Alien God System

Chapter 1277: There is a kind of army

"Big Brother Xiang Hantianxiang, is a good brother, good friend, good mentor, and best friend in life!"

The white silk fluttering all over the city, Yang Feng stood on the magnificent high platform, in front of the coffin of the Xiang family and his family, expressing the grief in his heart.

"Although Brother Xiang and I only met once, it was that side that allowed us to forge a deep friendship.

His temperament and his bosom are what I deeply admire.

Especially in the face of danger, he relentlessly stood in front of me and let me go first. This righteousness is an admiration that will never be erased from the bottom of my heart.

Had it not been for Brother Xiang, I am afraid now... "

As he said, Yang Feng was sobbing, he weakly covered his eyes and choked up.

Seeing this, everyone present couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing, wiped their tears, and became infected.

Only the palace masters of the various palaces who came to express their condolences after hearing the news had their eyes low, watching him acting on stage, which was quite realistic.

"The cat crying and the mouse fake compassion, what kind of pretense do you pretend?"

"That's right, just after Xiang Hantian's family died, you can't wait to take this place. You look like an old fried dough stick. What kind of affection do you have?"

"False, you can have a fart feeling when you meet.

Lao Tzu didn't believe it. When Xiang Hantian saw you, he could shield you from the knife?

Hey, with that old boy's temperament, it is estimated that someone will kill his son, but he is unwilling to stop it, will he stop it for you?

by! "

"Oh, what do you care about this?

Can't you hear it?

This is to show the rationality of his own occupation of Xiangtian Palace. Then Xiang Hantian had blocked the sword for him, and he didn't give him the entire Xiangtian Palace before he died.

People are laying the groundwork, do you understand?

Humph! "

...... A group of second-rate patriarchs are leading and discussing.

After taking a sniff, Yang Feng continued to whine, "At that time, Brother Xiang fell into a pool of blood, and his breath was already weak.

I screamed desperately, to the big brother, you can't die, or the brothers will be guilty for a lifetime.

But Big Brother Xiang finally held my hand tightly and told me.

Brother, the only two I can't let go of in my life.

One is my son, the other is the people of Xiangtianfu.

The first one has to be released if you don't want to, but the second one, you must help me hold it and take good care of the people..." "Yes, you really got it! "

"Yes, I just laid the groundwork for a long time, just for this sentence, inherit the entire Xiang family's inheritance, Xiang Tianfu!"

"Palace Master Yang made it clear that he didn't want to split this piece of fat equally with others!"

...These second-rate family patriarchs, one by one, looked at Yang Feng on the stage indifferently, whispering to each other, they were all sensible.

Yang Feng ignored whether they saw the truth clearly. He just kept immersing himself in his bitter drama, snot and tears sensationally said: "I was screaming at the eldest brother at the time, and you must not Something will happen, don't say such unlucky words.

Brother Xiang emphasized again, brother, you must promise me, or I won't look down.

I was bursting into tears at the time. How could I ruthlessly refuse to ask my eldest brother on his deathbed, and make him feel uneasy in another world?

So..." "So you want to say that in the future, Xiang Tianfu will be your Yang family industry. "

At this time, a middle-aged man with a sharp-mouthed monkey-gill smiled coldly, and said evilly: "Palace Master Yang, everyone is not such a shameless little boy, so don't be fooling around here. Everyone opens the skylight and speaks brightly.

I said that you have taken away half of Xiangtianfu's realm, and you are thinking about the other half, and you want to monopolize the entire realm, isn't it a bit too greedy? "

Wiping the tears on his cheeks, Yang Feng trembled, as if he hadn't recovered from the grief he had just received: "I don't know...this is..." "Old man, Liu Changgui, head of the Liu family of Yulin Palace!"

"Oh, it turned out to be Patriarch Liu!"

Taking a deep breath, Yang Feng nodded clearly, and said lightly: "I don't care about life, money and power are nothing but clouds.

I, Yang Feng, walked the rivers and lakes, only caring about one word, meaning! To be a man, we must be loyal.

If you agree to other people's things, especially brothers' things, you must do it.

Since Big Brother Xiang is dying with his fate and asked me to take good care of all the people of Xiangtianfu, I must not let down..." "Okay, Palace Master Yang, only you were present before he died. Whatever you say? "

Rolling his eyes, Liu Changgui's chest twitched, and he solemnly said: "Xiang Tianfu belongs to the Xiang family, and now the Xiang family has annihilated the whole family, which means that Xiang Tianfu is a land without a master.

According to the established rules, except for the half of Xiangtian Mansion, which is allocated to you Xiongfeng Mansion, we have no plans.

The remaining half of the territory is divided equally by all forces bordering Xiangtian.

Among the bordering forces, in addition to the old man's Liu family and Palace Master Yang's Xiongfeng Mansion, there are two more, a total of four, and we can divide them equally. "

"it is good!"

As soon as the voice fell, the representatives of the other two groups raised their hands to celebrate.

Yang Feng's face sank, and he shouted: "Before the death of Big Brother Xiang, I promised him that I will take good care of Xiang Tianfu.

Therefore, I would never allow anyone to daring to divide Xiangtianfu, and Xiangtianfu's territory can not be less. "

"Palace Master Yang, you are too much, you can't be too greedy!"

Hearing these words, Liu Changgui's expression turned ill in an instant: "You have already obtained half of Xiangtianfu's territory, and we will divide the remaining half. We will divide you by a quarter. You have already taken enough. This is not enough. ?"

"This is not a question of contentment, but a question of power and duty!"

A rough breath came out of his nostrils, and Yang Feng shouted: "I ask you, if you have the power to take charge of the Xiangtianfu territory, do you also have the duty of guarding?"

"Oh, yes!"

Looking at each other, the three nodded together.

Yang Feng smiled contemptuously and said, "Really?

Where were you when the fire worshipers burned and looted this land?

Where is your guardian?

Don't say you don't know?

You are the nearest border force to Xiangtian Palace, don't you know what happened to Xiangtian Palace recently? "

Uh, this... the three of them felt stagnant, and finally Liu Changgui came forward and said, "At that time, Xiangtian Palace was not our territory, and we couldn't protect it.

As long as this piece of land belongs to us in the future, we naturally have the duty of guarding, and will no longer let the magical Xiaoxiao trample easily. "

"Then why did I take the initiative to protect it?"

Hearing his words, Yang Feng couldn't help but sneered: "When Zoroastrianism wreaked havoc on this land, Lao Tzu sent troops to protect this place because of Lao Tzu's promise to Big Brother.

If you want to **** an inch of land from Lao Tzu, you can send troops.

Say if you can beat Lao Tzu, huh! "


The body stagnated, the three of them couldn't help being confused.

They really didn't expect that Palace Master Yang was so decisive against this robbed territory that he wanted to pick three of them for this territory?

is it possible?

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