Alien God System

Chapter 1248: Heaven help

Oh, who is this person?

Don't worry about the real big things, this kind of little things like Sesame Mung Beans is very concerned.

When Chuan Lingbing saw him like this, he also had a heart to refresh himself.

It is a great shame to work for such a master.

"Kill, punish the tyrant, and re-establish the way of heaven!"

At this time, a noisy sound rang outside the door, getting closer.

The seventh son was taken aback: "What's wrong outside?"

"It's not good, Lord Palace. The prisoners in the prison rushed out to riot, and they are fighting here!"

A young man came running out of fright. Seventh Young Master jumped his eyelids and said angrily: "Unreasonably, these prisoners dare to rebel against Lao Tzu blatantly, and don't want to live anymore. Come on.

People, call those so and so, and kill them for me. "

"All the masters guarding the Palace Lord's Mansion are gone, but it's useless. The opponent is too strong to stop it!"

"What? The opponent is just the Patriarch of some third-rate aristocratic family. At most, the third-tier peak cultivation base of martial arts can't stop it? Just send a dozen generals and you can kill them.

The piece of armor is not left. "

"This little one doesn't know it, but this group of people are unbelievably powerful, and they can't stop hundreds of generals and spiritual masters all the way!"

"No way?"

Hearing these words, the seventh son was completely dumbfounded.

And on that battlefield, the prisoners in this group of prisons were also like divine aid, invincible in the world, no one can stop them, and they actually watched all the masters of the Yanhuo Palace who followed.

What happened to this? They took drugs or something? How could it be so fierce?

But even if it is taking drugs, it is impossible for a martial spirit to kill a group of generals and spiritual masters like cutting melons and vegetables.

Only the Red Flame Demon Fairy can understand this feeling, as if the feeling of being possessed by the gods, the strength instantly increases a hundredfold and a thousandfold.

But no one knew that all of this was manipulated by Yang Feng from behind.

"Everyone listens to me, evil does not suppress the righteousness."

Yang Feng walked in the forefront, raising his arms and roaring: "We are walking the way for the sky, and there is the might of heaven to help. As long as we are united in one mind, there is nothing in the world for us.

Invincible. Believe in chivalry, and live forever! "


Listening to his encouragement, and seeing the incredible record in front of him, everyone suddenly became excited.

Is it possible that there is real heaven and justice in this world?

Otherwise, how could such a weird thing happen? It is obvious that the strength gap between the two sides is huge, and the result is that the strength of the weak and the tyrannical spanked pee.

Without God's help, there is really no way to explain all this.

Even the old guys in the Flame Palace, at this time, somewhat believed in Yang Feng's chivalry.

Could he believe that his chivalrous way can really be helped by heaven to increase his strength?

"The demon words confuse the crowd, go to death!"

Suddenly, with a loud shout, an old man with a long beard appeared above Yang Feng's head and punched: "Seventh-rank top martial arts, Yan Luogang boxing!"


In an instant, a cyan fist appeared in nine days, smashing it down at Yang Feng like a mountain of ten thousand feet.

When everyone saw this, their eyes shrank, and everyone in Yanhuo Palace couldn't help saying: "This person is one of the ten strongest people in Jinling Mansion.

It's not easy to deal with! His punch, even if we had five or six people working together, could barely take it, that kid, a martial arts practitioner, was dead this time. "


As soon as the Chi Yan Demon Fairy heard this, she hurriedly shouted, but saw that Yang Feng was not paying attention to this powerful pressure.


At this time, a third-rate family leader became addicted, and he didn't care about the opponent's strength at all, so he stood in front of Yang Feng, punched the blue fist, and shouted: "Evil

Don't press down, believe in chivalry, and live forever! "

"Fart, relying on your third-stage late martial spirit's cultivation base, if you can block the old man's punch, the old man believes that you have the help of heaven, hum."

Long Jinhai glanced at the man scornfully and sneered.

Yang Feng also curled his lips with an evil face: "This is what you said, share, break armor!"


As soon as the voice fell, the third-rate Patriarch's fist suddenly burst into strange waves. It was a simple punch that directly smashed the cyan fist into pieces.

The fierce storm fluttered in all directions, and the crowd around him stagnated, unable to open their eyes.

The dragon entering the sea was already stunned and stunned.

how is this possible? Is there a real help?

"I see it, this is Chivalry." A punch easily blocked the full blow of a general master, making the little old man overjoyed, and everyone else was even more convinced

Yang Feng's notion of evil and righteousness, and the help of the heavens and the way, became even more vigorous in an instant.

The guards of Jinling Mansion groaned in their hearts and broke apart.

Although their overall cultivation base is higher than that of the other party, now that Tiandao is standing on the other side, how can people like themselves fight the sky?

Ever since, the last guardian power of Jinling Mansion also fell apart in the blink of an eye.

Na Long Entering the sea still didn't believe it, and still resisted. He stood in front of the revolutionary torrent, but heard two more breaking noises. Two third-rate patriarchs attacked him from the left and the right.

Long Entering the sea curled his lips disdainfully: "Only you?"

"Sharing, the whole field is weak!"

At this time, Yang Feng shouted again, and Long entered the sea and felt that he had froze all of a sudden. The fists of the two left and right with endless killing intent seemed to have increased a hundred times faster [海棠书屋], in the blink of an eye to.

Long entered the sea trying to hide, but he was powerless, he could only gritted his teeth, transported his whole body of immortal power, and took the two punches.

However, what he never expected was that no matter how much power he shipped out, it was useless.

"Share, break armor!"

Yang Feng murmured again, but after hearing two muffled noises, the dragon entering the sea was already penetrated by the two unknown pawns, and was completely taken by the dog.

Seeing this scene, those people in Yanhuo Palace were stunned.

This is really the Heavenly Destruction Jinling Mansion, a dignified and powerful general of the third-order pinnacle. It is estimated that ordinary people can not easily shake it by physical defense.

As a result, he never expected that he would be beaten through by two spiritual practitioners.


Swallowing hard, the old seniors were speechless.

What happened tonight was something they had never dreamed of before, and the disparity in strength seemed to be completely broken at this moment.

No, it should be upside down.

Apart from using miracles to explain this, they really couldn't think of other reasons.

Of course, there is no other reason.

After all, the leader of this uprising is a god!

No matter how powerful a person is in the spiritual world, can he fight the gods and the heavens?

The corner of Yang Feng's mouth crossed the evil spirit, and he waved his hand gently, and shouted: "The obstacle has been removed, all of you, rush into the palace lord's mansion and catch the tyrant alive!"


The torrent of revolution instantly smashed the vermilion gate that the Jin family had stood here for thousands of years. The plaque of the Jin Mansion also fell weakly to the ground and was trampled on by a pair of angry feet.

Then, it quickly became pulpy...

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