Alien God System

Chapter 1227: Kill


While he was puzzled, the hot flames squirmed for a while, and then it was like ice and snow meeting magma, melting at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly disappeared without a trace.


With a wicked smile at the corner of Yang Feng's mouth, he stared at the old man on the roof, noncommittal.

His two wives were behind him, and they were safe.

Around them, there was a layer of red air current, and the dragon's breath that the old man was so proud of dissipated without a trace under the erosion of this air current.

Even the dragon's breath didn't burn in the airflow cover, even a little trace.

Eye pupils couldn't help but suddenly suddenly, the old man was stunned: "Why...what is this trick, the old man's dragon breath actually..."

"No matter how strong the dragon's breath of the monster race is, it is also a mortal thing, how can it compete with the energy of heaven and earth?" Yang Feng sneered.

When the old man heard it, his eyes turned left and right.

Heaven and earth energy?

Earth-level energy has the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, but the dragon's breath of the spirit world dragon has already surpassed the power of earth-level energy, and this person does not use any energy in the five elements.

Could it be that this is heavenly energy... Lan?

Seeing the crimson light swaying around Yang Feng, the red-haired old man immediately understood what he said, "The heavenly seven-spirited lan beast is here with you and has been refined by you.

melted? "

Evil charm smiled, Yang Feng said nothing.

However, this can be regarded as a kind of default.

The red-haired old man trembled, and he was immediately scared into cold sweat, and at the same time deeply puzzled.

If this person really has Lan Beast, let alone oneself, even if the entire Flame Palace goes together, it is not his enemy of one!

The horror of the heavenly seven spirit elements, except for the power of the super first-class family, who can resist?

But how is this possible? Such a terrifying Lan Beast can actually be refined by a small third-rate Patriarch? Why is he?

The red-haired old man can't figure it out and can't even think about it.

At this moment, he was not only surrounded by a group of Tier 3 generals, but also a more terrifying monster staring at him. If this surnamed Yang directly releases Lan Beast, he will definitely

Turn to ashes in an instant!

Cold sweat oozes from the red-haired old man's forehead, and he has already been frightened to make his limbs weak and shivering.

Lin Fei glanced at him lightly and sneered: "Old guy, now I know I'm afraid? Where is the courage that just clamored for..."

"Eighth rank high-level martial arts, Yan Mist!"


However, Lin Fei hadn't finished speaking yet, the old man yelled again, his palms snapped together, and a hot air wave immediately centered on it, like ocean waves.

Spread out.

Wherever it passes, clouds and mist are everywhere, filled with smoke and dust.

Everything that was shrouded in these smoke and dust turned into ashes.

If this situation is encountered by ordinary people, it will definitely burn into a pile of charcoal in an instant, and it will be scattered in the sky.

But are Lin Fei ordinary people?

Anyway, it's a security guard from a super-class family who doesn't have any real skills. Isn't that a shame to the original company?

"Nine-rank high-end martial arts formation, Yunguanghuajing!"


As soon as the words fell, Lin Fei and the others slapped the seal tactics together, and a dazzling golden mysterious mirror appeared in front of them.

However, in an instant, it was interwoven into a net of heaven and earth composed of golden light, which firmly covered everything inside, densely packed.

Wherever the halo passed, everything disappeared, including the dust evaporating from the smog.

In a short time, the land surrounded by Lin Fei and the others was transparent and became a vacuum, but the only person who caused the accident, the red-haired old man, was not seen.

The brows trembled slightly, Lin Fei looked up to the sky, and saw that, not far away, above the nine heavens, the red-haired old man was covering his shoulder injury with one hand, while flying to the distance at a high speed.

Still swearing.

"Mal Gobi, in this little third-rate family, there was a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, almost cut into pieces by them. It seems that after going back, the Palace Master will be severely punished, alas."

"Want to run? How easy is it? Humph!"

Lin Fei raised his eyes to stare at the staggered figure, and a touch of evil charm crossed the corner of his mouth. The long sword in his hand exuded an icy glow, directly facing the mourning dog.

But before he could do anything, Yang Feng's voice came: "Lin Fei, it's an alliance anyway, don't be too much."

"Uh... Castle Lord, do you plan to just let him go like this?"

"No, giving him ten breaths of time to escape is considered our best benevolence." With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng showed an evil smile, turned around and muttered: "Ten!"



Yang Feng walked back to the table in the room, made a cup of tea, and took a sip: "Six, five, four..."

"No, Castle Lord, I can't see him anymore!"

Lin Fei yelled outside, but Yang Feng remained unmoved.

"three two……"

"Fort Lord, I really can't see it now, we are too late to pursue it!" Finally, before Yang Feng finished counting, Lin Fei shrugged helplessly and laughed bitterly.

"one zero!"

Finally, Yang Feng said the last number, turned his head violently, and thought to himself: "Super intuitive!"


A tea leaf with a red air current, like a miniature meteor, flew out with a whistle, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The red-haired old man who had already flown to the end of the horizon looked back and saw that no one was chasing him behind him. He could not help but secretly rejoice that he had escaped and he must return to the palace as soon as possible to inform the palace lord and let him not

I am embarrassed with Yang Jiapu again.

The saint wants to go with the Lord Yang Bao, so let her follow.

This Yang Jiabao is not an existence that their Flame Palace can easily provoke.

With the skill of those military commanders and Yang Feng's ability to subdue the Lan Beast, he has already far surpassed the background of the second-rate family and even the first-class family.

But before the thoughts in his heart were over, there was a muffled sound, the tea leaves with the red airflow suddenly shot into his body.

The red-haired old man stagnated, his face twitching uncontrollably, as if painful.

The next moment, amidst the screams of pain, the whole body of the red-haired old man began to dissolve into nothingness. But it’s just a moment of worship, and it’s completely wiped out, from the nine days of


At the same time, in a remote corner of Yangjiabao, Demon Chi Yan glared at a group of black-clothed assassins and shouted, "What are you doing in Yangjiabao, go back!"

"Enlighten the saint, this is the order of the palace lord to completely erase Yang Jiabao from this world."

"What, the palace lord's order, why did he do this?"

"The palace lord said that if the saint insists on staying in Yangjiabao, he can only do so to let you return to the palace! Moreover, the elder Tuo, the fireworker, has already gone to kill the Yangjiabao lord.

Yang Feng. "

"What? Elder Fireworker Tuo, but one of the top ten elders in the palace, the master of the third-stage military commander, the palace master actually sent him to deal with Lord Yang Bao? It's over, the master he..."

Suddenly, the Red Flame Demon Fairy was anxious, and she clenched her fists in anxiety, almost crying...

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