Alien God System

Chapter 1179: Meet Ari Again

Uh ah ah...

Mouths were mouth wide open dumbfounded, everyone in the cart, as well as the slaves pulling the cart, were already stunned.

Qin Shanhai and Zhou Afu knew Yang Feng's strength, and they didn't take it seriously, just a little strange.

Brother Feng, don't you want to hide your power and bide your time? When you come to Jinling Mansion, you will offend the third son. How can this be to hide your power and bide your time?

Of course, with the strength of your vicious dog, it wouldn't be a big deal to easily destroy the Jinling Mansion. It's just that the reconstruction work is a bit arduous if it is not built. Tsk tsk.

Brother Yang, Wu Jiabao is just waiting to be thriving. Now it is a bit hasty to expand to Jinling Mansion. "Sima Changfeng came to Yang Feng's ear and said with a smile.

Cursing his lips indifferently, Yang Feng murmured: Rest assured, I am not going to destroy Jinling Mansion. It's just that this kid dared to be arrogant in front of Lao Tzu, and he was destined not to leave alive today. Turn around and put him and his elder brother together, and send them to Jinling Mansion together, so that we don't have to go to the funeral twice and pay for two of the money, hum. "


Sima Changfeng laughed dumbly and shook his head.

Who? "

At this moment, there was a lazy sound from the frame. With the creak, the door opened, and a man with fat head, big ears and bloated body, like a man with ten swimming rings stuffed in his stomach, twisted. He wriggled out, holding five or six sisters beside him, and looked at everyone in Yang Feng.

Where's the choppy, anyone who dares to kill me? Do you know that anyone who meets my frame in Jinling Mansion will have to drive me a hundred miles. As a result, not only did you not comply, but you also killed my men. Do you want to rebel? "

The third son calmed down. "

With a slight smile, Sima Changfeng stepped forward and said: Under Sima Changfeng, he is a noble of Wujiabao. When I came to Jinling Mansion today, I paid a special visit to the Lord Jin, and I had something to tell. Just now he was abrupt, and looked at Haihan. "

How about Shao Te mentioning nobles to Laozi, how about a noble of a small third-rate family? Even if your castle owner comes and meets Lao Tzu's frame, you have to obediently pull the cart for Lao Tzu. This is the rule of Jinling Mansion. Here is the site of my three young masters. "

Jin Daoru clenched his neck, arrogantly.

Sima Changfeng shrugged helplessly and sighed.

Alas, I originally wanted to ease the atmosphere and save a lot of complications. But since you are looking for death by yourself, the old man is helpless.

Yang Feng grinned, showing an evil smile.

Shame on face, since you don’t give face, then go to **** and see if Yama will give you face or not.

Click it!

Yang Feng's fists were already tightened, but suddenly he heard the Golden Taoist Taoism: By the way, you came to my father, what are the important things to report? "

Enlighten the third son, the eldest son died outside, we are here to report the funeral. "

What, you say it again? What happened to my elder brother? "

His body shook, the Jin Daoru immediately said anxiously when he heard this.

Sima Changfeng looked calm and repeated: The eldest son died in the battle in Wujiapu, we sent the body of the eldest son back to report the funeral. "

Haha, great, eldest brother is dead, I am the future heir of the Jin family! "

Looking up to the sky with a big laugh, Jin Daoru immediately danced with excitement, and then waved again and again: Come home, tell me the good news, hahaha! "

Yes, son! "

Still nodding their heads, the guards waved their whips again, causing the person pulling the cart to immediately turn their heads.

Yang Feng squinted at the look of Jin Daoru who was happy to go to heaven, teasing: San Gongzi, just go back. I just killed your person, don't you be held accountable? "

Investigate a fart, a **** slave will die after death, what's the big deal. If you bring such good news to this son, this son will forgive you, don't chirp, delay my return to announce the good news, hahaha! "

Jin Daoru jumped and jumped happily, Yang Feng and the people around looked at each other, and both laughed contemptuously.

Being so indifferent to the lives of his subordinates, is he really a scumbag, so he can be the future Patriarch of the Jin Family?

If the Jin family is handed over to this kind of goods in the future, it is estimated that without doing it yourself, the Jin family will perish on its own, cut!

But since this kid doesn't cause trouble anymore, let him spare his life.

Yang Feng smiled and shook his head, staring at the huge frame, and rumblingly turned and left, but when the vehicle had just turned around, Yang Feng's face changed suddenly, and he shouted: Wait! "


Without the slightest intention to stop, Jin Daoru was busy returning home to announce the good news, how could he take care of him?

I said wait, are you deaf? "

With a roar, Yang Feng slammed and walked to the roof of the frame, then stomped hard.


There was a loud noise, and the vehicle seemed to have been hit by a meteorite. It immediately sank and sank into the ground.

Jin Daoru, who was hugging left and right in the car, grinning happily to the back of his head, staggered, fell out, fell and ate shit, and said angrily: Who, who dares to block Laozi's frame, don't want to live? "

When he raised his head and saw Yang Feng on the roof of the car, he was even more angry: It's you again, do you really want to die? "

Ignoring his clamor, Yang Feng's expression was condensed, and he flew down after shaking his body. He walked to the side of the group of push-carts, facing a burly figure, suspiciously: Ari, is that you? "

His body trembled, the big man was shirtless, his arms and legs were chained, shaking slightly, whether he was excited or afraid.

After a while, he stiffened his body, turned his head awkwardly, revealed his familiar face, and choked up: "Teacher...Master, I finally found you." "

Ari, it's really you! "

Yang Feng's face was shocked, and he was surprised.

At this moment, it was not someone else who appeared in front of him, but his personal bodyguard when he was in the lower realm, Ari, one of the three wonders of the sun, the moon and the stars.

At that time, he and Dugu battled with the crowds to ascend to the spirit world, and he hadn't heard that Sanqi bodyguards would also ascend with them. He thought they were not in time yet.

However, he never expected that Ari would suddenly appear in the spirit world.

Why are you here, A Xing and A Yue? "

Master, we..."

After giving a promise, Ari's face was aggrieved, his eyes were moist, and he couldn't speak.

Yang Feng did not urge, but at this moment, looking at the dirt and scars on Arina's whole body, he fully understood the humiliation and torture he had suffered after he came to the spirit world. The surface emerged.

Brat, you dare to break Lao Tzu's car, even if you are the head of a third-rate family, you will be dead this time. "

At this time, the Jin Daoru ran over without death, just catching up with Yang Feng's fire: Come here, give me this kid..."


With a muffled sound, Yang Feng raised his hand and waved, the red air flow flashed in the air, the arrogant Jin Daoru immediately raised his head, and his head flew straight into the sky.

The red blood, like a fountain, rushes straight into the sky, spilling all over the ground...

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