Alien God System

Chapter 1176: rebuild home

However, although Yang Feng was dissatisfied that his power was drawn so much, there was a long flow.

He has already opened up the first soil full of faith in this world without any faith. As long as you manage well, the nutrients in this piece of soil will diffuse out and affect the entire spiritual world.

Turn this whole world into his ideal kingdom of faith.

Again, people can change the environment, and the environment can also affect people.

He has changed Wujiabao's environment through this rebellion, so the next step is to use Wujiabao's favorable geographical environment to change the people and environment around him.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and Yang Feng's eyes looked towards the distant horizon.

With Wujiapu as the center, Yang Feng will bring his own orthodoxy to conquer the world!

First, the first step is to obtain the permission of Jinling Mansion and keep a low profile. After all, Wu Jiabao had just gone through a big battle, but it was devastated and thriving.

Using this ruin as a base would definitely not be able to accomplish his strategic goal.

Brothers! "

Thinking of this, Yang Feng suddenly raised his arms and shouted: With our unity and cooperation, this Wujiapu was finally liberated, and the people of Wujiapu have since stood up. "


As soon as the voice fell, the crowd was passionate, and everyone present shouted excitedly.

After Yang Feng waved his hand to calm them down, he continued: However, due to the needs of the revolution, this Wujiabao was also ruined in a disastrous manner, but it was all worthwhile. Although we destroyed an old world, we were liberated from this old prison and gained freedom. Next, we will build a better new world. Moreover, this new world does not have the surname Wu or Yang, but belongs to all the residents of Wujiabao. Here, it will always be your home. We must use our hard-working hands to rebuild our homes! "


Yang Feng's speech was not as high-minded as ordinary clan aristocrats. On the contrary, it was very close to the people. It made people excited to hear it, like a chicken blood. But its core content is actually just two words, work!

This large area of ​​ruins, messy, has attracted flies. What are you doing stupidly? Rebuild it quickly.

Don't you guys do it, let me do it?

Yang Feng wanted to mobilize these labors to rebuild a new Yangjiabao for him, but his words were very beautiful, not only not offensive, but also very positive. He had the urge to work overtime for the boss immediately.

I have to say that Yang Feng's broken mouth is extremely confusing.

Qin Shanhai stood behind him and couldn't stop rolling his eyes.

At this time, Sima Changfeng had never walked far away, and he heard what he meant, and he immediately smiled and said: Brother Yang, leave the reconstruction of Wujiapu to me. Within three days, I will work out the design and plan, and then everyone will work together and a brand new home will be built. "

Sima Changfeng's words are also beautifully said. He came up with a plan within three days, as if he was working actively, but in fact, he set a start date for this huge project, which would be three days later.

It's just that it is difficult for ordinary people to hear what they mean, and they raise their fists and shout with great blood.

it is good!

Yang Feng nodded slightly, expressing great satisfaction.

Then, after winning the battle just now, how about having fun without a celebration?

So late at night, under Yang Feng's call, a bonfire party began.

Everyone smiled and sang, celebrating this great victory. Many handsome men and beautiful women were even more flirtatious during this party, which cost a lot of lives. In particular, many young girls are very diligent to Yang Feng, the great hero of the salvation of the world. They kept turning on electricity to him, and signaled to run into the dark field far away.

It's a pity, Yang Feng is also a person who has seen the world, it is not so easy to drive off-road vehicles with people, which can not help but let many nymphomaniacs fail.

shameless! "

Linglong paid attention all the time this night, her eyes full of hatred, staring at the little girls who were like generators.

Seeing her like this, Wan Zining laughed and said: What's the matter, girl, who should I be angry with? "

It's those foxes who always want to seduce my big brother Yang, but it's a pity that big brother Yang doesn't care about them, he doesn't care. As expected of my brother Yang, he is indeed a gentleman, so he wouldn't have **** with that group of people. "

Linglong slanted her eyes and raised her head proudly.

Wan Zining was taken aback, couldn't help but shook his head and laughed, "A gentleman? Do these four words have something to do with Yang Feng! "

Oh, sister Zining. Brother Yang is the chief rudder of the Blue and White Club, and he is awe-inspiring. The previous unbearable actions were all pretended to cover people's ears, you don't know. Besides, didn't you say that you like Chen Jialuo, that is Big Brother Yang! "


The body stagnated, when Wan Zining heard her words, he hesitated, and a blush flashed across her cheeks.

That's right, she liked Chen Jialuo before, but when Chen Jialuo became Yang Feng, why did she respond like this?

The images of these two people are irrelevant in her heart. Unexpectedly, they were the same person at all.

So at this moment, when she saw Yang Feng, she would run away for fear of embarrassment.

Linglong looked at her deeply, as if she could see her intentions, suddenly said: Sister Zi Ning, if you like Big Brother Yang too, I won't mind, I am willing to serve you together. "

what? "Wan Zining was startled, unable to speak.

Linglong didn't care and shrugged: Anyway, he already has a wife, and I can't occupy him alone. If Sister Zi Ning is willing to be together, I don't care, anyway, we are also familiar with each other, it is better than a stranger. "

He has a wife, really? "

Of course, he came to the spirit world to find his wife. "

Linglong nodded with certainty, Wan Zining's brows wrinkled deeply, and his face was condensed.

At this time, Kuang Tianwei rushed to see them and said: Come on, Brother Yang talks to us. "

What did he find [Penquge] us for? "

He said that it was a waste of money now, so he found a few people he could trust, arranged the following matters, and went quickly. "Kuan Tianwei was busy, pulling the two girls, and quickly arrived in a big tent.

There, many familiar faces gathered together.

There were Sima Changfeng, the commander of the soldiers and horses, the magic top, and even the Gejiazhai Gehong.

Yang Feng sat in the main seat and glanced at everyone present, with unspeakable majesty: I am about to leave for Jinling Mansion, but I still don’t know much about Jinling Mansion. Wujiapu has another task of reconstruction. In progress, you are all Wujiapu talents that I am familiar with, so I now seek your opinions. How should I arrange my work recently? "

Are you going to Jinling Mansion? For what? Sima Changfeng was taken aback and asked.

A gleam flashed in his eyes, and a wicked smile crossed the corner of Yang Feng's mouth: Funeral! "

Funeral? "

Yes, give this corpse back to them! "


As he said, Yang Feng waved to the ground in front of him, and a cold corpse appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone glanced intently, and was immediately shocked: Grand Master? "

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