Alien God System

Chapter 1246: collapsed

The chaos in Jinling Mansion continued, and the rebels from all directions were out of control like a monstrous flood. The army of Jinling Mansion sent to the suppression was also defeated

Down like a mountain.

The dignitaries of Jinling Mansion had already seen the end of the Jin family, and began to pack their luggage, rushing to each other, and fled to other realms.

As for the palace master, the Seventh Young Master, he didn't hear things outside the window, and he only enjoyed the grace of beauty, still living happily in his comfort zone.

No one came to remind him!

Brother, stop playing, your head is about to fall.

In fact, since he erased those harsh advice and no one dared to say a word of truth, the whole Jinling Mansion has existed in name only.

What second-rate family? The powerful force is nothing more than an illusion. In the process of going downhill, sooner or later it will be able to go to the end.

Everyone in Jinling Mansion knew this in their hearts, but they didn't expect it to come so soon.

This prodigal son is really the first weird thing in all ages, and he can actually defeat the family property so quickly.

The nobles of Jinling Mansion sneered while sighing, and gradually left this hopeless place.

With the collapse of the middle and high-level management classes, the order of the whole government began to relax, and the defenses of important areas have also greatly declined.

"The guards of the prison have been relaxed a lot recently. We will save people tonight, and we must rescue Lord Yang Bao." In a dark secret room, the eyes of Demon Chi Yan flashed

His face was full of worries.

I don’t know how the leader is living in prison, whether he has been severely punished, alas!

The faces of the black-clothed people around them looked like ink, without any expression: "Saint Maiden, this is the last mission we have done with you. Don't forget, the time limit for you to promise the palace lord is coming.


The heart was stagnant, and a touch of loss flashed in the eyes of Demon Chi Yan, but soon the pupils said: "I know, there is no need for you to remind me. Anyway, you only need to help me take Yang

If the castle master is rescued, I will go back with you. "

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Determined to nod, the people in black shouted: "But if you play any tricks, the palace lord will definitely ask for the head of the surname Yang, and hope to do it for himself."

Without speaking, Demon Chi Yan just lowered her head and closed her eyes weakly.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon it was late at night.

The Great Prison of Jinling Mansion is guarded by heavy soldiers, hundreds of military commanders and master masters are stationed, and there are countless high-level defensive array guards, which can be described as iron barrels.

If in peacetime, even if the Flame Palace masters are all out, they would not dare to attack this important realm in the opponent's territory.

Unfortunately, now that the hearts of the people have dispersed, the defense of the prison is not so rigorous.

There are only less than a hundred generals and great spiritual masters patrolling here, and the others have long sought another way out and ran to other realms to survive.

This entire spiritual world is not just a second-rate family in Jinling Mansion? With their cultivation bases at the level of great spiritual masters and generals, where are they not nobles?

"Light Element Seven-Rank High-Order Spirit Technique, Vioxx Golden Rain!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, the silent night sky suddenly uttered a long drink, and countless golden raindrops shot at the people outside the prison like a blizzard.

Wherever he passed, the blood was filled with fog, and he was immediately killed and injured.

Even the martial arts powerhouse, in this golden rain, was like paper, and instantly lost his life.

Only the masters at the military commander level can block the next or two by virtue of their powerful avant-garde force, but dozens of people were directly injured. Although not fatal, it also reduces its three-point strength


Those great spiritualists hurriedly set up the protective barrier and screamed: "No, someone has robbed a prisoner, take precautions!"


The Chiyan Demon Fairy flew down with a group of masters of the Flame Palace, with a powerful voice and awe-inspiring murderous spirit.

When the guards saw it, they rushed up immediately, and they didn't forget to order to the people under them: "Go and tell the palace owner that the woman he wants is here, let the palace owner quickly bring someone to support.


"Yes, Lord Jin!"

Nodding suddenly, his subordinates left, and the masters of Jinling Mansion were killed together with Yanhuo Palace, clamoring.

I have to say that Yanhuo Palace is worthy of being a second-rate sect in the magic way, and the experts in the palace are also outstanding. When fighting against the masters of Jinling Mansion, they gained the upper hand and broke down one after another.

A few protective enchantments of the opponent rushed to the inside of the prison.

Everyone in Jinling Mansion fought and retreated, struggling a little.

But this does not mean that Jinling Mansion is inferior to the power of Yanhuo Palace, but that the current manor is really incapable of leadership, and the people below will not be desperate for it.

If you can give a lot of effort, you can only get five points.

But even so, everyone in Yanhuo Palace was unable to attack for a while.

This couldn't help making the Red Flame Demon Fairy leading the charge scorched with anger, stamping her feet with anger.

At the beginning, she didn't know how to do it. The ghost possessed her body, the gods blocked and killed the gods, and the Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha and rushed out of Jinling Mansion.

But now, she can no longer perform the magical skills that she used to.

But as time goes by, the reinforcements of Jinling Mansion will soon arrive, which is very detrimental to them.

If they can't penetrate the opponent's defense as soon as possible, it is estimated that not only will they be saved by then, they will all have to be folded here.

Thinking of this, everyone in Yanhuo Palace looked more solemn than ever.

But suddenly, at this moment, an urgent drink came from a distance.

"Emergency report, Langyaguan was breached, Yangjiapu army marched towards Jinling Mansion; Jushangguan was breached, Hanjiapu army marched towards Jinling Mansion; Dulongguan was breached, Jingyougu army marched

Advance to Jinling Mansion..."

"What? The sixty-three hurdles leading to Jinling Mansion were all breached by the rebels?"

The body shook, and the last strong men of Jinling Mansion were immediately stunned when they heard this.

Then everyone looked at each other, nodding their heads, and shouted: "Okay, don't fight anymore. No matter what kind of friends you are facing, you can go in if you want to go to prison. Anyway.

Now, we have nothing to do with Jinling Mansion, goodbye! "

As soon as the voice fell, the masters who guarded the cell couldn't help withdrawing.

The Red Flame Demon Fairy and the others were in a daze. They never thought that they still didn't know how to get to the depths of the prison, and these guards actually dispersed by themselves.

"It seems that Jinling Mansion has completely collapsed!"

An old man in black sneered and nodded slightly: "I never expected that a small Yangjiabao would eventually overthrow the huge Jinling Mansion. This Lord Yangbao, indeed

Have a hand, ha ha ha! "

It goes without saying that he is our leader and can't do anything.

Demon Chi Yan also grinned, proud to have a boss like Yang Feng, but soon, she rushed into the prison eagerly.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, saving people is important!"


However, when they broke through the barriers and rushed into the prison, they were completely shocked by the scene they saw.

"Don't whisper, pay attention to the examination room discipline, cough cough!"

Yang Feng coughed twice, like an invigilator, patrolling in front of the cells...

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