Alien God System

Chapter 1229: Are you crazy

The scene suddenly fell into a rather ambiguous stalemate. Yang Feng opened his hands and looked at the figure of the enthusiastic girl in front of him who was holding him tighter, not knowing where to put his hands.

Linglong and Wan Zining's eyes stared at them, they were getting colder and colder, as if they wanted to kill.

However, the Chiyan Demon Fairy didn't care about that much, she just kept holding Yang Feng's arms, as if she was about to melt the man in front of her into her chest.


Yang Feng didn't know what to do either, but he groaned a little strangely.

Wan Zining's expression sank, and immediately clenched his fists and coughed twice.

Cough cough cough!

Shaking his body, Yang Feng hurriedly smiled with an embarrassed face: That... girl, can you let go of your hand first? "

Twisting her body and shook her head, Demon Chi Yan let out a groan that made all the men present groan.

Those Lin Fei licked their dry lips, scratched their heads brilliantly, and turned their heads.

Yang Feng couldn't help but touched his nose. Why did he feel that there was water flowing in his nose? It was strange.


But it was sudden, Linglong and Wan Zining stabbed with four cold lights, and Yang Feng was about to scare a Ji Ling, and he hurried to the sky and laughed, and said solemnly: That... Girl Red Flame Demon, please be respectful Son, I am a man with a family. Don't do this, I am very clean and self-conscious, please let me go. "

Family? "

Chiyan Demon Ji shook her body, as if she had only remembered something, she raised her eyes to the two women who were staring at her, and sneered: This is your family in the spirit world? Just so-so, will you have me? "

what did you say? "

Provocation, naked provocation!

The two daughters Linglong and Wan Zining were furious when they heard this.

Yang Feng also wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said lightly: That girl, please don't always say such misleading words, otherwise it will be difficult for me to do it. "

Misunderstanding, what misunderstanding? "

Leaning back, Chi Yan Demon Fairy looked deeply into Yang Feng's eyes, Jiao Didi said: Are you afraid of misunderstanding with me, or do you want to misunderstand me? "

With that, Demon Chi Yan took off the red scarf one centimeter away from Yang Feng's face.

Suddenly, a beautiful and stunning face appeared in front of everyone present.

Everyone was startled, they were all stunned, even Linglong and Wan Zining were the same.

These two women are usually in Yangjiapu, but the two flowers that they consider to be the only two flowers in the whole castle are already beautiful and beautiful.

But I never expected that under the beautiful appearance of the Red Flame Demon Fairy, Dang Even was overwhelmed and eclipsed.

Yang Feng couldn't help but look dumbfounded. The beauty of this beauty was not inferior to his second wife, Ji Shishi. Even more, it's still gone.

Even Yang Feng, a man who has already read countless beautiful things, couldn't stop shaking his mind at this moment.

Seeing Yang Feng's dullness, Demon Chi Yan lowered her head shyly, and two blushes climbed on her cheeks, muttering: Lord Yang Bao, am I good-looking? "

That... girl! "

Rubbing his nose, although Yang Feng has a common problem with men, he loves beauty and is justified, but he is also a generation of heroes who have seen the world.

For this kind of naked beauty, it is generally not fooled.

Even if the other party is so beautiful and angry, Yang Feng can still keep the bottom line: You look good, I agree with it, but what does it have to do with me? You let me go first, my two ladies are watching. "


Demon Chi Yan stared at him fiercely, her eyes were a bit complicated, but she grinned quickly, she couldn't help but hug a lot tighter, and said happily: It hasn't changed, you really haven't changed, people love you to death! "

Eh eh eh, what are you doing, let go! "

For Chi Yan Demon Fairy's begging for love and eating their husband's tofu in the public, the two ladies can no longer stand it.

Qi Qi rushed forward, divided the two by three times, and pulled the two away.

Then, the two of them put the husband who was still a little reluctant, like a hen guarding a chick, firmly behind them, staring at the coquettish woman with vigilance.

The Scarlet Flame Demon Fairy curled her lips indifferently, smiled non-committal, didn't put them in her eyes at all, just said straight to Yang Feng: Lord Yang Bao, you marry me, I want to join this family. "

what? "

The body shook, Yang Feng was startled suddenly, inexplicably.

It was the first time he saw a woman who wanted to marry her so brazenly, she was too unreserved, she was crazy.

You are crazy! "

Yang Feng blinked his big confused eyes and shouted directly: Are we two familiar? Plus tonight, I have only met three times in total. Would you let me marry you? Am I the kind of casual person? Just because you look good, marry a stranger back? "

I know you are not a casual person, so it's worth marrying. "

He smiled, Demon Chi Yan put her hands together, bowed to him, and said coquettishly: Please, marry me, this is my biggest wish in this life. "

His eyes sank, Yang Feng raised his finger to the door: Get out! "


Demon Chi Yan obviously didn't expect that she would be rejected so quickly. After being startled, she laughed again: Well, it's the man I'm after, it's not casual. You are still the first man who dared to refuse my courtship, but don't worry, you will marry me sooner or later, hehe! "

With that said, the Red Flame Demon Fairy was already in full swing, flew for nine days, and quickly disappeared into the moonlight.

Just before leaving, she didn't forget to turn her head and cast a wink at Yang Feng again, until the second daughter Linglong was itchy with anger.

It's just that no one noticed that the moment she turned her head away, her originally joyful face quickly became full of sadness.

Actually... as long as he is safe, alas!

Yang Feng looked at the place where the Scarlet Flame Demon Fairy's figure was gradually disappearing, and then looked at Lin Fei: I see it, now our Yangjiapu has internal and external troubles, full of dangers, and it is precisely when we are using people. If you leave now, you are putting me in danger! "

Castle Lord, with your ability, who can hurt you? "

I am not afraid that I am in danger, but that my wife and other people in the fort have trouble. I do not have enough skills to protect them all. "Yang Feng stared at them closely, and said solemnly: I believe that you are all loyal and righteous, and you should not leave me at this time. Think about how I usually treat you? You are embarrassed to change jobs now. ?"


Lin Fei and the others looked at each other in a bit of embarrassment: How about... we will help you get rid of that demon girl now to avoid future troubles? "

Stupid, to get rid of her, I just got rid of it. She is not a future problem. The attack tonight has nothing to do with her, but because of this, this matter is not easy to control. I need more people to protect me, understand? "

Okay, let's stay a little longer and wait until the peace here is over. "

Nodded clearly, Lin Fei and the others sighed and agreed to stay.

Yang Feng glanced at them deeply, grinned suddenly, and smiled...

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