Alien God System

Chapter 1245: Dawn is coming

The seventh son scratched his head, completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter now, but he couldn't help but waved his arms and said: Forget it, no matter who they rebelled, just send someone to suppress them all immediately, don't hinder me Play with beauties. "

Palace Lord, this incident is really extremely serious! "

What's serious, I said before, who dares to rebel and kill things, don't bother me. Do you dare to say one more thing, I cut your head! "


The seventh son roared, and after the body who had reported the letter trembled slightly, he had to bow and retreat silently.

The seventh son gave him a vicious look, then looked at the group of beauties, who were floating like butterflies wearing flowers, and suddenly laughed again: beauties, let's go on playing, hahaha! "

Inside the mansion of the palace lord, once again fell into the laughter of sex.

Outside the mansion are the old officials of Jinling Mansion, shaking their heads and sighing.

Jinling Mansion is over, and it's all lost in the hands of this prodigal son, alas...

At the same time, on the other hand, in the prison, Yang Feng was sitting in the armchair, swaying in tandem. Wherever it looks like he's in jail, he's obviously here on vacation.

The Patriarchs of those third-rate families looked at this scene with a look of envy and hatred.

It's also a squat room, so why is the salary gap so big?

Brother Feng, have tea! "

At this time, a jailer respectfully handed a cup of fragrant tea.

Yang Feng nodded slightly, opened his eyes, took a sip, and muttered: Is there any news outside? Especially with regards to our Yangjiabao, what happened to the turtle grandson surnamed Wu attacking my Yangjiabao? "

Brother Feng was fortune-telling, he was completely wiped out. Brought a hundred thousand army, none of them returned, all were captured, hehehe. "

What a fortune, Yang Jiabao is my site, how powerful is it, can I not know? The turtle grandson brought 100,000 people, not enough to stuff our teeth, cut! "

Yang Feng shook his head and smiled disapprovingly. The jailer couldn't help but exclaimed again and again: Yes, Brother Feng taught well, the battle of Yang Jiapu really shocked the whole government. Who would have thought that the 100,000 army of Jinling Mansion would all be folded on the territory of a third-rate family? High, really high! "

The jailer kept giving thumbs up and admiring again and again.

The other patriarchs were shocked when they heard this news for the first time.

Patriarch Yang, how did your place develop? How did you develop so much? Even the second-rate family can't beat you? "

Rely on plug-in!

Yang Feng sneered in his heart, but on the face it was a serious saying: Didn't I teach you how I developed in the past few months? "

Chivalrous Way? "

Yes, Chivalry is a kind of faith that unites people's hearts. Only when everyone is united can they exert a strong combat power. In addition, we have eliminated class oppression and opened up channels for promotion from higher to lower levels. This allows talented people to have a hope and not be buried. In this way, all the talents are gathered to me, and I have enough talents under my staff. If things go on like this, under the virtuous circle, how can I make Yangjiabao weak? "

Lifting his head proudly, Yang Feng solemnly said: And your four-level hierarchy is a vicious circle. There is no communication between the top and bottom, and the talents cannot be produced; the class barriers, the hearts of the people are uneven. If things go on like this, it will only decline step by step, how can it become stronger? "

Oh I got it!

Those Patriarchs nodded clearly and were taught.

Then, Yang Feng looked at the jailer again: Is there any news? Lao Tzu's Yang Jiabao is over after this battle? "

How could it be finished? "

Unable to stop shaking his head, the jailer exclaimed with a look of admiration: Brother Feng, if you don't say that the soldier is strong, he will be strong. The Yang Jiabao under your management is really tough. As soon as he captured the 100,000 army of Jinling Mansion, he immediately declared an uprising and wanted to enter Jinling Mansion, rescue you, and kick the palace lord down. Moreover, under Guibao's call, more than one hundred third-rate family territories in the whole government also revolted. People from all walks of life are now going to Jinling Mansion, and those adults in Jinling Mansion are almost worried about this. "

What, people from our site are also fighting here? Are they so kind? "

Hearing what the jailer said, the family heads were shocked again.

The jailer nodded solemnly: Yes, they are more species than you, and they have already turned their backs, but they didn't play the banner of saving you. It seems that Lord Yang Bao is the rescuer everywhere. I have to say that Lord Yang Bao is now famous all over the government, why is he being regarded as a revolutionary leader, hehehe. "


The patrons' hearts sank and looked at each other, but they all shook their heads helplessly.

The soldiers and horses in their own territory actually fought to save other territorial patriarchs, but not for their own clan patriarch, which inevitably made them feel a little bit disappointed.

But they also understand that when they were in various territories, they didn't do any good deeds. Now that they are in trouble, how could the people below come to save themselves?

But the Lord Yang Bao is different. This personality charm really has attracted a lot of people. Including themselves, they are now looking at Yang Feng's head.

What Yang Feng told them to recite, they would recite what they did. They didn't dare to be ambiguous, otherwise they would have no chicken thighs to eat, and they would have to eat the bad food in prison.

Yang Feng didn't care about the constant sighs of those Patriarchs, he just touched his chin, thinking carefully: That...How did the Patriarch decide? "

What else can the Palace Master decide? He just asks people to kill and kill, and all those who disagree with him are killed. But there were so many people who refused to accept him. With the strength of Jinling Mansion, they could no longer kill them now. Some people wanted to persuade the remonstrance palace owner to recruit and appease the insurgents, but the palace owner didn’t even have the time to listen. He just wanted to enjoy himself in the palace and killed the admonitioners. Then no one dared to persuade them! "

The king of subjugation must have an arrogant heart! "

The corner of his mouth curled up, and a sharp light flashed in Yang Feng's eyes.

Seventh son, you really didn't waste my painstaking effort to help you in the upper position. Almost all the shortcomings of the subjugated tyrant and the faint king are perfectly reflected in you.

In such a short period of time, the Jinling Mansion, which was still running well, was turned into a turmoil, and the people were rebellious.

What can I say?

Thank you for making room for me, thank you for your setting off, making my brilliant and dazzling great image more radiant, thank you...

Haha, apart from thanking, I really can't express my excitement in words.

Grateful heart, thank you, thank you for being a badass for me for so long...

Yang Feng hummed in his heart, looked at the patrons suddenly, and laughed: Patriarchs, winter vacation is coming, dawn is coming, please prepare, we are going to the final exam, hahaha! "

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