Alien God System

Chapter 1276: Borrow a new knife

At the same time, Yuncheng, in the hall of Yunfu.

Yunying was anxiously waiting for news from Xiangjia. A guard rushed in in a hurry and bowed and said, "Lord, it's not OK, report to Tianfu!"

"Xiang Tianfu?"

With joy in her heart, Yunying hurriedly said, "What happened to Tianfu?

Was it that Palace Master Yang from Xiongfeng Mansion was assassinated? "

"Uh no, Xiang Hantian, Palace Master Xiang was murdered!"


he died? "

Unconsciously, Yunying was stunned for a moment: "How could he die?

Who did it? "

"Prince Qi, according to the news, Palace Master Xiang and Palace Master Yang are carrying out the handover of the two places according to your wishes, but they are suddenly attacked by the second-rate Demon Sect worshiping Zoroastrianism.

Palace Master Xiang and several of his sons were all killed, none of them survived. "


She shook her body, and Yun Ying was even more confused by Monk Zhang Er: "How can this be so good? The fire worship church suddenly came out and killed Xiang Hantian's family?

Did Xiang Hantian offend them earlier?

Although there is one righteous and one evil, they are both second-rate forces, so why do they need to do so?

Are they not afraid to retaliate against Tianfu? "

Yunying scratched her head, after a little thought, she hurriedly asked again: "Right, how about Palace Master Yang?

Is he injured?

Or is it the same as Palace Master Xiang, heroic righteousness? "

"Oh, Palace Master Yang is fine, it's just..." "Just what?"

"It's just that the Zoroastrian raid on Xiangtian Palace was too sudden. After raided the handover ceremony of the two residences and killed Palace Lord, it immediately swept across the entire Xiangtian Palace, causing all the wealthy families in the entire palace to be hit hard.

Fortunately, Palace Master Yang took the reinforcements from Xiongfeng Mansion to repel the Zoroastrian Sect and regained Xiangtian Mansion.

Otherwise..." "Otherwise, what's the matter? "

Yun Ying asked again, the man took a deep breath and looked solemn: "Otherwise, if you act harshly with Zoroastrianism, I'm afraid Xiang Tianfu will be completely dead, and no one can survive!"

Hi, what does it matter that they become dead?

The key is that Yang Feng, the little bastard, died for me! Paralyzed, why have so many people died? The most **** thing is not dead?

Yunying clenched her fists and gritted her teeth with hatred.

At this moment, Yun Shan, the head of the Yun family, hurried over and said anxiously as soon as he entered the door: "Ying'er, do you know about Xiangtianfu?"

"Well, I see, I just heard the report from my subordinates."

"Go down!"

Nodded, Yunshan dismissed the subordinate, and then let someone close the door tightly, and told that everyone outside was forbidden to enter. After finally confirming that no one was around, he cautiously said: "What do you think?"

"How about what?"

"This thing!"

"Hi, this kid is so lucky.

It was the same as the Zoroastrian attack, and they were all together, but Xiang Hantian's family was killed. There was nothing wrong with this kid. What a fate! "

Yunying's face was sullen and anger sprayed from her nostrils.

Yunshan took a deep look at him and muttered: "Do you really think this incident was an accident?"

"Don't you think, father, what's wrong in this?"

Yunying was puzzled, Yunshan's eyes exuded a gleaming light, and after pacing the money for two steps, he muttered: "When the two governments were transferring the territory, it was the best opportunity for Han Tian to start with Yang Feng. .

But at this juncture, a Zoroastrian cult was killed halfway, killing the Xiang family and the whole family, leaving Yang Feng to retreat. Don’t you think it’s strange?

You know, that's Xiangjia's territory, and Xiangjia is at home.

When he was caught off guard, even if someone could escape, it shouldn't be his surname Yang. "

This... the brows were deeply frowned, and Yunying began to think about it.

"And..." Then Yunshan continued: "After the Zoroastrianism attacked and killed the Xiang family and his son, it swept across the entire Xiangtian Palace.

Burning, killing, looting, doing no evil, and having no resistance to Tianfu, shows how fierce its coming is.

But with such terrible combat power, after the Yang family's army arrived, they left like the sea at low tide, without any hesitation.

Is this the Yang family is too strong, or is it that the worship of the Zoroastrianism suddenly weakened?

If it is the former, then both are second-rate families, will the difference in combat power be so large? "

"Father, you mean..." "As far as I know!"

Before he could say anything, Yunshan's eyes condensed, and he said gloomily: "Thanks to the massacre of Zoroastrianism, Xiang Tianfu's wealthy family and nobles almost completely collapsed in a short time. When the Yang family arrived, they were very sad. Easily got the local authority.

It can be said that Xiang Tianfu is already essentially Yang! "

She shook her body, Yunying finally understood something, and said in surprise, "Father, you mean that Yang, who was in collusion with Zoroastrianism, played a double role for us?

Worshiping the fire religion is actually taking Xiang Tianfu for him, breaking through the thorns, and opening up the road? "

"How about it?

Anyway, the biggest beneficiary now is him! "

Yunshan couldn't help but sigh, "If he attacked Xiangtian Palace for no reason, he would be unjustified, and he would fall into the truth. It would have violated the great taboo of my righteous family.

However, after Zoroastrianism invaded Xiangtianfu, he sent troops to drive away these evildoers, which was a kind of assistance.

Now that there is no leader to the Tianfu group, whoever sent troops to drive the enemy naturally took over.

This kid was shrewd and thorough with a good abacus, which made the old man feel a little timid.

His scheming is too deep! "

With a solemn face, Yun Ying contemplated her eyebrows for a moment, then nodded in a heavy manner, and hurriedly said, "Father, this kid is very ambitious, and he is growing fast and can't stay.

Must find a way to get rid of him quickly! "

"I know, haven't we been thinking of ways to get rid of him, but whose hand should we borrow this time?"

Yunshan thought about it, and after pondering for a little bit, he immediately said, "Ying'er, you go to Xiangtianfu and pay homage to the spirit of Hantian and their whole family in Xiangtian Palace on behalf of our Yun family."

"Should I worship him a second-rate palace master?"

Yunying was not angry, and raised her head proudly: "Why?"

Yunshan couldn't help rolling his eyes: "I know that he, a second-rate palace lord, is not worthy of my son to go to condolences himself.

But the point is, this time your condolences are false, and it is true to use a new knife to kill. "

"New knife?"


Nodding his head, Yunshan couldn't help but sneer and said: "Yang Feng, this kid quickly sent troops, occupying such a large area of ​​Xiangtian Palace, it must make many people jealous.

At that time, you just have to mention it a little bit among them, naturally there will be a large number of people helping us to kill the kid, hum. "

Oh I got it! After Yunying listened, she nodded clearly and laughed evilly.

Then, he set off immediately.

After Yang Feng moved to the capital of Tianfu, the first thing he did first was to bury the scenery of Xiang Hantian's family and buy people's hearts.

It is estimated that at this solemn funeral, no one would have thought that ordering the family to be killed without leaving behind would be the love and justice in front of the Palace Master Yang...

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