Alien God System

Chapter 1178: Jin San Gongzi

Five thousand spirit stones! "

When they came to the guards, they looked at the number of Yang Feng and his party and said immediately.

After Sima Changfeng paid the money, he led everyone to stand on the white disk, but there was an invisible wave of buzzing, and the disk shot out a dazzling light, covering everyone inside, then swish , It's all gone.

And everyone also entered a dark passage at this moment, moving forward at extreme speed.

Yang Feng understood that this was a spatial channel, and when he teleported, he often shuttled through it.

It's just that even if it is a thousand miles away, he is just a moment of dodge, come in, then go out again, so he doesn't feel the distance.

But now, Yang Feng and the others have been flying in this passage for a full minute.

This was something Yang Feng had never experienced before, staying in the space channel for so long.

Brother Sima, how far is Jinling Mansion from Wujiabao? Why hasn't it been so long? "

Brother Yang, although Wujiabao is within the territory of Jinling Mansion, it is a small clan on the border. It's probably a million miles away from the center of Jinling Mansion. "

What, million miles? so far! "

His body shook, and Yang Feng understood: I said how to spread it for such a long time. It turns out that our Wujiapu is a rural small valley compared to the central city like Jinling Mansion. "


At this time, a dazzling white light appeared in front of everyone, flashing everyone's eyes with pain.

Yang Feng knew that this was a teleportation exit, and everyone left the black passage and appeared on another white disc.

But at this time, the surrounding scenes have all changed.

The tall arches, the white marble ground, the endless stream of people, and the dazzling array of streets are really more and more prosperous, more than a hundred times more prosperous than their Wujiapu.

The crowds on the street are all glamorous, rich or noble, and they are nothing more than paradise.


Uncontrollably, everyone opened their mouths wide and made a sincere admiration.

Even the noble leader of Zhou Afu, a well-informed person, is like a mountain cannon who has never seen the world, his eyes are straight: this is Jinling Mansion, sure enough, the second-rate family is the second-rate family, our third-rate Wu Jiabao is not even worthy of lifting shoes! "

Where, this is just the outskirts of Jinling Mansion, we haven't officially entered the boundary of Jinling Mansion yet. "

What, it's just the suburbs, so bustling here? Isn’t the center of Jinling Mansion a paradise on earth? "

Hearing Sima Changfeng's explanation, Yang Feng and the others couldn't help screaming.

Then looking at the shocking abundance here, Zhou Afu and others couldn't help but look envied and said: When will we have an identity card for Jinling Mansion, we will be satisfied if we move here. "

Rest assured, in the future, Wujiapu will be built better than here. Don't always think about immigration, and build your hometown if you have time. "

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng said softly: Let's go, go to Jin's family to report the funeral! "


Determined to nod, everyone followed Yang Feng and left the teleportation center, and walked towards the center of Jinling Mansion under the direction of Sima Changfeng.


Suddenly, the earth undulated slightly, and the earthquake trembles constantly, and the gurgling smoke and dust in the distance rushed toward this bustling street at great speed.

Yang Feng and the others were taken aback for a moment. They hadn't figured out what had happened. The crowd around them was already screaming in horror.

No, San Gongzi is here! "

Run, the third son is out again! "

It's too late to run! "


Shouting and horrified, everyone opened their eyes wide and became a mess, but after a short time, they all ran out of sight.

Even the people who guarded the charges for the transmission channel ran away.

All of a sudden, the bustling streets just now became empty, just like a ghost town.

Yang Feng raised his eyebrows: I'm going, and I didn't even do the business of blocking roads and robberies, then we are sitting in this teleportation array, is it free, hahaha! Who on earth can scare all the public servants of Jinling Mansion into such a virtue? "

Yang Feng smiled evilly and looked at the smoke and dust, but saw that at this time, a huge frame with a height of several tens of meters was advancing as fast as a stormy sea.

It's just that the people pulling the cart in front of it are not cows, horses, animals, nor monsters, but humans.

Thousands of humans, either pulling in the front, pulling on the sides, or pushing behind the car, pulled the frame forward at extreme speed. And around that car body, a group of guards with steel whips in their hands were beating them continuously, with grinning smiles on their faces.

Hurry, hurry, I haven't eaten you guys, hahaha! "


Let me go, who is this, it is too cruel, Wu Fatian is not as cruel as him! "The body was agitated, Zhou Afu and the other soldiers and brothers couldn't help but startled.

Sima Changfeng took a deep look, suddenly his eyelids trembled, and his voice suddenly trembled: No, it's the third son of the Jin family, Jin Daoru's frame. "

The third son of the Jin family? Is it Jin Daoling's younger brother? "

Yes, it's just that the third son and the older son are not the same. The eldest son is foresight, civil and military, and is the most anticipated heir of the Jin family. But these three sons are dudes who eat, drink and have fun, do all the evil. If you offend the old man, you can still reason with him. But encountering these three young masters, it was really a talented person who met soldiers. It is unreasonable to explain, alas! "

Shaking his head and sighing, Sima Changfeng's eyes flashed with disgust, but it was more of jealousy.

Yang Feng nodded clearly, understood, but didn't worry too much.

At this moment, the frame came to them and stopped abruptly. The fierce spirit above saw the fifty people in Yang Feng. They immediately smiled evilly and said: What are you still doing stupidly? Are you not coming to pull the cart for the third son? "

Pull the cart? You let us pull the cart? "

Raising his brows, Yang Feng sneered: Why? We are not your minions! "


With a loud shout, one of the guards in the car raised his whip and drew it fiercely.

This is a martial arts first-tier pinnacle master, with a scorching ground fire on his whip, and most people can hardly bear the power of his whip.

Unfortunately, he met Yang Feng, and Yang Feng just swiped the whip tightly in his hand, and the ground fire on it was quickly extinguished.

The man was startled, and it seemed that he had never expected that someone would dare to rebel against him so openly, and was slightly stunned. But with this dazed effort, Yang Feng's wrist shook, and the man was directly pulled down by the whip.


With a loud noise, Yang Feng kicked his throat, but when he heard Kara, the man's eyes turned white, his neck fractured, and he lost his breath.


Qi Qi took a breath, everyone was shocked.

How could it be possible that someone actually dared to kill the third son, is it mortal?

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