Alien God System

Chapter 1421: Open

Quiet, the scene entered a deathly silence.

Yunying opened her mouth wide, dumbfounded.

Yang Feng couldn't help but snickered and teased: "I said Mr. Kuang, you just kept teaching me not to commit the following crimes, but to understand the rules.

But Young Master Yun by your side doesn't seem to know exactly what it means to be superior and inferior! How dare to laugh at Lord Luo's dress?

As Lord Luo, even if he wears a prison uniform, he is still a dragon robe, how come he becomes a grandson?

Ha ha ha! "

"Hey, you, you..." The corners of her mouth twitched, and Yunying was so scared that she was trembling all over her body. He was almost dead, but his heart was still full of confusion, and then he made sure: "King Kuang Kuang... , Are you really sure, this person is a superb family son?

Why are you a prisoner? "

You ask me, who am I going to ask?

Without paying attention to him, Kuang Lingyun just stared at Yang Feng fiercely and said: "Yang Feng, you are so brave, you dare to imprison a super-class master, don't you want to live?"

"He committed a crime here, and he deserves to go to jail.

As the local governor, it is my duty to maintain legal justice. "

Holding his head solemnly, Yang Feng said seriously.

When Sima Changfeng and others who followed here saw this, they all nodded secretly and respected.

The so-called leaders have the kinds of subordinates.

This Xiongfeng Mansion, precisely because Yang Feng is upright and leading by example, officials from top to bottom will be honest and selfless.

But Kuang Lingyun was already mad, and when he stepped on his feet, he slapped Yang Feng with an unparalleled aura. He was actually a master in the late first stage of Martial King.

bump! However, as a loud noise fell, his resentful palm did not reach Yang Feng at all, but was stopped by a white palm.

Looking around, that person is no one else, but Luo Yinghao is no doubt.

"Guys, what are you doing?

I'm not dead, so rushing to avenge me?

The relationship between us doesn't seem to be that close, hahaha! "

Luo Yinghao grinned, his eyes gleaming.

Yang Feng looked at him strangely: "Hey, when you were in jail, your cultivation base was not sealed?"

"I'm a master of Wu Wang anyhow, in your second-rate family, how can anyone seal my cultivation base?

Besides, our super-class family has a lot of secret methods for unblocking, so it is not so easy to be caught, hehehe. "

Luo Yinghao raised his eyebrows to Yang Feng, smiling evilly.

Kuang Lingyun stared at him ferociously: "Brother Luo, you let go, I want to maintain the majesty of our super-class family.

This stinky boy is so bold that he dares to detain the son of a super-class family.

If this Xiongfeng Mansion is not razed to the ground, it would be difficult to shock Xiaoxiao like him in the world. "

"Oh, he didn't detain me, but I voluntarily come in and experience it."

"This is your business!"

There was a rough breath from his nostrils, Kuang Lingyun's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he said coldly: "Brother Luo plays the world, he can play whatever he wants.

But these ordinary people, ant-like untouchables, dare to push their noses and grab you into this prison, but they are ignorant and must be killed without mercy! "

Hearing what he said and looking at his decisive eyes, Luo Yinghao was speechless for a while.

Snapped! But he didn't have time to speak again, Yang Feng slapped Na Kuang Lingyun's face with a slap, and instantly slapped him a small mountain bag.

Wu Di, Kuang Lingyun was stupid, Yunying was stupid, Sima Changfeng and the others were all stunned.

How is this going?

Is Yang Feng really the opposite?

Actually, even the son of a super-class family dared to beat him with his hands. Is it really broken and broken?

Only when Luo Yinghao smiled bitterly, knowing that Yang Feng had two spirit beasts, his strength was unfathomable, and he was qualified to keep pace with the evil gods, that would not put them in the eyes of the super-class family.

But Kuang Lingyun didn't know this.

At this moment, he only felt that his cheeks were sore, and his heart was full of grievances that he had never felt before.

Today he was slapped by a secular untouchable, which is an unprecedented shame! " dare to hit me?"

The corners of his mouth couldn't stop twitching, Kuang Lingyun glared at Yang Feng fiercely, making his forehead violent with anger.

Yang Feng looked at him contemptuously, and said with disdain: "What happened to you?

I’m telling you, I’m telling you, I just saw you not pleasing to your eyes and wanted to beat you, but I just kept holding back and didn’t do it! And the reason to endure you is not because you are handsome, do you think you are really handsome?

In front of Lao Tzu, where did you have the courage to make a handsome word?

I'm afraid that you have a good relationship with Brother Luo, so I brought you to see you, don't accidentally hurt the little brother. In the end, you kid...Tsk tsk, it is really unbearable! "

"By the way, Brother Luo, how is his relationship with you normally?

Can I beat him? "

With that, Yang Feng looked at Luo Yinghao again.

Luo Yinghao smiled brilliantly and murmured: "Brother Yang, I have a normal relationship with this kind of brother, mainly because of disagreement..." "Normal?

This is what you said, don't lie to me, this is not the time to make a joke.

I am a man who separates friends and enemies, and I have a sense of measure with my brothers, but I don’t keep my hands with the enemy. Don’t let me kill him at that time. If you cry and grab the ground, then it’s none of my business. ? "

"Uh..." His face twitched slightly, Luo Yinghao scratched his head, and said with a dry smile: "Um... let's be more merciful. Brother Kuang, he is usually a little axis, not that nonsense... "He just said he would destroy my entire Xiongfeng Mansion. Isn't he doing anything wrong?"

With his eyes wide open, Yang Feng spit out an anger from his nostrils, and shouted: "He sees that I am not pleasing to the eye, so he can just rush to me, and he will involve my entire Xiongfeng Mansion people at every turn. What's wrong?

silence! Luo Yinghao touched his nose, speechless, and finally looked at Kuang Lingyun complainingly: "You said you are okay, why are you so involved?

The innocent people provoke you to provoke you, do you have to bring them all with you?

This is over. My first feeling after staying in Xiongfeng Mansion for half a year is that Brother Yang loves the people like a child.

Now if you threaten him with his children, it's no wonder if he doesn't beat him to death? "

"What, he beat me?

Dare he? "

Kuang Lingyun curled his mouth in disdain, with a jealous look, and at the same time, his body shook suddenly, and his arm suddenly flicked away. Luo Yinghao who was in front of him was pushed aside, and he rushed towards Yang Feng again without fear of death.

"Yang Feng, you brave bones, your presumptuousness has broken through the bottom line of this son, now even if Brother Luo and Miss Yan both intercede for you, they can't save you."

Huh! With that said, Kuang Lingyun's unmatched punch at the level of King Wu was already directly hit.

When Yunying saw it, she was overjoyed. Now this Yang surnamed has no place to be buried, but it's...puff! There was a muffled sound, and everyone hadn't realized what was going on. Yang Feng had already jumped around, and when he reached the side of Kuang Lingyun, he grabbed his hair.

So fast, light repairer! Kuang Lingyun's heart twitched, and his eyes began to wander around, thinking about the solution strategy, but Yang Feng gave him so much time to think about it.

With a loud noise on the ground, Yang Feng already grabbed his hair and threw it to the ground...

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