Alien God System

Chapter 1905: Different road non-phase plan

Vincent said this sentence very sincerely, with a state of worrying about the country and the people, and Yang Feng was almost moved by him.

However, what he said was indeed reasonable, and after nodding slightly, Yang Feng began to discuss with him.

After the two chatted for more than an hour, Vincent said with joy: "With the help of Brother Yang, I think our earth migration plan will be realized soon.

When I think that all people on earth can escape the pain of birth, old age, sickness and death, I feel very relieved. "

"I hope the people on earth and the locals here can live together peacefully."

"that's for sure!"

With a faint smile, Vincent said again: "By the way, now that we are done talking about business, Brother Yang might as well walk around in our club and get acquainted with the elders in hometown."

"I'm thinking about it, so I'll be out of company!"

Smiling and nodding, Yang Feng turned and left the private room. Vincent smiled all the way, but when Yang Feng's back disappeared, his entire face suddenly sank.

"Unexpectedly, such a three-book college student is quite ambitious, world peace?

by! "

"If he is the same as us, he probably won't be in the God Realm, hahaha!"

Ying Long chuckled lightly, with a strange glow in his eyes: "He has been favored by Lu Chengfeng, Ksitigarbha, and other local protoss along the way, and he is destined to be different from us."

"Yeah, just like us, they are either directly blocked in the human world and cannot get up; or even if they get up, they will be suppressed by layers and cannot enter the high level of the gods.

To put it bluntly, it is the examiners who pass the examination. Half of them are from the local Protoss. They don't just let in people like us.

This baby can satisfy both parties. "

After smoking another cigarette, Vincent frowned slightly, but soon laughed again: "Why do you think these three college students have so much humanism?

Ever since my Rothschild family ruled the earth with a currency economy, everyone is desperately living for money, even those rich people who have made a lot of money, subconsciously are all around money.

It's really rare for this kid to have the aspirations of some ancient righteous men.

Such people are extinct on the earth, right?

At least none of the lawyers, doctors, and politicians who came before dared to talk to me like that, hum. "

"For every dog ​​slaughter in Zongyi, perhaps the simplest beliefs handed down in ancient times are buried deep in the bottom of society. The high-levels have long been corrupted. Therefore, with the exception of our previous batches of ancient people, we will be evaluated from the mortal world. There is no earth elite who enters here.

They are so utilitarian that the local Protoss simply looks down on them. "

"So, there is a problem with the values ​​here!"

With cold eyes, Vincent squinted: "There is no money operation system on the earth here, and many people don't care about money anymore. So my Rothschild family is still playing a shit?

One day, I will turn all the rules here into money rules.

This world is still ruled by my Rothschild family, everyone...Uh no, all gods are chess pieces in our hands, hum. "

Click! With a tight fist, Vincent crushed the cigar in his hand.

Ying Long looked at his firm face deeply, silently.

"I tell you, I followed Professor Alex in the university."


The world's number one professor of economics?

I have been taking his master's degree for five or six years, but he hasn't accepted it. Can you actually worship him? "

"What makes me worship at his door?

He ran to my house and asked me to study for a master's degree in economics under him. "

Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation outside the door. Vincent couldn't help but stared at each other with Ying Long, walked to the door, opened a gap, looked outside, but saw that Yang Feng was already talking with a group of people. Harvard alumni brag about it.

"Do you know that I wrote half of the paper he won the Nobel Prize in Economics this year."

"No way, how is it possible?

Did you sign the paper? "

"Of course not, otherwise the prize will become a double."

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng screamed, because they couldn’t prove the falsehood, he was right in everything he said: "The old man has a good relationship with our family. After this paper is written, he thinks it will be a sensation in the world, so he wanted one. People are occupied, please don't poke this out."

"Can you agree to this?

This Nobel Prize can be left in history. "

"What's this?

I'm still young and there are so many opportunities to win.

It is a trivial matter to take it once a year from now on.

But this old man has been living well in the past few years. It's rare to beg me so quietly, so I will reluctantly let him.

As compensation, he also introduced the world's top 100 corporate giants on Wall Street and asked me to be their economic adviser, earning tens of billions of dollars in revenue every year.

In fact, I don't take these seriously. The key is the old man's favor. I am a man of affection and righteousness, and you must have seen it. "

Wow! All the alumni present were stunned, each one was dumbfounded and admired again and again.

Vincent and Ying Long both opened their mouths in a daze. After a little while, Vincent couldn't help cursing: "I just said that this kid has the humanistic feelings of the ancients, he has great ambitions, and is a character with conviction. , Turning around, I was kidnapped and deceived. I really couldn't understand him.

Is he fame and fortune as dung? "

"People's choices change all the time, just like a quantum entangled state. You never know whether the final answer is 0 or 1.

This is probably wisdom. "

Ying Long smiled slightly, and Vincent narrowed his eyes lightly: "Try to find a way to beat him, I must get a definite answer from him, not the uncertainty of quantum entanglement!"

Yes! Nodded, Ying Long understood.

Yang Feng was farting with a group of fake alumni, Hu He, and he was very busy, but the corner of his eye was staring at Vincent.

For this Vincent, Yang Feng is extremely careful.

Although everyone is from the same hometown of the earth, the values ​​are quite different.

Yang Feng studied Jin Yong since he was a child, and he yearned for chivalry; Vincent was born in the world's top giants, and he studied emperor's skills since childhood, using money to control the world.

The two are fundamentally different in Tao and do not seek each other.

And from the talks just now, Yang Feng also heard what he meant. He wanted to build this place into a second earth, but Yang Feng wanted to turn this place into a new world better than the earth.

In fact, the two sides should have broken up long ago, but now they still need each other, so they will unite for the time being.

But Yang Feng knew that they looked good, and sooner or later parted ways.

Before that, Yang Feng would take advantage of the contradiction between the earthlings and the local protoss to grow himself, and first form a three-legged trend, so that he has the right to speak, not a **** in the eyes of others.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng turned his head and looked at the private room, facing Ying Long's eyes at the door, the two smiled together, so gentle...

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