Alien God System

Chapter 1177: Go to Jinling Mansion

Jin Daoling's death was unexpected to everyone present.

Although the scene was very chaotic when the Lan Beast rioted at that time, it is not surprising that anyone died. But the people killed by that Lan Beast will be turned into ashes, and there will be no corpses.

It's like this old man of the Jin family, only the chest is pierced, and the whole body is fine, obviously artificial.

As for who did it, everyone's heart trembled, and there was already a general result.

Hey, I remember that when the monster was dealt with by Brother Feng, the eldest son was not dead, why... um! "

Zhou Afu didn't know it, and said out stupidly, but before he could finish the words, he was covered with a nervous look on the side of the magic top, and winked at him severely.

Idiot, don't mention things that shouldn't be mentioned.

Then, the magic top looked at Yang Feng cautiously, only to see that Yang Feng still had a calm smile on his face, and he let out a sigh of relief.

After a glance at everyone present, Yang Feng's tone was calm, but he couldn't tell the majesty: Lan Beast was rioting in Wujiapu, and when the old man brought a group of masters from Jinling Mansion to fight the monster, the whole army was wiped out. The eldest son was even killed by a Mo Daoxiao thief, and I really regret it. The eldest son died for our Wujiapu, we must take his body back to our hometown anyway, so that we can bury him. "

Uh yes yes yes, Brother Feng is right! "

Busy nodded, everyone said in unison.

In fact, at this moment, it doesn't matter how Jin Daoling died. Yang Feng said how he died, just how he died.

Yang Feng is now publicly announcing the cause of Jin Daoling's death in order to make them unify. Especially all the other people in Jinling Mansion were also wiped out, and the death of Jin Daoling was left to them.

Everyone was an old fox, and they clearly looked like a mirror in their hearts, so they unanimously looked at Yang Feng's face and acted and reached a consensus.

Yang Feng glanced at them lightly, smiled slightly, and said: Then I am sending this corpse to Jinling Mansion now, what preparations and precautions are needed, can anyone give me some advice? "

Brother Yang, I will accompany you! "

At this time, Sima Changfeng immediately said: I have some connections in Jinling Mansion, and I can avoid unnecessary trouble by walking with you. "

Well, then there is Brother Rausma. It's just that you are leaving with me. Who will be responsible for the reconstruction of Wujiapu? "

I recommend Brother Ge Hong to take full responsibility for the reconstruction of Wujiapu. "

There was a sharp glow in his eyes, and Sima Changfeng settled down.

Ge Hong was taken aback, his hands shook slightly, as if a little cramped, his head shook like a rattle: No, no, I am not from Wujiabao, on the contrary, I have always been Wujiabao's enemy..."

So what, we are all! "

With a grin, Yang Feng said lightly: In the past, Wu Fatian was brutal and inhumane. The officials forced the people to rebel. There was nothing to say. You are not an enemy of Wu Jiabao, you are just an enemy of Wu Fatian. The key is that when Wujiapu is in desperation, you can come forward and come to rescue. For this alone, you are kind to everyone in Wujiapu. You are responsible for the reconstruction of the fort. I believe no one will object. "

No, I... just came to save Sima..."

No matter who you are here to save, everyone in Wujiapu will accept your love. "

With a grin of his mouth, Yang Feng immediately announced: From now on, Ge Hong will be the commander-in-chief of the reconstruction of our new home. Brothers from Gejiazhai, come back too. After so many years of wandering outside, it is not easy to live without a fixed place. Let us use our own hands to build our home, here is our new home! "

Hmm... eh! "

Ge Hong was slightly startled, and then nodded with emotion.

However, after returning to this new home, you must abide by the rules and stop causing troubles like before. Some gangsters have to be changed. "

Yes, I will restrain them. "

Yang Feng emphasized the rules again, and Ge Hong nodded quickly and laughed happily.

Sima Changfeng patted him lightly on the shoulder, and his face was also relieved.

There is still God! "

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng saw that the crowd was at the end, Tianwei said: Take all the brothers from Silent Town, and tell them that here, they can make a sound, this is their home, and they are no longer untouchables. , No one dared to oppress them anymore, they don't have to live that hidden world anymore! "


Kuang Tianwei nodded with excitement and tears.

Yang Feng smiled freely, and after discussing with the other people about the inside and outside of the fort and the list of people who accompanied him to Jinling Mansion this time, the meeting ended successfully.

Everyone left the scene with joy, a new face and a new look.

Yang Feng and Sima Changfeng walked side by side, discussing the future plans of the entire Wujiabao, sometimes frowned, sometimes laughed, sometimes nodded cheerfully, earnestly like never before.

A general style, far-sighted look, like the previous foolish bastard, like two people.

Looking at this scene, Linglong couldn't help but be stunned: So handsome, my Big Brother Yang is really the world's number one hero. Are you right, sister Zining? "

Uh...ah! "

Wan Zining was also slightly startled, his cheeks climbed up with two blushes.

I have to say that the charm of a man who works hard is indeed something that thousands of young girls cannot resist. Even a strong woman and a woman like Wan Zining, at this time, a heart can't stop the deer bumping and pounding.

Next, Wujiapu began to rebuild. Everyone is united and working together. No one is lazy, and Yang Feng personally visits and guides from time to time.

It was not until three days later that Yang Feng set off with his crew to Jinling Mansion.

The accompanying persons are the chief interior minister next to Yang Feng, the old fried dough sticks who are very familiar with Jinling Mansion, Sima Changfeng; on the bright side is Yang Feng’s deputy, but actually the hostages Qin Shanhai and Heiying; on the bright side It was Yang Feng's follower, but in fact, it was the younger brother of the follower, the magic top, and the soldiers and horses brothers of Zhou Afu's team led by Zhou Afu in order to gain momentum.

A group of people left in a mighty manner.

Seven days later, under the leadership of Sima Changfeng, a total of fifty people flew to a white jade plate with a diameter of 100 meters. There, a group of more than one hundred guards guarded it.

And these people are all masters above martial arts.

Sima Changfeng glanced at Yang Feng and explained: This is the teleportation formation from the Wujiabao area to the Jinling Mansion area, and Jinling Mansion sends personnel to take care of it. If you want to use it, one hundred spiritual stones per person per time. "

What, one hundred yuan? Grab money? "

His body shook, Yang Feng's eyes burst out: Is this Metro Line 1? This is so fast that I can rent a Rolls Royce. So expensive, how can ordinary people afford it? "

Brother Yang, this is not for ordinary people, but for clan nobles and fort masters. "

Mom sells batches, and Lao Tzu has already popularized the teleportation array into civilian use in the lower realms. The result here is still the privilege of nobility. It seems that Lao Tzu has a long way to go! "

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and Yang Feng strode forward: Let's go, one day, Lao Tzu will reduce the cost of this entire world teleportation array to benefit the people's livelihood, huh! "

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