Alien God System

Chapter 1226: Night killer

Yang Feng smiled and shook his head, sat on the frame, and returned to the castle main mansion.

As soon as they entered the mansion gate, the two splendid wives had been waiting for a long time, but Linglong was the kind of virtuous type, and did not hide her joy at Yang Feng's return, and immediately greeted them.

Zi Ning was more reserved, as if she was a little embarrassed, but when she saw her husband go home, she didn't rush up immediately.

But soon, he couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart and threw himself into Yang Feng's arms.

The so-called little love wins newlyweds, not to mention the parting year after the newlyweds.

The three of them naturally stayed warm for a long time, and they waited until midnight before they had time to sit at the table and talked about their lovesickness this year.

Xianggong, is this expedition dangerous? Are you injured? "

Am I hurt? We all met so frankly just now, didn't you see it? Still say you can't take care of it, hahaha! "

Huh...I hate it! "

Linglong blushed ashamed of being molested by Yang Feng, and Zi Ning on the side gave Yang Feng a fierce look, and pinched him: Okay, you can say this kind of thing casually, don't be ashamed. "

What are you afraid of? There are only three of us here. What's so embarrassing? Besides, can bashfulness increase productivity? "

What productivity? "

Yield, you guys will fight for the guarantee next year, understand? "Yang Feng took a fierce look at the lower abdomen of the two of them, and suddenly the two girls started to anger again.

Yang Feng looked up to the sky and laughed again and again, happily.

Yo, Lord Yang Bao is really comfortable. But it’s no wonder that after a great battle, Lord Yang Bao changed from an ordinary third-rate patriarch in Jinling Mansion to the No. 2 figure in the whole mansion, covering the sky with only his hands. Humph. "

Suddenly, a gloomy voice came from nine days.

Wan Zining's eyes condensed, and he shouted: Who? "

Yang Feng's face also sank slightly, without saying anything, he immediately took the case and walked outside.

Wan Zining and Linglong looked at each other and followed closely.

When the three of them got out of the house, they saw a red-haired, withered old man leaning on the roof with a sneer on the opposite eaves and against the backdrop of the bright moon.

who are you? What are you doing on the roof of my house? "

Yang Feng raised his head and asked.

The old man didn't look at him, but sneered: Lord Yang Bao, this time in the battle of the Demon Cloud Cave, the old lady of the jellyfish Yin Ji won a complete victory, and shocked the entire Demon Dao second-rate realm. You are also secretly profiting, becoming a hot character in the entire Jinling Mansion, gaining both fame and fortune. But have you ever thought that the ally who has contributed the most is abandoned by you. Not to mention the heavy losses, and the benefits are not obtained, this is not authentic. "


After Yang Feng's eyes turned left and right, it was immediately clear: Oh, you are from Yanhuo Palace. "

Without speaking, the old man assumed it was acquiescence.

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng curled his lips indifferently: You shouldn't be thinking that you have lost this time, and want to get a share, ha ha. In fact, you are to blame. If you cooperate sincerely at the beginning, you will have your share of the final victory. But who made you use two boats to make the fisherman profit? We finally put all of your people away, it is already very cheap for you, what else do you want? "

It’s true that we were ill-intentioned at the beginning, but after all, we have done a lot in this, so we can't get no benefit at all. "

There was a flash in his eyes, and the red-haired old man took a deep look at Yang Feng: We lost our wife and broke down, Lord Yang Bao won the world and embraced the beauty, don't you think you want too much? "

Lost madam and broke down?

Yang Feng's eyes turned left and right, and he was immediately puzzled: What do you say? In that battle, you were sure that you broke a lot of soldiers and horses, and Moyun Cave also broke a lot of people. But what does this lost lady mean? Haven't all of your high-levels been put back, what have you lost? "

Our saint! "

she was? "

Yang Feng was stunned again: She was also put back. More than half a month ago, I saw her in Jinling Mansion. Why did you call it a loss? "

Pretend to be a fool! "

A sharp cold light flashed from the depths of his eyes, and the red-haired old man grunted: Lord Yang Bao, you are a dead duck with a hard mouth, and you won't admit it. But it doesn't matter, anyway, the purpose of the old man's visit this time is not to tell you any reason, the old man is here to give you results, for our saint! "

For your saint? Could it be that the Red Flame Demon Girl sent me to kill me?

No, she doesn't seem to have any intention to kill Laozi. Is it because she married a two-bedroom wife, her temperament has changed drastically?

Alas, a demon girl is a demon girl, this temperament is really unreliable!

Yang Feng touched his chin, groaning in his heart.

go to hell! "

At this time, the old man yelled and waved his palms violently, and two fire dragons, one black and one blue, rushed towards Yang Feng: Seventh-rank high-level martial arts, Heavenly Dragon Flame Killing Technique! "


In an instant, the scorching flame immediately wrapped Yang Feng and Zi Ning in it, turning them into a fireball. Everything around has also turned into nothingness.

The old man stared at this scene coldly, and curled his lips in disdain: The old man's fire is the dragon flame refined from the dragon's breath of the monster race, even if it is not too much to give up to the Lan element. Even a strongman of Tier 2 generals will die without a place to bury him if he encounters this trick of the old man. As a result, it was a pity to deal with the Patriarch of your third-rate family. However, who asked the palace lord to make you die? This is also foolproof, ha ha ha. "

With a chuckle, the old man turned around and was about to leave.

This little white face of three and four tricks is dead, and the saint should be able to change her mind and return to the Yanhuo Palace, and the palace owner must be satisfied.


Suddenly, at this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and Lin Fei and the guards of the super-class family immediately came to the old man and surrounded him.

Who dare to be wild in the castle mansion and don't want to live anymore? "

So strong?

With a flick of his brows, the red-haired old man felt the gurgling and powerful aura of these people around him, and he was shocked.

How could it be... With the aura of these people, each of them is a military commander above the third rank, even in the second-rate family, they are definitely the mainstay masters.

But why are all guards in this third-rate family?

I never thought that in this corner of the corner, I would encounter such a strong person, so careless!

The red-haired old man did not dare to neglect, and became serious.

After Lin Fei looked around, he fixed his gaze on the hot flames, and shouted: Lord Yang Bao, what should I do with this old man? "

Don't shout, your castle owner has been reduced to ashes by the old man! "

With a sneer, the red-haired old man looked at Lin Fei intently.

It's just that Lin Fei cast a contemptuous look at his unfathomable answer: Your family boss was turned to ashes by you? Dreaming about you. We are going on together, we can't get past him, just rely on you old stuff? I'm pooh, what are you bragging about? "

what? "

The body shook, the red-haired old man was immediately stunned, no...

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