protect you!"

"Do you dare to threaten me?"

With a cold complexion, Ye Feiyue immediately said viciously: "Do you believe it or not I will put your precious apprentice in my black water now, so that there is no scum left?"

Shaking his head with a wry smile, the Emperor Soul couldn't help sighing: "Ye Feiyue, you are doing death!"

"Emperor Soul Heaven, the tone is too big, right?

Even if your husband's strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, it may not be so easy to kill me. "

"Yes, it's not that easy for me, but it's hard for others to say."

"other people?

Who? "

"Hey, my good apprentice!"

The Soul Heaven Emperor pointed at his body and sneered: "When I took the initiative to fight with you, did you want to kill you?

I'm saving you, idiot.

If you start with my apprentice, I'm afraid you don't even know how to die. "


Ye Feiyue was puzzled. After taking a deep look at him, the Emperor Soul Tian sighed, "It's a pity, I couldn't stop it after all.

You, you will regret touching him. "


Ye Feiyue couldn't help being even more confused, but with a muffled sound, a green blade suddenly protruded from his chest.

Ye Feiyue's body shrank, and her pupils shrank fiercely: "Why... how could..." "Hey, it's hopeless!"

Shaking his head, the Soul Heaven Emperor stroked his forehead and turned his head, as if he couldn't bear to look any more.

Another big **** from the gods who was enslaved by other gods, poor man, tut...

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