Alien God System

Chapter 1278: Recognition

"Palace Master Yang, don't let the wind flash your tongue and talk nonsense!"

"Yes, one enemy three?

Both are second-rate clan forces, do you think your Xiongfeng Mansion has that ability? "

"Besides, your Xiongfeng Mansion seems to have fought two wars one after another, and your vitality has already been injured.

If you don't cultivate a little bit, you can use more troops, can you hold it, hum. "

Liu Changgui and the three of them looked at each other and made waves of sarcasm.

The other palace masters who came to express their condolences also shook their heads and laughed, noncommittal.

At the same level, the military strength of each government is half a catty.

Even in its heyday, it would be idiotic dreams for one government to beat the three. Basically, 90% of them would definitely be defeated.

Not to mention now, everyone knows that this palace lord overthrew the Jin family, which has already consumed a lot of internal consumption, and he is fighting a battle against the Tianfu against Zoroastrianism, and it must be a huge loss.

At this moment, the strength of the Xiongfeng Mansion should be the weakest time.

If you move troops at this juncture, you will definitely be defeated. There is no chance of winning at all.

Perhaps it was because of seeing this opportunity that Liu Changgui and the others dared to join forces to push toward Palace Master Yang and let him spit out all the places he had eaten.

However, what they don't understand is, who is Yang Feng?

Can players who have opened hangs be compared with them?

One hit three will lose, that's someone else! In Yang Feng's eyes, now it is no problem for him to take the entire Yunzhou directly with one enemy and one hundred.

It's just that in his heart, the site is secondary, and the construction of spiritual civilization is the top priority.

Now he has made too many steps to keep up with the construction of spiritual civilization, and there is no time to train large-scale missionaries.

Otherwise... Hmph, all the powerful and powerful present, I am afraid that none of them can leave alive today.

Yang Feng sneered in his heart, looked at Liu Changgui and the others, and shouted: "You three old kings and eight young masters are so bluffing. Either you see the truth on the battlefield, or you just shut up for Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu’s territory is not letting go! "

"You..." His body shook, Liu Changgui was so angry that his beard was crooked, and he kept his head nodding: "Okay, very good! This is what you said, and everyone present will be a testimony to the three old men.

It's not that we don't follow the rules and attack our neighbors casually.

But this Palace Master Yang is really arrogant and domineering, occupying the land we deserve, and he broke the rules first.

No matter what happens next, he will be responsible! "

"Yell, scare me?"

Cursing his lips in disdain, Yang Feng immediately cursed: "I was scared, didn't I just go to war? Why do you find so many high-sounding reasons?

Let's just do it, who are we talking when we see it?

Who dare not send troops, who is a grandson! "

"Okay, Yang Feng, this is what you said.

Everyone heard that it was not the old man who wanted to fight, but he wanted to fight, and the old man sent troops when he returned! "

"Yes, we will send troops when we go back.

Yang Feng, wait and see! "

As soon as Liu Changgui finished speaking, the other two palace masters also immediately stood up and formed a united front.

But they just finished their words, they shouted coldly, and suddenly said: "Who said they would send troops to the neighboring house?

I have forgotten the rules of the spirit world, or are you not putting my Yun family in your eyes? "


The body shook, Liu Changgui and others hurriedly looked, but only saw that at this time, a long and elegant figure came in, Yushu was in the wind, and suave, not the Yun Ying, the eldest son of the Yun family, and who it was.

The eyes of all the people present suddenly shuddered, and they shook with fright, and hurriedly bowed down: "See Grandpa!"

Liu Changgui and the others were trembling all over, worshiping again and again, with a cold sweat on their heads, and stammered: "Grandpa forgive me, just now we were not... it was him..." "Okay, I just came in. When I heard it, I don’t need to explain.

A group of short-sighted dogs, for a little immediate benefit, will destroy the unity of the Yunzhou family. See how this young man will clean up you when he looks back, huh! "

Yunying glared at them fiercely, mighty and domineering.

Everyone in Liu Changgui shrank their necks, and they dared not make a sound immediately.

Yunying did not look at them anymore, raised her eyes to look at Yang Feng on the high platform directly in front, but immediately changed to a happy smiling face, and repeatedly said, "Brother Yang, I haven't seen them for a long time. Have a good time?

Don't you know, since the departure in Yunzhou, the little brother's miss for Brother Yang is really like a surging river, endless, not seen in a day like three autumns.

I came to Xiang Tianfu today and prepared a small gift specially. I was very careful and not respectful. I hope you will not refuse, ha ha ha! "

Uh! With a twitch of face, all the second-rate family patriarchs present were all dumbfounded when they watched this scene.

How did this happen?

Why does the Yun family of the dignified first-rate family, our immediate boss, the eldest son of the family, treat a small family owner who has just been promoted to the ranks of the second-rate family so diligently?

And give gifts?

Shouldn't this kind of thing be done by the subordinate to the superior?

Why did it turn around today?

Everyone was dumbfounded and could not speak.

"Come on, bring it up!"

At this moment, Yunying waved his hand, and a group of subordinates lifted up a dozen large wooden boxes that had been prepared, and there were hundreds of graceful dancers who were whispering in file, fighting for beauty.

Suddenly added a special style to this solemn mourning hall.

Yang Feng's eyes lit up, and he slapped his mouth twice and said: "Master Yun, this is..." "Oh, these boxes are filled with spiritual stones, spiritual soldiers, and military materials such as jade slips for exercises. "

With a grin, Yunying explained in detail: "This time Xiangtian Palace was invaded by Zoroastrianism. Fortunately, Brother Yang sent troops to assist in time to protect my family's territory.

If you want to come to Xiongfeng Mansion to fight against Modao Xiaoxiao this time, you must have suffered heavy losses.

So my dad asked me to bring some supplies to Brother Yang. It is the right to commend Brother Yang for his bravery and justice.

In addition, those maids are special products of Yunzhou specially selected by the brothers. They can help Brother Yang to relieve his fatigue after taking care of everything. I hope Brother Yang will not dislike it, hehehe. "


Hearing this, everyone present was shocked again.

What is the relationship between this Yang family and the Yun family?

The Yun family is too kind to him.

He took the opportunity to take down the entire Xiangtian Mansion and it was already a big advantage. The above actually gave him a commendation for his backer, not only to send military funds, but also to women?

Especially the eldest son of the Yun family, who actually called him a brother?

With this old man’s stubbornness, he would never pull his face down before and do such a degrading thing. How do you face this boy... Suddenly, everyone’s heart is horrified, and they fully understand why this palace master Yang is like this. Rampant, dare to threaten to hit three.

Because behind them, there is the whole Yun family's support.

With this backing, one dozen is enough! The three Liu Changgui were so scared that the whole old face turned pale! Ahhhhhh, just now they always thought that this product is just a new noble who is strong in the outside world.

But I never expected that they are relatives of the leaders, who are brothers and brothers to the eldest son. This is the end of the game.

Don't say it's Xiangtianfu, I'm afraid they won't even be able to keep their own territory, oooooo! Suddenly, Liu Changgui and the three of them were so regretful that their intestines were green, and they couldn't help crying...

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