Alien God System

Chapter 1268: Fooled again

"God descended?"

Yang Feng heard the old brother's reminder and asked in confusion: "What is this?"

"It is the gods of the gods who cannot directly appear in the lower realm, so the soul is possessed by a creature in the lower realm to inspect a form of life in the lower realm. I just talked to you,

Is a god. It's just that he just became aware of it, and the physical body was still the second person in the shop. When he leaves his consciousness and the shop second regains consciousness, he won’t remember when God descends.

Anything born. "


With a frown, Yang Feng said in surprise: "Are you saying that the person just now was a god? No wonder, it gives me a sense of oppression. After all, he is of the same level. It's just that he is a righteous **** or an evil god.

what? "

"It should be the righteous god, the evil **** doesn't care about things like Judgment Day. All they want is the soul. Only the righteous God will be responsible for the order of the lower realms and rule on the judgment day!


"What is Judgment Day?"

Hearing what he said, Yang Feng asked again.

There was silence, the saint ancestor did not immediately answer, and after a long time, he said: "That was a massacre, the massacre of people by God!"




"Because the person is sick, and it is an infectious disease!"

After exhaling a long sigh of breath, the saint ancestor murmured: "We have experienced bird flu and swine fever once before, how did we prevent the plague against those animals?"

"Kill, bury alive, burn..."

"God treats humans in the same way, except that the plague of the gods on humans is different from the plague of humans on animals. The definition of the plague of humans on animals is only physiological.

The definition of plague is spiritual. "

After taking a deep breath, Saint Ancestor said: "As long as the God Realm judges that the human realm on a certain interface has lost the bright side of human beings and has too much evil side, it cannot be eliminated.

, Will launch a massacre to exterminate the source of the plague. This massacre will wipe out more than 90% of humans, leaving those worthy of preservation to continue to survive. Of course,

The limit of this slaughter may reach 100%, and complete extinction is not necessarily true. In short, it lies with the referee of the gods. "


With a shock, Yang Feng's brows wrinkled deeply.

More than 90% of humans are extinct, or even 100% extinct, this proportion is too big.

"A hundred thousand years ago, Judgment Day, will it appear again?"

At this time, Yan Yurou's murmur came over.

Yang Feng looked back at her and asked, "Judgment day one hundred thousand years ago? Do you know something?"

"This is a secret that only the core members of the super first-class family know, and cannot be leaked!"

"Why can't it leak out?"

Yang Feng was puzzled, Yan Yurou gritted her teeth and did not let go, but listened to the voice of the ancestor again: "Maybe...I was worried that it would affect his rule?"

"Affect your own rule? What do you mean?"

"I guess the super-first-class families in the spirit world are those people who participated in the massacre of the last group of humans 100,000 years ago!" Yang Feng decided to say.

"And those people are all holy fire followers!"

His body shook, Yang Feng was completely stunned.

Oh, shit, the holy flame cultists are now super-class families, standing on the top of the entire spiritual world? No, since I came to the spirit world, I never heard the name of the Holy Fire

, I thought that the Holy Flame was extinct in the spiritual world.

Unexpectedly, they might be a super-class family hidden in the dark of the spirit world?

"Is there any evidence? Brother! Don't talk about it, how sluggish our Holy Fire Sect was back then, I saw it with my own eyes. If it weren't for my wise leadership, how could I regain the power?"

"Oh, there are actually some things I didn't tell you, because this is the black history of this religion, I'm afraid to say it, it will hinder your faith in this religion, and dislike this religion."

"What, the sect still has a black history?"

Yang Feng opened his mouth wide, and the saint ancestor Cancan smiled: "People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can’t help themselves. Who doesn’t have a dark history? Just like I was a tyrant and a monarch before, and I did that bad thing.

Ah, Jie Zhou cannot be compared. I guess you have to kill me after you hear it. You are such a righteous Mingjun, you absolutely can't understand it. "

"I rub, I have always regarded you as a life mentor, you are actually a villain?"

"Yeah, or the name of the Sacred Fire Demon Cult is not groundless. Actually, we have been with the Demon Cult for a while."

The ancestor rubbed his nose, and after a Cancan smile, his voice became low, as if he had fallen into that distant memory again.

"One hundred thousand years ago, I came to the spirit world like you. The humans here were not what they are now. You can call them aboriginals. The aboriginals and the lower realms soared up.

The ascended ones have deep contradictions. In order to occupy more resources, they are divided into two alliances, and there are constant wars throughout the year. As an outsider, our Holy Fire Sect is of course standing outside

The league is over. Later on Judgment Day, the God Realm was furious and wanted to cleanse the Spirit Realm. That guy, the flood is so terrible, the thunder is bursting, and there is a lot of casualties! "

"Then this is also the God Realm's plan to clear mankind. What does it matter to us holy flames?"

Yang Feng asked, puzzled.

The saint ancestor let out a laugh, and continued: "At that time, the scope was too wide. Once it was cleaned, it was estimated that there would be no one. It just so happened that I knew a demon **** at that time.

Right to speak. He promised me that as long as the humans in this interface no longer believe in the righteous gods in the future, he will help me to accommodate and allow us to survive! "

"This God Realm trial can still be accommodating?"

"Of course, I have already said that neither above nor below is completely majestic, and there is a dark side. The judgment that punishes the lower realm is the responsibility of the righteous god, but the specific work is the devil.

What God does, he said that if it can be accommodating, it will naturally be accommodating. "

"What happened later?"

"Does this still need to be said, it's natural to accommodate!"

With a grin, the holy ancestor continued: "The devil said that the trial only punishes the aboriginals, but we must do it. So according to the initial agreement, my holy fire followers are not subject to trial and punishment, so

At that time, the ascended ones all joined the Holy Fire. And we also fulfilled our promise and helped the demon **** to completely kill the aboriginals without leaving them, and completed this trial. So far, the whole spirit

The realm was occupied by the ascendants of the lower realm, and the aborigines were wiped out. Since then, these ascenders have become the aboriginals here! "

"Then my Holy Fire has unified the spirit world, why did it end up languishing to the lower realm?"

Hearing this, Yang Feng was puzzled.

The saint ancestor couldn't help but smile again and again: "You forgot, what is the agreement with the devil? The spirit world is not allowed to have faith in the righteous god, and the devil does not need faith! To put it bluntly, there is no faith.

of. So the Holy Flame was completely disbanded in the spiritual world, and as an executioner who slaughtered all the aborigines in the whole world, regardless of age, it was carved on the pillar of shame in history. Of course, the calendar

History is written by victors. Therefore, the current super-class family does not want this history to reappear in the world. "

"Because if they slaughtered the aboriginal people of the whole spirit world and got this world. Then the ascended ones could also get this world by slaughtering them. This is

What they have been worrying about all the time, the rule of law is not correct! "

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