Alien God System

Chapter 1228: Talent is going to run

The words were divided into two parts. Yang Feng relied on his super-intuitive intuition. After a piece of tea went straight to the first level of the enemy general from a thousand miles away, he sat at the table leisurely and sipped the tea, as if nothing happened. Ease.

Lin Fei and the others looked at the direction the piece of tea flew away, then looked at Yang Feng and said: Lord Yang Bao, you just now..."

If the old man can escape my fresh and delicate tea pistil, he should not be dead. Unfortunately, if there is no such thing, ha ha ha! "

Yang Feng gave a wicked smile and said noncommittal.

The body shook suddenly, Lin Fei and others looked at each other, secretly smacked their tongues.

No way, so far, you can't see the figure, can you kill the opponent? real or fake?

Lin Fei and his party were suspicious, but soon they ignored it. After all, this is Yang Feng's own business, and it has nothing to do with them. Whether that person ran away or died, it is all up to Yang Feng to decide by himself. What are their mercenaries doing?

What they really care about is, if the time for employment is up, can the boss settle the balance to them?

With full expectation, Lin Fei came to Yang Feng with his men and horses, and respectfully said: Lord Yang Bao, now the battle of Jinling Mansion, we will accompany you to fight. Do you think we should unlock our seal and let us go as agreed at the time? "


Yang Feng, who was pouring tea with a smile, suddenly stagnated, his originally kind smile gradually sinking.

Lin Fei and the others choked in their hearts, and their heads instantly ooze cold sweat.

He changed this expression all of a sudden, wouldn't he want to go back?

Am I treating you badly? "

Yang Feng let out a long suffocating breath, and said gloomily.


Swallowing hard, Lin Fei and the others shook their heads: No, no, you have treated us well these days, but..."

Ma Yun once said that all employees' problems are the problem of insufficient money. "

However, before Lin Fei finished speaking, Yang Feng was already deciding on the railroad: Do you think the salary I gave here is not enough, should I raise my salary? "

The corners of their mouths collapsed, and Lin Fei's crowd couldn't laugh or cry: Lord Yang Bao, listen to us, we are not dissatisfied with you, but we still have our own task. If you want to find the lady, please be merciful and let us go. . "

Oh, I see. You think my temple is small and can't accommodate you gods, right? "

With a long spit, Yang Feng said earnestly: I know that you are from a super first-class family, and look down on me, a small family of third-rate family. But you have to understand that we are now on the road to start a business, with great stamina. It won't take long to become a second-rate family. In some time, it will be first-class and super-class families. At that time, you will be indispensable to get shares and dividends when you go public for financing. "

Let me tell you, you are still young, don't always think about retirement in a big company, but work hard in a small company with a bright future. When our company grows up, we will reach the pinnacle of life and marry Bai Fumei, which is just around the corner. In the future, you will be major entrepreneurs in our Yang family. If you go back to your former boss, you will only be errands. Whether it is to master the future or short-sighted, you can figure it out. "

Yang Feng can't help bewitching, but Lin Fei's faces are very firm: Lord Yang Bao, we want to find the lady as soon as possible. It has been almost a year, and I don't know where the lady has gone. Please fulfill your promise! "

Stubborn, stubborn, hum! "


After slamming the teacup, Yang Feng turned his head sullenly, not to see them.

Lin Fei and the others also kept their heads down, silent.

The scene fell into an extremely embarrassing situation.

At this time, the two sides are in a stalemate, and it is time for someone to come out. The best candidate is naturally the wife of the castle lord.

The two sides persuaded each other and gave each other a step down, and this matter also passed. Be smarter. On the surface, the two are not helping each other to persuade, but in fact they are pulling sideways to help Yang Feng confuse each other.

A few words may be able to keep people behind.

Several wives, such as Yang Yuchan, Yue'er, and Ji Shishi, all have such abilities and can be called virtuous internal helpers.

But these two now...

Ms. Lin, since Lin guards and they want to go, you let them go, why bother? Anyway, the twisted melon is not sweet. "Linglong is very straightforward.


Yang Feng's brows trembled, and he glared at this Nizi. Which one are you on?

Yes! "

At this time, Wan Zining was also very righteous and awe-inspiring: Do not do to others what you don't want, just let them go, it is rare that they are so loyal to the previous master. We Yangjiapu established the world with chivalry, and we should be perfect! "


Yang Feng almost didn't squirt a mouthful of old blood, staring at the two prodigal ladies in front of him, his face twitching constantly.

Oh, shit, are you really stupid or fake, a bit politically minded, OK?

Now we Yangjiapu is booming, and what we need most is talents. Although Laozi is invincible in the world, he can't do everything by himself.

There are still some things that need to be shared by the subordinates.

It's rare that these few Lin Fei are elite talents cultivated by super-first-class families. They are the main employees we need now. If you don't keep them for me, you will push them out?

Oh, the gap.

Comparing with those in the Lower Realm who are as sophisticated as monkeys, these two ladies are too simple and innocent.

Yang Feng sighed, not knowing how to answer.

Suddenly, an anxious soft drink came from outside: Lord Yang Bao, are you all right? "


The red shadow floats down from the nine heavens, graceful and graceful. Even if you can't see the face under the scarf, the eyes full of urgency are still exceptionally bright and seductive.

It was the Demon Chi Yan who came.


Yang Feng glanced at her obliquely, immediately found a punching bag, slammed the table, and rushed out murderously, shouting: Do you dare to come? You poisonous woman! Lin Fei, grab this woman for me! "

Yes! "

With a loud shout, Lin Fei and the others were about to make a move when they saw that Demon Chiyan had turned into a red glow, and quickly rushed into Yang Feng's arms, hugged him tightly, and said with tears: You are fine, It scared me to death, I thought the fire master Tuo killed you. If you die, I won't live anymore, oooooo! "


Suddenly, Yang Feng was stunned.

Feeling the tears on this woman's face and the moistness on her back, then listening to her eagerness and the joy of the rest of her life.

Suspicion gradually arose in Yang Feng's heart. Could it be that the old man who came to kill him was not hers?

Lin Fei and the others were also stunned on the spot, and looked at each other.

Do you want to do something like this?

Linglong and Wan Zining frowned as they looked at the two people's lacquer looks, their faces aroused in anger.

Where did this woman... come from?

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