Alien God System

Chapter 1230: The old man returns

After solving the problem of the escape of talents, Yang Feng was very pleased, and then accepted the two ladies' interrogation overnight, and conducted detailed inquiries about the origin of the Red Flame Demon Fairy and his relationship with the Red Flame Demon Fairy.

Especially Wan Zining, who was worthy of working in the soldier Ma Si before, used all the prisoners to deal with Yang Feng.

As a result, Yang Feng was bombarded by fatigue all night, and the next morning, he went to work with two panda eyes.

The castle owner, his subordinates have organized a missionary team of 2,000 people, a total of 137 teams, to send to the third-rate family territory of Jinling Mansion, among them..."

At the morning meeting, all the backbones of Yangjiabao sat around a long table and reported to Yang Feng the upcoming tasks.

Yang Feng was sitting at the top of the table, holding the report aloft, hiding his face, as if he was looking at it very carefully, but in fact he had already closed his eyes and went to play chess with Zhou Gong.


Suddenly, a loud shout sounded from outside the door, Yang Feng staggered, and the report fell to the ground. Yang Feng stood up in a daze, yawned and said: Why, the meeting is over? Then... go home, don’t go to the party today, I want to make up for it! "

Uh... Castle Lord! "

After smacking his lips, Sima Changfeng on the side pondered a little, and murmured: Our meeting has only been held for less than one-tenth of the incense, and it is too early for the separation. "

what? The meeting is not over yet? Then who just yelled and said that the meeting was over? Let Lao Tzu be happy! "

Castle Lord, no one said that the meeting was over. Someone outside the door told something. Are you confused? "


Sima Changfeng let out a foul breath and gave a dry laugh, and everyone on the table covered their mouths and laughed.

The magic top ridiculed even more: Don’t win the newlyweds, the castle owner must have overworked last night, understanding..."


However, before he finished speaking, he slammed his head on the table and fainted.

Yang Feng stared at him gloomily, retracted the righteous iron fist, and hummed: This is the end of the gossip of the leader who dares to pass on. The person outside the door came in, he had something to tell, and said! "

Yes, Fort Lord! "

The door of the meeting room opened, and a guard walked in solemnly and shouted: Ask the castle master, there are two old men outside the door who want to see you, saying that they are old friends! "

Old man? Who? "

Yang Feng rolled his eyes and reacted immediately, could it be... a brother from the lower realm?

Thinking of this, Yang Feng hurried out, and when he rushed out of the tallest new building in Yangjiapu, after the office building, two familiar and unfamiliar figures came into view.

Said familiar, they are really old acquaintances.

But speaking of being unfamiliar, it is that their current appearance is obviously a lot of abandonment, and it is completely different from the previous majestic and prestigious.

Marshal Dugu, Marshal Yelu, really you? "

Master Yang, we finally found you! "

That's right, the two people in front of them are the two military gods that Yang Feng had accepted when he was in the lower realm, Dugu Zhantian and Yelu Chuxiong. It's just that at this time, the two gods of war seemed to be getting mixed together, their clothes were sloppy, and there were many scars on their faces.

Obviously, it was the whip and the soldering iron.

It can be seen that they have also suffered inhuman treatment in the spiritual world.

However, this is not important anymore. What's important is that they found the organization today. As soon as they saw Yang Feng's face, they suddenly felt that the backbone of their hearts had returned and ran over happily.

Yang Feng also met with old friends, excitedly hugged these two old marshals tightly, and the three were rejoicing.

When the excitement of reuniting gradually subsided, the three of them sat on the benches in the garden, telling the situation of these years.

Dugu Zhantian looked at this beautiful Yangjiabao and couldn't help but admire: The old man has walked in the spirit world for so long, and this is the best. Not only is the house well built, but the people are also very nice. It seems to have returned to our lower realm... Uh no, it should be better than our lower realm, hahaha. Teacher Yang, you did this all? "

Of course, this is Yangjiabao, my site, I am the owner of this castle! "

Yang Feng grinned and raised his head.

Dugu Zhantian and Yelu Chuxiong looked at each other, and Qi Qi's eyes lit up: So, you are now a third-rate family here? "

Yes, it is third-rate for the time being. "

Hey, it's better to say that the leader of Yang is a dragon and a phoenix among people. Only a few years after coming to the spirit world, he has achieved such a glorious achievement. It's like us, oh...still doing miscellaneous things, no different from slaves. "

Dugu Zhantian sighed, shook his head and sighed: Knowing that the spiritual world is such a place, the old man would rather die in the lower world. "

Yang Feng took a deep look at him and could feel the sadness in his heart. He couldn't help but pat his shoulder lightly and said: The atmosphere of the spirit world is not comparable to our lower realm, but so what? Can we transform it into our lower realm. Old Marshal Dugu, you are a soldier, how can you be so pessimistic and give up lightly? "

Teacher Yang, you don't know, I have been here in the spirit world with Old Man Yelu for a few years, and we have been smoothed by those people. What a military god, he is no longer as brave as he was. "

After spitting out a long breath, Dugu Zhantian murmured: The two of us thought that even if our strength is not as good as the people here, we should be able to be in the local soldiers and horses by virtue of our military talents. Be a commander, or a lieutenant. As a result, it was all related households. Since we got the fourth-class untouchable identity card, we were destined to be slaves for the rest of our lives. "

Yes, we all participated in the two-year local arena and wanted to change our destiny. As a result, we were eliminated in the first round without the help of spiritual stones. There is no hope for us in this place. "

Immediately afterwards, Yelu Chuxiong couldn't help but complain.

Yang Feng stared at them closely, and shouted: Did you get to one place back then? "

No, we spread it to two places, and then we fought in these two places. We met when we were on the battlefield and we got in touch. Later, I heard that there was a place called Yangjiabao, and the leader of the fort was called Yang Feng. We wondered if it was the leader of Yang, so let's try our luck. I didn't expect you to be the leader. "

Yes, since you have found me, then we will fulfill our vows back then and fight again with my brothers. "A sharp light flashed in his eyes, Yang Feng raised his hand and placed it between the two.

If the two veteran generals still want to reinforce their battlefields and make contributions, then join me in Yangjiapu. "

Looking at each other, there is hope in the two eyes, but they are still a little nervous: Master Yang, our current strength is very low, what can we do? "

You also said that your military talents are unmatched. I want you to train a victorious iron army to gallop the entire spirit world, how about? "

With a confident smile at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng decided: I want the names of Dugu and Yelu Army to ring in every corner of the spiritual world and establish a mighty and unyielding army soul. This is also a kind of belief, a belief exclusive to soldiers. "

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