Alien God System

Chapter 1422: Consequences of rage

Boom! There was a thunderous explosion, and the terrifying shock wave overturned the entire prison cell, and a group of prisoners and jailers were blown away.

The entire prison instantly became an open-air plaza.

Luo Yinghao, Yun Ying, and Sima Changfeng were also forced to retreat a hundred meters away. After standing still, they looked forward and saw that at this moment, Kuang Lingyun was already lying hard and bloody. On the ground, Yang Feng was gloomy.

The prisoners and jailers who fell into the distance looked at this smoke billowing, all inexplicable, what's wrong?

Only the person's condition was Lingyun, and his heart was both frightened and shocked.

He couldn't believe that the Patriarch of Yang Feng, a second-rate family, had such terrible strength. Even the existence of his martial king who could almost walk sideways in the spirit world was so easily, like a little chicken. , Was seriously injured by him.

What he couldn't believe even more was that this scumbag really dared to do something to him, a superb family prince, and he was so unkind.

Suddenly, Kuang Lingyun was angry, blood was vomiting at the corners of his mouth, raised his head arduously, and stared at Yang Feng above his head viciously, gritted his teeth and said: "The surname is Yang, you are so bold that you dare to shoot at me?

You are finished, your Xiongfeng Mansion is finished, our state family will razor you to the ground, not a single inch of grass..." "Tianma Meteor Foot! "

bump! But before he finished speaking, Yang Feng had already jumped straight, with his feet close together, and stomped fiercely on his big face.

But when the explosion resounded once again, the entire prison boundary was billowed with smoke again. When the gun smoke cleared and Yang Feng walked down from his face, the son of Kuang had already slanted his mouth, his face changed beyond recognition, and he kept flowing. Up.

There were tears in his originally stubborn little eyes, and his mouth was still muttering: "Why is this son of a super-first-class family who is such a second-rate slut..." "What are you talking about?"

Yang Feng's eyes were cold, and he squinted at him.

Kuang Lingyun shuddered, and immediately shut up in fright. He didn't dare to speak anymore. Only the arrogant little eyes still glanced away unyieldingly, no longer dared to look directly at Yang Feng.

Seeing this, Luo Yinghao couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

In this case, among the younger generation of a super-class family, my brother is a famous temperament and defender of old rules.

As a result, I never expected that now that I was in Brother Yang's hands, I really couldn't get up, ha ha.

Yunying stared blankly for a long time, and finally reacted, screaming and pointing at Yang Feng again and again: "Yang Feng, you are so bold, you dare to treat Mr. Kuang so brutally.

Do you know how big a sin is to shoot at a superb family son?

You are over, you are completely over now.

Not only your Yang family is over, but your entire Xiongfeng Mansion is over..."Huh?

When Yang Feng moved his ears, he looked back at the fly chewing his tongue and hummed softly, "Noisy!"

call out! As soon as the voice fell, Yang Feng was already in a flash, and he came to Yunying's side, and before he could react, he grabbed his collar and returned to Kuang Lingyun for a short while before touching the ground. He lay sideways on the ground.

Yunying lay on the dusty ground on her side, and Lingyun lay side by side with the situation, her eyes were all confused: "How did I come here?

How did I lie down?

Who can tell me? "

"You don't need to know, you just have to remember this trick, Pegasus Meteor Foot, ha!"

Suddenly, Yang Feng's words sounded, and then two big feet descended from the sky side by side.

bump! There was another loud noise that shook the whole world. Yang Feng moved away the soles of his feet leisurely, only to see a bloody, unrecognizable face under his feet, and even his mouth and teeth were lost in half. Son, it's that Yunying, no doubt.

At this moment, Yunying and Kuang Lingyun are really hard brothers, they looked at each other side by side, the corners of their mouths collapsed, and they were about to cry.

The two of them, one is the son of a first-class family, and the other is the son of a super-class family. They are the pinnacle of power in this world.

As a result, today, being abused by the head of a second-rate family in broad daylight is truly unprecedented and shameful.

The hearts of the two of them were full of raging flames burning, but as soon as they saw Yang Feng's cold smile above their heads, they all shivered together, extinguishing the small flames in their hearts.

"Crazy, you give me crazy again!"

Staring at the two arrogantly, Yang Feng smiled and said contemptuously: "What kind of first-class family, super first-class family, in the eyes of Lao Tzu, it is rubbish.

I was going to step on you, but I didn't find you. You should be thankful, but in the end you dare to find it yourself?

Do you know what moths fighting the fire mean? "

Well! With their mouths shrunk, both of them stared at Yang Feng fiercely, but their eyes were full of deep fear.

They know now, this girl is a lunatic.

Otherwise, who would dare normal people to press the two of them on the ground and keep rubbing?

Only this crazy man who has lost his mind can dare to do such a disregard of the overall situation.

Thinking about this, Yunying quietly put her hands behind her, and suddenly a red ball appeared. Then, when Yang Feng was not paying attention, she hurriedly aimed at the sky and squeezed the ball hard.

call out! The sphere shattered, and a red light was shot out from it. It went straight for nine days, and finally burst open suddenly, becoming a splendid firework.

Yang Feng looked up and looked at it, but Yunying couldn't help but laughed up to the sky: "Yang Feng, you are dead this time, the one billion army that my son has arranged outside your city will be here soon.

Your Xiongfeng Mansion will soon be wiped out, hahaha! "

Hahaha... Hearing this, Kuang Lingyun on the side couldn't help but laughed up to the sky, his eyes full of sarcasm when he looked at Yang Feng.

But Yang Feng still didn't care and stared at them coldly.

In a short while, a powerful aura approached the Xiongfeng Mansion. Sima Changfeng and the others looked at it, frowning and shouting: "Old General Dugu, you immediately assemble the army and prepare to fight..." Hush! But his voice hasn't died yet, Yang Feng has already shaken his body, and three streams of light fly into the sky immediately.

Outside the capital of Xiongfeng Mansion, the Yun Family's billion army approached the city. Suddenly, the three streams of light had reached three locations around them, transforming into three huge behemoths.

The general of the army was shocked and said, "What is it?"

Whoosh whoosh! Suddenly, the three spirit beasts spit out the spirit beast bullets of their respective attributes from their mouths.

The entire army of billions hadn't realized what was going on, it was hit by three spirit beast bullets, and then heard a loud bang, the entire army was annihilated by the huge energy explosion of the thunder flame, with a terrible sound. No calls were made.

The terrifying roar almost shattered the entire world, and Sima Changfeng and others were shocked to see this.

Only Yang Feng, still pouring his mouth in disdain, looked down at the two noble sons below with a cold face, and sarcastically said: "Who did you just say is going to be wiped out?

Two things of unknown depth, hum! "

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