Alien God System

Chapter 1423: Shenwei

Uhhhhhhhhh... the one-billion-dollar army of the first-class family at least contains thousands of powerful kings, but in an instant, they were completely wiped out, their souls scattered, and Sima Changfeng and others were dumbfounded.

Especially the two old generals of Dugu Zhantian, now Palace Master Yang can kill such a huge enemy army by himself, and none of them can run away. What do they want?

They are unemployed! Luo Yinghao's pupils protruded, his face twitched, his eyes almost didn't pop out, and his mouth kept murmuring: "Even... three?"

That's right, when Luo Yinghao parted with Yang Feng, he knew that he had conquered the Lei Beast and had the ticket to enter the super-class family.

But what I never thought was that seeing you after more than a year, this girl actually refined two more spirit beasts.

At this time, the three spirit beasts became one, and even in a super-class family, they were the ultimate powerhouses standing on top.

At the very least, as far as he knew, even in many super-class families, there were very few seniors who could refine three spirit beasts by one person, absolutely no more than ten.

After all, the more spirit beasts there are, the greater the burden on oneself, and it is easy to be bitten back, but this kid... Luo Yinghao kept smacking his lips and could not speak.

In that case, Ling Yun trembled even more, completely dumbfounded.

"Three... how could it be three?

A mere second-rate family palace master, actually has three spirit beasts beside him?

how is this possible? "

He is also the son of a superb family, and he naturally understands what this means.

A master with three spirit beasts, even in a super first-class family, is also a top powerhouse that has not been produced for tens of thousands of years.

Such a monster, even if any super-class family is unwilling to provoke it easily, but today he...suddenly, never before, Kuang Lingyun deeply regrets his reckless behavior! As for Yunying, she was completely crying at this time.

One billion, their Yun family's one billion elite soldiers and strong generals who maintained the stability of the Yunzhou land, disappeared so easily, and he was so distressed! Also, where did the three monsters surnamed Yang find so terrifying?

It's too shabby! Is this what a second-rate family should have?

How can I manage the Yun family?


Until the three spirit beasts turned into three streamers and returned to Yang Feng's body, everyone came back to their senses.

It's just that at this moment, people's eyes on Yang Feng have changed. There is reverence, fear, surprise, fear, and so on.

Yang Feng ignored the other people, but coldly looked down at the two delinquents below, seeing them trembling all over, and their hearts were trembling, before leaning down, grabbing their heads and saying: "You These two bastards, originally I went out for a year to go home, and I was in a good mood, but you just came to ruin my mood and forced me to beat you personally. Do you think you are cheap?"

bump! As he said, Yang Feng shook their heads down, and immediately knocked them to death.

"And..." Then, Yang Feng said again: "I am always a gentleman, scholarly and polite.

As a result, you have to let me be rough today and destroy my good impression among the people. Do you know how much you have hit my reputation? "


Are you scholarly and polite? "

bump! Yunying was taken aback, looked at him in surprise, but was slammed directly by Yang Feng, and the two of them knocked their heads and bleed again, and their eyes rolled white.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Feng continued: "I am a person who has always eaten and recites Buddhism, a pacifist, and is determined to create a harmonious society with sunny and positive energy.

But what about you guys?

If I didn't force me to kill people, I did so many murders. It's really Amitabha, sins and sins, you are going to hell! "

"Eating fast and reciting Buddha?

What do you mean? "

Yunying was already smashed and stunned.

Kuang Lingyun was still a little awake, murmured: "I have a few Buddhist scriptures handed down from ancient times, but none of them are yours.

Didn't the Buddha let you tolerate? Why are you still so angry? "

"If you can't bear it, you don't have to bear it anymore. Buddha also has fire."

The pupils stared, and Yang Feng immediately shouted: "Besides, you have read the Buddhist scriptures and are so cruel, you will destroy my whole house at every turn. You sullen the Buddhist path.

I now represent the Tathagata, on behalf of Guanyin, kowtow to you, shit! "

Bang Bang Bang... As soon as the words fell, Yang Feng was already holding their heads and slamming them against the ground, shaking so that the whole earth couldn't help undulating, like an earthquake.

Both Yunying and Kuang Lingyun were injured even more, and their heads were almost torn open.

Luo Yinghao watched all this in a daze, but quickly recovered and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him: "Brother Yang, it's okay, it's almost a lesson, but don't cause death, he is a child of the Kuang family!"

"so what?

All beings are equal. If he wants to kill me, all the people in Xiongfeng, he will die, good and good! "

Bang, bang, bang... Yang Feng's subordinates kept on, while Luo Yinghao smiled bitterly: "There is something wrong with this surname, your Xiongfeng Mansion will be very troublesome!"

"I'm afraid of him?

The big deal is that I will destroy his whole family to avoid future troubles.

Buddha Amitabha, good is good, and for these noble families who take human lives as grass, they must do their best to eliminate evil. "

"Oh, they are treating human lives as a waste, but you don't always take human lives too much.

Just annihilated that billion army, your old eyes are not blinking, you still say others?

Besides, the Kuang family is not a secular family like the Yun family, even if you have three spirit beasts, it is not easy to mess with. "

After letting out a long breath, Luo Yinghao murmured: "By the way, haven't you been advocating that you, Xiongfeng Mansion, are public and private?

Even if the two of them are assholes, they still have to wait for the judge to decide. Are you not abusing lynching? "

Uh! Suddenly, Yang Feng's constantly undulating arm stopped, and after thinking a little, he said, "Yes, as the ruler here, I should set an example.

If I don’t even take the rules into consideration, who else would take it seriously.

Brother Luo, you reminded me, just as you said, we tried these two bad boys.

Anyway, because of their crimes of oppressing the realm, it is a capital crime no matter how the trial is tried, I will let you have a good understanding of the fairness of the legal system of our Xiongfeng Mansion, hehehe. "

As he said, Yang Feng dropped his hands and threw the two dying sons to the ground, and shouted: "Come here, press them up for me, and choose a public trial!"

"Yes, Palace Lord!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone stepped forward and led them down. At the same time, the head of the cell hurriedly reported: "Palace Master Yang, that...just now you have been too quiet, and the prison was demolished and the prisoners ran away ..." "Don't worry, you can't run!"

Cursing his lips indifferently, Yang Feng snarled up to the sky again: "All the prisoners will come back and gather for me, or you will have good fruits!"

Brush it! It was just that in an instant, all the prisoners ran back, lined up in a neat line, without falling, looking at Yang Feng's face, full of tension.

Yang Feng just wiped out the supernatural power of a billion army, already scared the prisoners, even the courage to escape...

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