Alien God System

Chapter 1903: Rothschild family

The whereabouts of the ancient civilization... Yang Feng is still a little confused: "Where did they go?

Do you understand? "

"Yes, they are soaring!"

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Vincent smiled: "This kind of teleportation has always been regarded as a legend of ancient strange people and strange things, no one has seen it with his own eyes.

However, the Philadelphia experiment showed that the space where our earth is located is not as simple as the three-dimensional space we think.

It's just that the dimension we are in is too low, and we still don't understand the spatial structure of this world.

And things can teleport, which proves that our space has other dimensions. The humans of ancient civilizations did not fly to the sky or escape, but were hidden in other dimensions. This is the fairyland. "

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng understood: "What happened then?"

"Later, my family invested heavily in research on higher-dimensional space exploration, and then von Neumann invented the computer!"

"What does the computer have to do with the fairy world?"

"One yin and one yang are for Tao, which is passed down from the Book of Changes.

And your Huaxia Cultivation Cheats is also based on the Book of Changes.

The computer invented by von Neumann is a binary world based on 0 and 1, which is actually the way of Yin and Yang in the Book of Changes.

Von Neumann has always believed that the binary world is similar to the fairy world. As long as the binary world continues to develop, the gate of the fairy world will be found. "

An excited smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and Vincent gradually became excited: "And the truth is also true. With the development of this binary world, computers that originally only had computing functions have finally become today's huge network world.

In this online world, everyone can create everything in the original material world, and even directly copy the entire material world to the online world. It’s easy.

Isn't this the Taoist principle of the beginning of the chaos, one life two, two life three, three life all things? "

Yang Feng was shocked when he heard it, Ying Long patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "Don't you like playing online games?

But do you know the original purpose of online games?

To create the world! "

"Yes, the world's largest game companies are actually funded by our family. From the beginning of stand-alone modeling to the current online game Unicom, it is to develop this binary world."

Nodding his head, Vincent said again: "Yang Feng, no matter how bad your history is, you should roughly understand how fast the current Internet development is compared to the development of previous eras.

The feudal era has developed for thousands of years, and the mechanical era after the industrial revolution has developed for hundreds of years.

But the Internet age has only been a few decades.

Regardless of the emergence of new technologies, or the development of new technologies, our family strongly promotes them behind the scenes.

To put it bluntly, this ever-changing era was created by our family. "

Wow, then your family is really awesome! Cancan smiled, and Yang Feng murmured, "Then I don't know if the noble family is..." "My full name, Vincent Rothschild!"


Could it be that..." "Yes, the legendary first family in the world, the Rothschild family, controls the overlord of the entire world. "

With a slight smile, Vincent triumphantly raised his chin: "The world's three major organizations, the Freemasonry, the Illuminati and the Skull and Bones, are all in the hands of our Rothschild family.

My mother once said that as long as my sons want world peace, there will be no war in this world.

But my sons want to have fun, then the world is bound to be raged.

This is not alarmist talk, we have this strength. "

No wonder, the president of the World Bank is so jealous of him, because he is the boss in his hometown.

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng felt that this was the real big man, and that the president was weak.

Then, Vincent put down the cigar in his hand and said: "Maybe it is because we are at the top in our hometown, so we set our goal in the new world.

But as this new world becomes more and more perfect, there is one problem that cannot be solved. "

"what is the problem?"

"Human consciousness transmission problem!"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Vincent said leisurely: "The secrets of cultivating immortals handed down in ancient times are to abandon the physical body and become immortal, that is, to transmit the consciousness and memory of human beings to a new dimension to ensure immortality.

The body can decay, but the spirit will last forever. This is our human immortal plan. "

"Yes, the whole world has been doing its best to develop online games for the past two decades. Do you think it's just a game?

Wrong, that is to pave the way for humans to emigrate to the new world.

With the development of online game technology, human spiritual power and the Internet are becoming more and more closely integrated. Eventually, human beings will abandon the physical body and transmit all consciousness and memory to the Internet.

Like the current VR games, it is only for humans to experience it in advance, so as not to be unacceptable. "

Ying Long added: "When all human beings have arrived in this world of consciousness, without physical constraints, they can create whatever they want, which is equivalent to reaching heaven. This is the immortal world that people yearn for.

However, this two-dimensional world is still different from human consciousness. Scientists inventing AI intelligent systems are actually exploring the source of wisdom.

When this problem is solved, human beings can truly enter the network. "

"Has that been resolved?"

Yang Feng asked expectantly.

Vincent and Ying Long glanced at each other, and both chuckled slightly: "Of course, otherwise, why would we be here?"

"You mean... this world is actually the online world?"

"It can be regarded as, but not all. When you first came to this world, did you think it was a game world?"

"Yeah, I see everyone has a level mark on their head, I thought they were in the game."

Busy nodded, Yang Feng thought for a while and then said: "But the people here are just like ordinary people with a frown, and I'm getting used to it!"

"Even if you adapt, it is also an artificial intelligence, NPC, not the same as us, including your wives, and these local protoss."


You mean, my wife is a robot? "

"That can't be said, after all, is there wisdom?"

He smiled and shook his head, Vincent's face gradually became solemn: "This world was originally built with a mature game template, and it is no different from other online games, and our human consciousness cannot be transmitted here until another one. The success of the new technology has made this world a real world where we can fly."

"What technology?"

"The quantum computer is successfully developed!"

His eyes were certain suddenly, Vincent smiled and said: "This is a great invention, and it finally fully interprets the true meaning of Dao as one yin and one yang.

Although previous computers were binary, 0 and 1 existed separately and could not be merged.

This is different from the blending of yin and yang, and it is also different from the consciousness energy of our brain waves.

However, quantum computers can create a quantum entangled state effect, making this world completely alive, with the ability to generate wisdom, and our consciousness can enter this world. "

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