Alien God System

Chapter 1266: Kill the old

Silent, Yang Feng had mixed feelings after learning about this little-known dark history of this teaching.

He can imagine how fierce the conflict between the aborigines and the outsiders was at the time, and this can happen anywhere in the world with excuses.

After all, to the aborigines, outsiders are the invaders, and it makes no sense to occupy the magpie's nest and occupy most of the resources on their territory.

For outsiders, the aborigines are stumbling blocks and obstacles to their own development.

The contradiction between the two sides emerged from primitive society. Either you conquered me or I conquered you.

However, it is a bit too much to destroy the other party's entire clan, even the old, weak, women and children. Although this is according to the will of God, Yang Feng always feels that this is in human history.

a joke.

The high gods did nothing but watched humans kill each other and annihilate their race.

It's as if humans watch dog fights!

To put it bluntly, what is the difference between humans and animals?

Yang Feng sighed, and he couldn't help but feel helpless.

Stupid humans...

The saint ancestor did not care about his serious expression at that moment, but continued to tell the original story: "At that time, after the Holy Fire Sect was disbanded in the spirit world, I soared to the **** world. Before leaving.

, Let some young congregants retreat to the lower realm, which is considered to have left a trace of fire from the teaching, what if it is useful in the future? So the Holy Fire was preserved in the lower realm. After I was killed,

The primordial spirit reunited to the main altar of the sect by relying on the holy fire, and finally waited for you to revive the sect, which is also considered fate! "

"Well, it's true fate. What I never expected is that there is no root of faith in the spirit world, it's you, damn!" Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng couldn't help cursing.

The ancestor smiled dumbly: "Don't you, yours, it should be us. Don't forget, you are now the leader of the Holy Fire Church, and the original sin of the Holy Fire Church is borne by us!"

"Don't pull Lao Tzu into the water, Lao Tzu has nothing to do with this matter!"

There was a rough breath from his nostrils, Yang Feng ignored him, and turned to Yan Yu Juu who was aside: "Miss Yan, what do you think of the Judgment Day that man just mentioned?"

"I have to go back to the family and tell my father that God has appeared!"

"Hey, do you also know about God descending? Oh, your family origin, naturally you know a lot!"

"Why, do you also know this **** descend?"

Yang Feng was a little surprised at first. This Yan Yurou knew something about the God Realm, but she quickly understood that there was a secret to her super-class family.

Yan Yurou also looked at him very strangely, because these things are almost forbidden in the entire spiritual world. Few people know that Yang Feng actually knows that God descends, so it's impossible that he really is

The child of which super-class family?

However, at this time, she can no longer take care of that much, she just said with a solemn expression: "According to the ancient books of the family, before the big trial, there will be a **** descending in the spirit world, and it will be harmful to humans.

Revelation. But after God descends, not much time will pass before the true God of Judgment will descend on the spiritual realm for a great judgment. It’s just that this kind of news is banned in the spiritual world, and most people

I have never heard of it. "

That is natural. According to the agreement with the demon god, the power of belief is not allowed in this spiritual world, so how can people understand the existence of the true god?

Besides, people who believe in gods will not be afraid of the deterrence of super-class families.

Again, the power of faith is to give people the courage to go up against the sky. This is also a very unfavorable situation for super-class families to control the spiritual world, because it

Will give birth to rebels.

Therefore, whether it is to fulfill the agreement of the year or for their own authoritarian rule, the super-class family will not let the people in the spiritual world know that the gods exist.

But they are deeply afraid that the judgment of the gods will come again, which is not ironic.

Yang Feng sneered and nodded faintly: "In that case, Miss Yan takes care, but you said that after God descends, the great judgment will come in a short time, then this time

How long is it? "

"It's a few decades, but it's hundreds of years."

"Isn't there still a lot of time?"

"It's not much. A few hundred years will pass. In short, this matter is quite serious. I must go back and leave!"

Yan Yurou held a fist solemnly, turned and left.

Lin Fei and the others hurriedly hugged Yang Feng's fists, and immediately followed, with secret joy.

Although they didn't know how important this Judgment Day was, the eldest lady immediately went home when she heard this, saving them from arresting again, but it made them worry a lot.

Only Yang Feng broke his fingers and settled, inexplicably.

There are still decades, so what anxious!

When the saint ancestor saw this, he sneered and said: "My brother, when you are on the earth, decades and generations will pass. It doesn't matter if the future generations collapse. Here, many people are at least

It can live for hundreds of years, and some lives are even thousands of years. To them, decades are equivalent to one or two years on our planet. Two years later it’s the end of the world, you say people

Are we scared? "

"Well, if you want to say that, indeed, time is a bit tight. What shall we do?"

"Are you afraid of a fart? The gods who have descended just now have said that you can live under the big trial. Besides, the big trial is human, what are you afraid of as a god?"

"That being said, I always feel that although I am a **** on the outside, I am still no different from ordinary people in my heart. So now I heard about the plan of human extinction in the gods.

The meaning of the monkey in the monkey...tsk! "

Yang Feng touched his chin, couldn't help sighing, but suddenly heard a noise coming from outside.

Looking up from the window, I saw that at this time, a team of guards lined up around the place quickly, and at the forefront was a middle-aged man in a golden shirt.

Man, while running, howled: "My son, who killed my son, I must kill him for revenge!"

"Foolish humans, this is a big trial, the world is end, and you still want to take revenge? You can't wait until the day of judgment to see if your enemy has been tried to death.

? Hi, but with your virtue, it is estimated that by that day, you will be the first to be tried to death. "

Shaking his head with a smile, Yang Feng curled his lips indifferently: "Lin Fei, go, cut this old guy who is looking for death for me too!"

Quiet, deadly quiet!

No one answered in the private room.

Yang Feng looked back at [新笔趣阁], only to remember that Yan Yurou had left, and Lin Fei and the others naturally followed.

After working hard for a long time, this group of subordinates left themselves after all, because of that divine sentence, this is probably God's will.

In that case, I can only do it myself!

The corners of his mouth curled up with a strange arc, Yang Feng raised a finger, and immediately poked at the furious figure downstairs.

Lan Sha means!


The man hadn't realized what was going on, he straightened his body, with a blood hole in his head, and appeared in front of everyone...

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