Alien God System

Chapter 1225: The fifth magical skill of the mage, open

Madam, two more?

The body was stagnant, the Demon Chi Yan immediately woke up from the drunkenness, and her heart kept muttering.

Have all the wives come up too?

No, I didn't see them when I was ascending, and because of their cultivation strength, it was too early to come here, why did they suddenly appear?

Yang Feng touched his nose, and smiled noncommitantly: Yes, when he got married, he led the army out for more than half a year. After that, he tossed in Jinling Mansion for a long time, and it was almost a year. Up. Leaving the two beautiful wives vacant for a year really hurt them. But what can be done about this? The man is ambition in all directions. The only thing I can do is to go back and make up for it. "

More than that, I'm afraid you have to empty out all your savings for a year, hahaha! "Magic top raised his eyebrows aside, teasing.

After listening, everyone around couldn't help laughing loudly.

Only Chiyan Demon Fairy, with a bright and pretty face getting more and more gloomy, finally came to remember, she suddenly pulled Yang Feng's arm, and said: Did you marry another wife in the spirit world? "

Yes what's the matter? "

Yang Feng blinked his big innocent eyes and looked like a child innocently, but the Chiyan Demon Fairy was so angry that she twitched her face, and the little pink fist hit his chest like a storm: You said you are not such a casual man. , Why did you find two more after coming to the spirit world for such a short time? Are you worthy of those ladies who are still in the lower realm? "

Hey, who do I say to you, I know a lot about my past. "

Yang Feng was taken aback, took a deep look at her, and asked.

Demon Chi Yan did not speak, but a face was cold: You don't care who I am, in short, you have to explain this to me. "

Why should I explain to you? Can you control my business? Are you not my wife? "


Her heart was stagnant, the Chiyan Demon Fairy flushed with anger, then flicked her sleeves fiercely, and walked away puffed up with incense.

Everyone at the scene looked at it inexplicably, and the magic top asked tentatively: Brother, this is...Sansao? "

Third sister-in-law, we have not seen each other more than three times, don't talk nonsense. "

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng said solemnly and solemnly: I am a self-disciplined man, not the kind of big carrot that loves one another. The beauty like a cloud is nothing but a pink skull before my eyes, not worth mentioning. You must not have any misunderstandings about my character, otherwise it will prevent you from accepting my great, glorious and correct leadership and supreme moral influence. This is your loss, understand? "


The cheeks twitched together, and everyone present exchanged glances, all sighing constantly.

Your character, we know too well and won't misunderstand, tut.

In the early morning of the next day, as the ridiculous decree of the tyrant spread to the territories of the third-rate families, Yang Feng and others finally set off for Yangjiapu, ready to take over the political affairs of various places.

As for the Demon Chi Yan who left, she never appeared again, and Yang Feng didn't care about her.

Anyway, she was from Yanhuo Palace, so she might not be able to seduce her little fresh meat, so she went back in anger.

Alas, Lao Tzu is such an upright man!

Yang Feng couldn't help sighing in his heart, and after half a month's journey, he finally returned to his site. Inside Yangjiapu, he received a warm welcome from all over the castle.

At this time, the scale of Yangjiapu expanded again, and ten capitals were already guarded, countless immigrants gathered here, and the population exploded.

In terms of scale, it is nothing like a small place of a third-rate family, even if it is comparable to a prosperous capital city of a second-rate family, it is not too much.

Yang Feng felt very pleased that he had such a political achievement under his governance.


At this time, the long-lost voice of the system sounded: a warning, the belief value is approaching one million, and if it is not cleared in time, it will affect the absorption of the belief value. Please pay attention to the player. "

One million...One million again, the rate of faith absorption has increased.

Yang Feng brought up the character panel and looked at the swelling blue volume, with joy in his heart.

Once upon a time, since coming to this spiritual world, due to the exchange rate issue, his absorption speed of belief value has been greatly reduced, and the amount of blue cast is not enough.

Use a little bit, and it will be exhausted. It is completely impossible for him to wield mana like in the lower realm, let alone use high-level spiritual techniques.

The only bit of mana he can use is absorbed from the lower realm.

Later, with the establishment of Yang Jiabao, the first place of faith in the spiritual world was reclaimed, and the growth rate of his mana finally accelerated a little, but it was still not as fast as he used.

Over time, he stopped paying attention to the increase in blue volume.

But I never expected that now, unknowingly, his blue volume growth has accelerated so much, approaching one million blue volume. This is the result of Yangjiapu’s attracting immigrants and expanding from one urban area to ten urban areas. .

Perhaps these immigrants had no faith before, but since joining Yangjiapu, under the influence of this big environment, they gradually have a firm belief to provide him.

Yang Feng, the farmer, finally reaped the fruits he expected.

It's just that this orchard is still too small, so he must continue to expand this orchard and let the fruitful results occupy the entire Jinling Mansion.

A brilliant light flashed in his eyes, and Yang Feng smiled happily, and then began to use the power of faith to unlock his magic skills.

In a short while, nearly one million mana was used in half, and finally all the spiritual skills of level 40 to 50 were unlocked.


At this time, the system sounded again: Congratulations to the players, unlock all the first-stage spiritual techniques, and the system will present magical skills and share them. Without consuming any mana, share all your skills with others for one minute! "


Eyelids twitched, Yang Feng thought for a while: Is there no limit to the number of people? "

Yes, there is no limit on the number of people, only for a time limit! "

Can magic skills be shared? "

Yes, all the player skills can be shared with others! "

Let me go, this is a magical skill in war! "

Yang Feng couldn't help but slapped his mouth, he already understood the horror of this skill.

In this world, Yang Feng himself is a monster against the sky, his skills are also absolutely against the sky, like invincible magic skills, a real man in one minute; the strongest body technique, super intuition; and that any defense can break through Sunder Armor!

It can be said that any of these skills can be called a **** if it falls on any cultivator here.

And Yang Feng could actually give all his magical skills to his army for one minute. Wouldn't it be that within this minute, Yang's army had fallen from the heavens and could crush all the forces on the entire continent.

Gee, how can this keep them alive!

Yang Feng couldn't help grinning wickedly, and finally understood why this spiritual world is a place without a foundation of faith. This obviously increases the difficulty of the game for himself.

Otherwise, if you can still get a large amount of blue easily like the lower realm, this game will be too easy...

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