Alien God System

Chapter 1231: Military exercise

Their bodies shook, and the two of them looked overjoyed. With a slap, they slapped their palms on Yang Feng's hands one after another, and said with a smile: As long as Master Yang doesn't think that our two veterans of middle-level first-tier samurai are burdensome, We are willing to follow Master Yang for your dispatch! "

Hey, as long as you have enough spirit stones and martial arts techniques, you can pick up things like strength. I have these here, so don't worry. The key is that this long-term combat command experience and the ability to train soldiers are not available to everyone. The so-called family has an old man, if there is a treasure, how can I despise you? "

With a grin, Yang Feng immediately patted his chest and said: Don't worry, I don't just look at my strength here. I am born to be useful. I need all types of talents, especially military talents like two old generals. You are with me, still marshals, in charge of the three armies! "


Dugu Zhantian and Yelu Chuxiong nodded again and again, and they were moved with tears in their eyes.

Then, Yang Feng took them to the high-level meeting of Yangjiapu and gave a formal introduction.

The leading cadres attending the meeting, looking at these two old men of first-order warriors, all whispered, especially Sima Changfeng and Ge Hong.

Nowadays, Sima Changfeng is the head of Yangjiabao's civil servants, and he is in charge of the whole fort's internal affairs, which is equivalent to the position of prime minister.

Ge Hong is the commander-in-chief of all soldiers and horses in Yangjiabao, equivalent to the post of Shangshu in the Ministry of War.

The positions Yang Feng had to arrange for these two veterans at this time were closely related to both of them, especially Sima Changfeng, who was even more suspicious whether Yang Feng had openly walked through the back door and placed his fellow villagers into important departments for dry meals.

Since the reform of Yangjiabao, the whole castle has been following strict rules and regulations, especially Yang Feng, who is the boss, is leading by example and is not loyal, so the people below dare not go beyond.

The entire atmosphere of Yang Jiapu’s governance is extremely clean, and no one dares to abuse his power.

But now, when Yang Feng said that the Cypriot came in, the Cypriot came in, making Sima Changfeng worried.

If this wind persists, Yang Jiabao's hard-working integrity will be completely destroyed.

Sima Changfeng is an upright man who has the closest relationship with Yang Feng. Others are embarrassed to speak, but he has no scruples and directly advises: Fort Lord, if these two veterans want to enter the Fort, especially Military department, please take the formal way, otherwise, how can you convince the public? Just squeeze them into the top, what is the difference between us and Wu Jiabao before? "

Yes, the weak of the first-order warrior cultivation base, to command a group of second-order warriors, and even martial arts masters, how can they convince the crowd, and ask the castle master to take back his life. "

Ge Hong also held his fists solemnly and bowed.

Hearing what they said, Dugu Zhantian and Yelu Chuxiong couldn't help scratching their cheeks, a little embarrassed.

Indeed, with their current strength, being a marshal is not enough.

Yang Feng smiled disapprovingly and said: I persuade Tiangong to tremble again and cast down talents in an eclectic manner. Do you think I am going through the back door? Wrong, I am a good candidate who never avoids relatives. The two veteran generals had gone through a hundred battles and waved at Fang Qiu. Even if the current strength is not enough, but with their command, our army's combat power will definitely increase more than ten times. I believe that they can sit in this seat, not because of their strength, but because of their brains. "

Really, then we have to see it. "

A rough breath came out of his nostrils, and Ge Hong glanced at the two coldly.

Sima Changfeng also thinks about it later: let us see what you are capable of. "

Please give us a sandbox! "

After Dugu Zhantian and Yelu Chuxiong looked at each other, they nodded slightly.

After Sima Changfeng ordered people to arrange a sand table immediately, Du Gu Zhan Tian and the two began to line up on the sand table.

I showed them all about the Long Snake Formation, the Two Dragons Out of the Water Formation, the Heaven and Earth Sancai Formation, etc., and the two fully explained them according to the different terrain and the changes in the formation.

Even, in view of the characteristics of the spiritual warfare basically being carried out in the air, the two have made detailed changes to these land battle formations.

This is lightning-proof, this is light-proof, and wind-proof formation changes. Generally speaking, even if the opponent has a sudden assassin, we can make him come back and forth. This is our two old guys, who have been idle lately, the newly researched Longmen Gossip Array! "


Yelu Chuxiong and Dugu Zhantian finished their explanations, and everyone present couldn't help being stupid.

Most of them don't understand anything, and the cultural heritage is not good.

Only Sima Changfeng, his pupils flicked, his eyes gleamed, and he couldn't help but praise: Talent, Fort Master, these two veterans are really talents. The subordinates agree with the opinion of the castle owner, let them control the two armies and train them strictly. "

Did I say it a long time ago, can I lie to you? I'm not the kind of cronyism, hehehe! "

Yang Feng grinned and raised his head triumphantly.

These two fellows gave him a face today.

In fact, this four-level system in the spirit world is extremely depressing for talents to come forward. Even the talents in cultivation, there are a lot of buried talents, let alone talents in other fields.

This has also led to the extreme decline of culture in all areas of the spiritual world.

The countless famous generals and marshals of the lower realms were unable to make their heads even after they came to the spirit realm, and their exquisite military concepts were not known. As a result, the military tactics of the spiritual realm army were inferior to the next generation, and they fell behind step by step. Only know that the arrogant strength level suppresses, but does not know how to use flexibility.

Therefore, when Dugu Zhantian and they only said some rather simple tactics, they couldn't help making everyone present stunned.

There is such a magical method in the world that can treat one person as ten people.

Of course, this is really lucky for the two veteran generals. If they encounter the enlightened governance system of Yangjiabao established by Yang Feng, otherwise they will be buried again.

Although Ge Hong nodded his head again and again, he couldn't put his head down after all. He sneered and said: Who wouldn't talk about soldiers on paper? The key is to fight for strength on the battlefield. Does this changing formation work? "

Then let's try and have a practice match. Divide into two teams, each with 1,000 people, with equal cultivation bases. You command one, two old generals command one, and see what happens? "

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng provocatively said.

Ge Hong has a neck: try, try! "

Half an hour later, the leaders of Zhou Afu's soldiers and horses danced with joy to celebrate the victory of the exercise. Ge Hong squatted with a gloomy face among the group of former Gejiazhai brothers with swollen noses and swollen noses, thinking about life lonely, wishing to take a couple of cigarettes.

Just a quarter of an hour ago, he commanded the original brother to fight with the soldiers of Mars, and the commanders of the opponent were the two old men.

The men and horses selected by both sides are all second-order warriors, and they are inseparable.

But as soon as they played against each other, the opponent's changing formations stunned them, and finally they were all confused and beaten to the ground.

In the end, the soldiers and horses played a thousand people and lost no more than a hundred people; Gejiazhai played a thousand people and lost more than 800 people, which was a disastrous defeat.

At this time, Ge Hong finally learned that the might of the army was so powerful.

Those two old guys are really not easy...

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