Alien God System

Chapter 1267: Conspiracy trap

On the other hand, in Yunfu, Yunshan and Yunying are fully conspiring.

"Wonderful, really wonderful!"

After listening to his father’s plan, Yunying couldn’t help but put up a thumbs up and praised: “Father, you really are a treacherous and cunning man. This trick is to kill someone with a knife. I believe that even the kid named Yang is the last

In a different place, the super-class family power behind him can't find out whether we are the one, Jie Jie Jie. "

With a faint smile, Yunshan's eyes flashed with a deep gleam: "The old man not only sent him to Jinling Mansion this time, but also half of Xiangtian Mansion, which borders Jinling Mansion, with 68 third-rate families.

All the land boundaries are assigned to him. At that time, he must think that the old man is selling the face of the super-class family behind him, so he will be so kind to him, but he will never think of the ultimate move here, enough

Killed him! "

"Yes, he won half of Xiangjia Xiangtian Palace for no reason, and he will definitely be hated by Xiangjia. In addition, these territories are adjacent to the first-class sect of the Demon Dao, the site of the Immortal Palace.

Whether it was Xiang Jia or the Immortal Palace who killed him, it had nothing to do with us. Even if the super-class people behind him want to help him, they can’t find us, haha

what! "

Yunying looked up to the sky and smiled, as if she had seen Yang Feng's death.

"The saint cloud, the gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall. Now we will put him in the most dangerous realm. Sooner or later, he will die without a place to be buried!"

Faintly nodded, Yunshan smirked and murmured: "Yang Feng, do you think you can dominate in front of the old man with a thigh? Hum, I will let you know today.

, Sometimes if you want to get rid of a person, you don't need to come forward yourself, hum! "


Suddenly, at this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded from the outside, and a guard rushed in and bowed and said, "Knowing Patriarch, Young Master Yunxiao was killed in the Fugui Building today.

Up! "


His body shook, Yunshan jumped up in shock.

Yunying couldn't help screaming, "How is it possible? In this entire Yuncheng, who would dare to touch our Yun family's children and don't want to live anymore? My cousin Yunxiao, my cousin will definitely report it for you.

Enmity. By the way, did the second master go to report? "

"My son, I have gone, and now the second master has taken someone to catch the murderer!"

"Well, when the second uncle catches the murderer, I must devour this life and avenge my cousin Yunxiao!" Yun Ying gritted her teeth with hatred.

Yunshan's eyes rolled around, but he pushed Yunying's arm abruptly, and urged: "Hurry up, go to the Fortune Building!"

"Father, no need. Didn't Second Uncle already take people there? I believe Second Uncle will be fine. He will definitely be able to catch the murderer. Don't worry, I don't need to go anymore.


A slap was slapped on the face of his ineffective son, Yun Shan said in anger, "Idiot, I didn't let you catch the murderer, I asked you to stop your second uncle quickly.


"Ah? Stop my second uncle? Why?"

"Don't understand yet?"

Yunshan stomped his feet in a hurry, and hated this son secretly. It's really useless: "You think about it, who dares to move our Yun family in this entire Yuncheng? Since they dare to move, they must be fearless.

. Think about it again, who can beat you today? "

"Uh...Father, you mean..."

"Hurry up and stop your second uncle, don't let this situation expand. Even if that kid is dead, he can't die in the hands of our Yun family, understand?"

Yunshanyu was serious and honest, Yunying nodded hurriedly, and immediately rushed out with the crowd.

In a short while, I came to the downstairs of Fortune, and saw the menacing and familiar figure.


Yunying hurriedly shouted, but just as he shouted a word, the middle-aged man in front of him was already stagnated and could not move.

Then, with a plop, he fell straight down, with a red blood hole on his forehead, so dazzling.

"Second Uncle!"

Yunying was startled, shouted hoarsely, and ran over immediately. The surrounding guards also surrounded him, shouting, "Second master, second master..."

Unfortunately, the body has quickly cooled down.

With tears in her eyes, Yunying touched the already temperatureless body, sorrowful and angry, and looked around fiercely: "Who? Who did it?"

"Lord, look at the location of the scar on the second master's forehead, the other party made the move from that direction!" At this time, a guard pointed to the window upstairs.

Yunying gritted her teeth, and flew towards the window when she got upright: "Follow me!"

Boom boom boom!

There was a loud noise, bursting one after another, dozens of Wuwang guards broke through the window, but only saw Yang Feng eating elegantly at this time, as if nothing had happened.

Calm and natural.

It really is you!

Yunying recognized Yang Feng, and her fists were clenched tightly into a stone, wishing to kill Yang Feng now.

But he did not forget his father's instructions before leaving that this kid must not die in the hands of their Yun family.

Unable to help, Yunying's chest was up and down, her fists tightened and loosened, loose and tight, silent.

Yang Feng looked back at him, and seemed to realize that he was coming. He smiled and said, "Hey, isn't this Young Master Yun? Why did you come in through the window? It happens to be the hot pot here, or else

Want to sit down and eat? "

"Palace Master Yang's kindness, I accepted it from my heart. It's just..."

Looking up at the scene of a dozen corpses lying in a pool of blood in front of the door, Yunying was so angry that the knuckles of her fists were all white, and she gritted her teeth and said: "I don't know where my cousin Yunxiao has offended Yang.

You, son, did you want to put such a bad hand on him? "

"Oh? Is he your cousin?"

"Exactly, if he has something rude and offends you, my cousin is willing to apologize to Palace Master Yang on his behalf!"

"No, no, your cousin is quite polite, and there is nothing to offend me. This kid is very good, but he is not very lucky, hehehe."

Waved his hand indifferently, Yang Feng showed a bright smile.

Yunying shook her eyes and said angrily: "Since he didn't offend you, why did you kill him and my second uncle?"

"Wrong, when did I kill someone? I just came to have a meal. Besides, I am a spiritual practitioner, who can be killed in this cloud city, at most I will kill someone who runs away, hey

Hehe. "

"You didn't kill it? That was..."

"Yan Yurou, Miss Yan killed it!"

With a straight face, Yang Feng said solemnly.

Yunying's eyelids couldn't stop jumping, and said in surprise: "What are you talking about, Miss Yan, how is it possible?"

Yunying couldn't believe it, or didn't want to believe it.

After all, his admiration for Yan Yurou was very deep, and he would never believe that she was the real murderer of his cousin. Then they both became enemies.

In this way, how can they marry?

As if he could see his thoughts, Yang Feng smiled evilly and teased: "If you don't believe it, you can immediately catch up and ask if it was her murder, just because they just left.

Haven't gone far yet. What if I wronged them and I cut off my head to pay you? "

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