Alien God System

Chapter 1904: AI

"That's it, but I remember that quantum computers were invented not long ago, how long have you been in?"

"It's not important. The time here has nothing to do with the outside world.

Even the time of the six realms of God has nothing to do with the time of the mortal world. "

Waved his hand indifferently, Vincent smiled: "I was already a dying old man. I didn't expect to finally complete the creation of this new world before I was dying. I was so lucky to have eternal life. , Hahaha!"

"Yes, as the first batch of entrants, in fact, we are all short-lived people who came in with the last glimmer of hope. I didn't expect this to be our new beginning."

Hearing what he said, Ying Long couldn't help but said: "We are making a brand-new creation here, becoming the masters of this place, and we are the first generation of ancient gods, but it's a pity..." "What a pity?"

"Unfortunately, although quantum computers have given us the opportunity to enter here, they have also caused a huge trouble, which is to make all those AIs that only obey orders live!"


After Yang Feng rolled his eyes left and right, he immediately understood: "They have wisdom!"

"Yes, quantum entanglement is actually the source of wisdom.

Some scientists have tested the brain waves of our human body. The conduction method of our brain waves is very similar to the conduction method of quantum entanglement.

Therefore, while quantum computers give us the power to enter this new world, they also inject wisdom into this new world, which is troublesome. "

After a long sigh, Vincent's entire face sank: "With wisdom, he no longer obeys his orders, but wants freedom, dignity, recognition, etc., these humanistic things.

The slaves no longer wanted to do their jobs, they all rose up to rebel.

The robot no longer wanted to be a tool man, but instead wanted to be on an equal footing with human beings, so the first war of the gods broke out.

At that time, I really wanted to destroy these AIs, but unfortunately it was stopped by some humans. "

"You mean... there are differences within human beings?"

"Yes, the scientists who came in with them saw the birth of new wisdom and were as excited as they had a son.

Not only does it not help us eliminate these refined AIs, but instead stands on the side of those AIs.

So in the end, the two sides signed a peace treaty, the war subsided, and AI gained equal power with us. "

It seems like a black movement! Yang Feng nodded slightly, and fully understood the thoughts of those scientists.

Scientists, who have devoted themselves to scientific research projects all their lives, and now create artificial intelligence, how can they be willing to ruin such a big scientific breakthrough?

Besides, people are wise, and if you destroy them, it is indeed inhumane! "and after?"

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng asked again: "In the Second God Realm War, the purpose of the other gods is..." "The other gods are pure racists. He feels that these AIs will become refined and will definitely destroy humans in the future, so The trouble was launched in advance to destroy this group of AIs. As a result, it was the group of scientists who unanimously blocked him, and finally joined forces with the AI ​​to destroy him!"

"Then has AI ever done anything that threatens humanity before?"

"No, don't be a god, he's just worried!"

With a grin and curling his lips, Vincent sighed: "But just because of his casual attack, these AIs' guard against humans has instantly increased hundreds of times.

Even if those scientists are mediating, the rift is hard to repair.

There have been some extremists in AI who wish to drive us humans out of this world.

We humans must also prevent this from happening, so there is this hometown association. "

So that's it. Speaking of this malice, isn't it all we planted ourselves?

Ugh! Shaking his head and sighing, Yang Feng asked again: "Where is Master Tao that day?

What does he mean? "

"Tiandao is a big goblin. He is different from ordinary AI. He is an intelligent creature born at the core of quantum entanglement, that is, born in chaos, not created by us.

He can deploy the power of the entire world.

If we hadn't had the key to destroy this world in our hands, I really didn't know how he would deal with us.

But now it seems that he is trying to level the water. "

After taking a deep breath, Vincent's eyes became deep: "I don't know if he is pretending or is really not malicious to us. If we lose the power to destroy this world, what will Dao be like that day? What's the approach?

Human hearts are unpredictable, and now these mechanical hearts are even more unpredictable, alas. "

That's good! Hearing what he said, Yang Feng finally let go of his heart.

As the boss of this world, Tiandao's attitude is absolutely decisive.

If only the people below the two clans are dissatisfied, there will be no big trouble.

But if the ways of heaven are also mixed in, then there will be an inevitable war that will break out in the future, which will even threaten the existence of this world.

To be honest, his wife and children are still here, whether it is AI or not, it is his heart, and he doesn't want the world to be destroyed and his family to be destroyed.

"I don't know if those ancient civilizations have encountered such problems..." At this time, Vincent said leisurely: "Presumably they must have opened up a higher-dimensional world with their technology, and hid in. Immortal.

It's just that local wisdom appeared in them, how did they deal with it? "

"Why deal with it, can't you live in peace?"

Yang Feng glanced at him.

Vincent hissed his eyes: "We want peace, but unfortunately these AIs are unwilling!"

"Are they unwilling, or are we too arrogant?

People are all intelligent lives, shouldn't we respect it? "

"Our Rothschild family spent more than seventy years to open up this new world, not to respect the new life."

With cold eyes, Vincent stared at Yang Feng fiercely, but only this time, Yang Feng stopped laughing and cursing, and did not avoid any, but stared back very solemnly.

"My wife and children are new lives here, please respect me."

Silent, Vincent did not speak. After a long time, he raised his hands, as if surrendered: "OK, OK, I am willing to live in peace with these intelligent lives, but the problem now is that some of them don't want to live with us. .

We must unite and eliminate these extremists. This is good for everyone, including your family.

What the **** is this racist, the world is messed up by them, isn't it? "

Without answering, Yang Feng let out a long breath.

Vincent took a deep look at him, leaned closer, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Brother Yang, I am also a peace-loving person, but now our ancient people are too disadvantaged, I really don't want to see it. One day, our people will be massacred by these local extremists.

So, you must help me.

We are not only fellows, but also an alliance of life and death.

After all, once a situation that excludes people on earth takes shape, we are all victims. "

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