Alien God System

Chapter 1232: neighbor

At the end of the exercise, Sima Changfeng was pleasantly surprised and bowed to Yang Feng and said: Fort Lord, God bless me Yang Jiabao, with the help of the two old marshals, the military power will inevitably grow for nine days in the future, and it is unstoppable! "

Yang Feng smiled, did not speak, just watched the two Dugu Zhantian who returned triumphantly, and a dejected Ge Hong approached here.

How is it, Brother Ge, how do you feel? "

Yang Feng teased Ge Hong.

After slapped his mouth twice, Ge Hong was speechless, and clasped his fists: the fort master’s wise eyes knew the bead, and Ge had nothing to say, and agreed to the two old generals to enter the high level of our Yangjiapu military department and form an army. "

What do you think of those two old men? "

Yang Feng nodded happily, then looked at the duo and Zhantian.

After the two veteran generals glanced at each other, Dugu Zhantian clasped his fists and said: Qi Baozhu Yang Bao, just now due to the rush of time, the two of us didn't know much about this team, so this exercise was quite regrettable and could not perform at all. The power that the army should have. If you give the old man and two more time to run the team together, I believe they can perform ten times better than in the exercise just now. Of course, this is still flawed. After all, this team is not our own training..."

Okay, you two old guys have already won, so what are you doing? Are you embarrassing me? Haven't all agreed to let you build the army, so why are you still reluctant? Show off, hum! "

However, before Duguzhan Tianhua hadn't finished speaking, Ge Hong stopped directly and gave them a stern look.

Dugu Zhantian shook their heads with a smile, and said nothing more.

Yang Feng, Sima Changfeng and the others looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

Then, Yang Feng looked down and shouted: I will not only let the two old generals take over the training of my Yangjiapu army, but also establish a military academy, with the two old generals as the deans, and cultivate a large number of military talents. Go to the future to open up the land. Brother Sima, this matter is under your supervision. "

Yes, the castle master, the castle master is wise! "

Respectfully clasped his fists, Sima Changfeng smiled.

In this way, after actual combat exercises, Yang Jiapu’s high-level officials no longer dare to underestimate the military strategy of Dugu Zhantian. Moreover, Sima Changfeng and others attach great importance to the training of military leaders. Engineering comes to catch.

As long as the leader of Yang Feng pointed out the direction, let his subordinates take care of the specific matters, and he would act as the shopkeeper again.

It's just that he can get rid of some things, but he can't get rid of some things.

I am back! "

Yang Feng went home from get off work, before he walked through the door, he roared loudly and sent a letter to the two ladies inside, but suddenly heard a chuckle from behind him.

You are back, sir. "

Ok? Who? Sound so familiar?

Yang Feng was taken aback and looked back, but his pupils suddenly burst, his eyes almost didn't fall off, and he roared: Why are you facing the door to me? "

At this moment, it was not someone else who appeared in front of him, but the lingering Red Flame Demon Fairy.

With a triumphant arc of her mouth, the Scarlet Flame Demon Fairy said proudly: I have spent a lot of money to buy this house, and we will be neighbors in the future, sir, hehehe. "

Who is your master, don't bark, don't make people misunderstand! "

Yang Feng looked back cautiously, and made sure that the two women hadn't heard it, and ran to the Scarlet Flame Demon Fairy in a hurry, and said in a low voice: This house seems to belong to the Fang family, why did you live in? Where is the old party? "

On the first day when Yang Feng became the fort lord, he abolished the fourth-class hierarchy and established a fair trading system.

Therefore, in Yangjiabao, there is no fixed noble area or civilian area. As long as it is a fair transaction, all real estate can be bought and sold at will.

Of course, the prime location is not a place that ordinary people can afford, but even so, the high-level people in the fort like Yang Feng live together with many rich people, and there is no difference between the official district and the civilian district, and it can be regarded as having fun with the people.

On the opposite side of Yang Feng, there lived a nobleman in the catering industry. There was a food street in Yangjiapu, all of which belonged to his family.

But he never expected that this kid would actually sell his own property, which was the opposite of the castle main mansion.

You know, what an honor it is to be a neighbor of the castle lord, how can someone give up this opportunity to get close to the lord of the castle?

Star chasers are not chasing stars anymore!

Say, did you force him? "

Yang Feng suspected that the master of the house was forced to leave by the witch, Demon Chi Yan, and immediately shouted: This is Yang Jiabao, not your Yanhuo Palace. If you dare to make trouble here, I will not let you go. "

Oh, how dare I, I never dared to violate your old rules, hehehe. "

With a sneer, the Scarlet Flame Enchantress stared at him with winking eyes: The old man moved to the other side of you. He originally wanted to see you every day and was so impressed by the noble spirit of the castle lord, that you did not go home for a year or a half. He felt that the house had been bought at a loss, and the price-performance ratio was too low. And this girl happens to be willing to pay a hundred times the price, and of course he sells this lot. We are a legitimate business that you want to see, without any coercion or temptation. If you don't believe me, ask the old man Fang. "

I go, this person really has no will to chase stars, how can he give up halfway? If I don't go home for a year, he doesn't want to be a neighbor with me?


After Yang Feng heard this, he couldn't help cursing in his heart, and looked at the Scarlet Flame Demon Girl with a strange expression: Do you still know the word price-performance ratio? Who did you learn from? "

Yang Feng understood in his heart that cost-effectiveness is a modern term, and the world is mostly ancient style, and there are few people in general, and they have never even heard this word. But the Scarlet Flame Demon Fairy opened his mouth, and he couldn't help being confused.

Demon Chi Yan blinked her big fascinating eyes, and after a moment of indulgence, she smiled enchantingly: This is an old saying, our native dialect, don’t you understand what it means? "

To understand is to understand, but your native dialect is an old saying..."

Yang Feng thought for a while, muttering in his heart.

Could it be the words left by the previous traversers? After all, he was not the first to cross. The previous traversers left behind the stories of the four masterpieces in this world, and left behind the doctrines of the philosophers, and there is nothing strange about the price-performance ratio.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng was relieved.

Only seeing Demon Chi Yan moved to live opposite him, it was obvious that she came to make trouble, and immediately shouted: Sister, what are you doing? Yangjiapu's ten major urban areas, such a big place, where you can't get the land, you have to run across from me, isn't this embarrassing me? "

Don't you know what I want to do? "

Two white arms, like two spirit snakes, wrapped around Yang Feng's neck, Chi Yan Demon Fairy looked at him firmly, exhaling like blue.

Marry me! "

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