Alien God System

Chapter 1175: New power of faith

if not? "

After blinking his big innocent eyes, Yang Feng smiled and said: Now the entire Wujiabao is destroyed like this, and the noise is so loud, Jin Daoling and the others have also been wiped out, and they can't go back. Besides, Jinling Mansion also knows that there are Lan Beasts here. news. For all problems, there must be a force responsible, otherwise how can we, Yang Jiabao, live in peace in the future? "

Then we can't hold back the pot..."


Elder Yuan looked upset, but suddenly a cold light flashed by. Yang Feng had already taken out a dagger and put it on Qin Shanhai's neck, and solemnly said: Can't carry it? "


The body stagnated, then Elder Yuan's face twitched slightly: Yang Feng, Hei Ying said it right, you are really mean. Back, can't we back it? Don't hurt our son. "

Where, Brother Qin and I hit it off right away, how could the brother who worshipped the handle hurt him? I'm so loyal, hehehe. "

The corner of his mouth grinned, Yang Feng was a donkey, his face changed faster than turning a book, and he immediately changed from fierceness to shining sun. He also put his arms around Qin Shanhai's shoulders, looking good with the brothers.

Elder Yuan and Hei Ying glanced at each other, barely turning their eyes to the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng began the shooting mission, holding the record crystal, and said to Elder Yuan: Ready...Go! "

From now on, this Lan Beast will be ours, and the day when our Demon Cloud Cave dominates the spirit world is just around the corner, ha ha ha. "Elder Yuan looked at Yang Feng with a grimace, so he didn't die.


Yang Feng reluctantly exhaled and shouted: Tension, I need tension. That elder, your emotions are not in place. You should be very excited now, very excited, do it again. ready, go! "

From now on, this Lan Beast will be..."


Before the elder finished speaking, Yang Feng interrupted again: Old fellow, your acting skills are too problematic. You are the hero of the devil, you should be arrogant, evil, and public. But now you look at your listless expression, just like a dead father, which looks like someone who just got a sophisticated weapon and wants to dominate the martial arts? "

He didn't get any benefits at first, and he was forced to hold back. Who could be happy.

That Elder Yuan was not angry, and rolled his eyes.

Yang Feng, the director personally, immediately went up to explain the play to this incompetent actor, his complexion suddenly became ugly: Look at my current expression, you learn from me. From now on, our Demon Cloud Cave will be invincible in the world, roar. You must show your inner dominance and ambition for the future on your face. Is this a good actor, understand? "

How come the elders of the old man Tangtang Moyun Cave become actors?

Besides, what is an actor?

Elder Yuan was puzzled, and he didn't want to make such an exaggerated expression like Yang Feng, which was too shameful.

Seeing that he was actually rebellious, Yang Feng immediately shook a cold light in his hand and pointed at Qin Shanhai. Elder Yuan's face twitched, and he had no choice but to bite the bullet and embarrassed him.

Seeing this, the black warbler on the side couldn't help sighing and murmured: Son, we are the evil spirits of the spirit world, why is this kid more evil than us? What did he do before? "

He said that he was the leader of the martial arts in the lower realm, the leader of justice. "

You believe? Is the justice leader so shameless? "

It is estimated that he became himself after killing the justice leader. "Qin Shanhai smiled bitterly and shook his head, and then quietly watched Yang Feng's brutal and inhuman mental destruction of Elder Yuan.

An hour later, the elder Yuan had been trained by Yang Feng with slanted mouth and slanted eyes, his eyes were fierce, his **** were bare, and he smiled repeatedly. Just one stop there, he looks like a wicked person.

The Lan Beast was finally obtained by our Moyun Cave. From now on, this entire spiritual world will belong to us, wow ha ha ha! "


Yang Feng hit the board and raised two thumbs with both hands: Very good, just like you, walking on the road, who doesn't want to kick. Well played, really the best villain in the spirit world, I must give you an Oscar for best supporting role, hahaha! "

Bang bang ......

Yang Feng applauded very satisfied and expressed his sincere approval to the old opera bones.

However, after returning to the original state, Elder Yuan felt helplessly touching his forehead, almost crying.

This old face of the old man is completely lost today.

Son, if it were not for your safety, the old man would rather die than suffer his humiliation. The old man is such a big age, just winked, how decent is he?

Qin Shanhai also pityed the elder's great sacrifice in image for his master. After a few words of relief, he urged him to go back quickly.

Yang Feng is not easy to provoke. If you can get away quickly, run away. Otherwise, if he wants to change his mind, there will be no chance.

Although Elder Yuan was reluctant to give up, he thought of going back to his life, so he bid farewell to Qin Shanhai, returned to Heiyun Tower, and left.

As a hostage, Qin Shanhai returned to Wujiapu with Yang Feng along with Black Ying.

In the evening, when the sun set, Yang Feng and the three returned to Wujiapu and immediately received a warm welcome from everyone present. Even at this moment, Wujiapu has completely turned into a ruin, but people's eyes are full of hopeful divine light, and the eyes looking at Yang Feng are all respect and love.

This kind of respect is not an ordinary situation, people see Wu Fatian, because of fear and power oppression, they have to respect, but from the heart, sincere respect.


With a soft groan, the long-lost system voice rang: Congratulations to the players, for being loved by all Wujiabao citizens and earning 1,000 points of faith. "

Finally, there is faith value again.

This is the first faith value he has gained in the spirit world, which shows that his plan is successful. Through the revolutionary achievements of everyone working together to overthrow the tyranny, all people, regardless of class, have broken the fear and submission to authority in their hearts. The confidence to resist.

This kind of faith is the basis of faith, and faith is the source of the power of faith.

People believe in themselves, believe in others, and believe that unity is strength. When everyone's hearts are gathered together, they can exert unmatched power.

Yang Feng was very pleased with the changes made by everyone. After so many days of preparation, he finally had results.

It's just... after a few months of busy work, I got a thousand faith points, which is not as good as what his hometown Longhu Town provides.

System, are you wrong?

Yang Feng cried out inwardly.


System sounds again: Players should not complain casually, this system cannot be wrong. Counting the exchange rate ratio, you only get 1,000 points, ha ha. "

Damn, the evil exchange rate, vampire!

Hearing this, Yang Feng rolled his eyes and cursed secretly...

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