Alien God System

Chapter 1247: Prisoner riot

"Hey, the great man, what is the last sentence?"

"It seems to be for the ass!"

"No way, how come I feel like a spoiler?"


A group of aristocratic family leaders from all over the world, hundreds of people and horses, wrote something silently at each table. Two of them whispered secretly, but heard a crisp sound, Yang Feng

It was already a bamboo pole that slammed on their table and shouted: "What are you doing, cheating?"


Heads shrank, the two shook their heads like rattles, and hurriedly lowered their heads and continued to write silently.

Yang Feng sprayed a stale air from his nostrils, and continued to inspect with angrily: "I usually don't know how to study hard. I cheat as soon as I get to the examination room. How do I usually teach you?

Unable students, you can break my heart, tut! "

"Uh... what happened here?"

The face couldn't help but twitched, the people in the Flame Palace were all dumbfounded, and looked at the demon girl who was on the side with a confused expression: "Is he in jail? How do I feel like he

Where is the cell boss here? "

"Um...I don't know, anyway, our family leader always acts so unexpectedly."

Demon Chi Yan also shook her head ambiguously, but soon recovered, and immediately ran in front of Yang Feng and said: "Master, I'm here to save you, you hurry up with me."

"Don't worry, when the exam is over, I will finish collecting the test papers and we will go out together."


Demon Chi Yan was stunned, what medicine was selling in the gourd of the leader?

Yang Feng didn't go to see her, but after looking at the hourglass on the table, he shouted to everyone present: "The time is coming soon, hurry up and answer the paper."


Everyone worked hard to write faster, and Yang Feng nodded in satisfaction, as if only in retrospect, looked at the Chiyan Demon Fairy and said: "By the way, what did you call me just now? Master?"


The heart was stagnant, the Chiyan Demon's face stiffened.

"How do you know that I used to be the leader, and you are a member of the Holy Flame?" Yang Feng narrowed his eyes and guessed: "But when I was ascending, there was no such number as you? Or?

Say you soared later? But among the followers of the Holy Fire, is there you? "


Demon Chi Yan's eyes rolled wildly, and after a while he laughed and said: "I didn't call you the leader just now, but the family leader. Didn't you say you want to marry me? I passed the door and entered the Yang family.

It's the owner of our family. "

"Really? Did I hear it wrong?"

"Yes, you got it wrong."

Yang Feng suspiciously, Demon Chi Yan nodded hurriedly, and urged: "Okay, you can leave here with me, or else the idiot Palace Master will lead us to surround us.


"It's okay, that kid who is dwindling in the West has no ability to come back and be fierce anymore. Besides, even if he doesn't find me, I will still find him. It's time to take this kid to sacrifice the flag.

Liwei. Now, let's finish this civil service examination first. "

"Civil servant?"

"Yes, after these third-rate family heads have passed the unified examination, they are the new batch of civil servants in my Jinling Mansion. My territory has expanded, so I have to need more people to manage it.

They are good! "

With a grin, Yang Feng saw that the hourglass had leaked to the end, and immediately shouted: "The time is up, everyone stops writing. The cell boss, give me papers, no more writing. Lord Hanbao, that's it.

Talking about you, stop writing for me. "

"Wait a minute, I will finish with one more line."

"If you keep writing and cancel your exam qualifications, you will no longer be a clan relative after you go out."


Yang Feng yelled, scared that Lord Han Bao quickly threw his penholder and stopped honestly.

Everyone in Yanhuo Palace glanced at each other, stunned.

Originally they thought that the Lord Yang Bao was arrested and sent to jail, but they never expected that he actually tame all the third-rate clan members in the prison, and even the head of the cell was right.

He obeyed.

This is where he was arrested and tortured. It was obviously the leader who inspected the work, tusk.

Such a weird scene, they have been in the spirit world for so long, they have never seen it before.

Yang Feng ignored them, put the papers away, put them in his backpack, and said to the crowd: "I have accepted your test papers, and I will base them on yours.

Achievements, make proper arrangements for your future work. In the future, in our brand new Jinling government leadership team, those with high grades will be assigned to work in higher-level positions.

. Those with low grades can only go to the grassroots first, understand? "

Nodding clearly, everyone couldn't help but exhale.

It's just that some people are very confident, while others are more guilty and seem to be doing poorly.

"Then next!"

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng's eyes flashed, and he shouted: "It's time for us to make meritorious deeds. Go out from here and fight all the way to the mansion of the palace lord. Catch the tyrant alive and re-establish the way of heaven."

"Catch the tyrant alive and reestablish the way of heaven!"

"Catch the tyrant alive and reestablish the way of heaven!"

"Catch the tyrant alive and reestablish the way of heaven!"


As soon as the voice fell, the crowd was angry, waving their fists, and their eyes were cold killing intent.

The idiot Palace Master killed their family, and now it's time for them to take revenge.

"The old man will unlock the seal for you!"

Seeing their passionate look, an old man in Yanhuo Palace muttered.

But as soon as the words were spoken, Yang Feng waved his hand gently and said, "Senior kindness, Yang took it with my heart. But this mere seal does not bother us."


In an instant, Yang Feng's body shook, and a red air current was about to disintegrate the seal on his abdomen.

Then, Yang Feng pushed his palms again, and the red air flow instantly passed through the Dantian of everyone present.

It was almost just a short while, but after listening to the soft noises, everyone's seal was dissolved.

When the old man saw it, his pupils couldn't stop shrinking: "What is this thing that can break the seal of the Great Spiritist so quickly?"

Yang Feng didn't explain, just raised his arm and roared: "Let's go!"


With a frantic roar, heading straight into the sky, a group of prisoners rioted...

On the other hand, in the mansion of the mansion, the second generation ancestor was still playing an indescribable game with a group of young ladies.

Suddenly, a messenger rushed in in a hurry and said, "Palace Lord, it's not good. All the cards from Jinling Mansion to the territories of the third-rate families were all breached.

Kill here, please show from the palace lord. "

"Then let the people below stop me, don't bother me with such small things!"


This idiot didn't take his family's social community seriously at all, and the messenger who reported the news suddenly shook his head and shook his head helplessly.

At this time, another person hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Here, Palace Lord, the beauty that Yang Feng brought back at the beginning has appeared, and now he is bringing a group of people into the prison."

"Oh? The little beauty appeared? Hahaha... As expected, Yang Feng's decoy worked. Hurry up, put all your soldiers and horses on, go and take down this beauty, you can't let her run again this time,

Jie Jie Jie! "

The seventh son got out of the gauze tent, his face covered with lip prints, and he smiled constantly...

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