Alien God System

Chapter 1167: Fight again


A mouthful of red blood spurted out, and Wu Fatian stumbled backwards, his eyes were a little fuzzy, he was exhausted, and he couldn't see the people who came.

After a while, he fixed his eyes and realized that the person in front of him was not someone else, and that Qin Shanhai was no doubt.

You... how did you break in? "

Fog, pervasive. As long as there is a gap in your protective barrier, I can penetrate in. "Qin Shanhai stared at him coldly.

Wu Fatian gritted his teeth tightly, his face was unwilling, and when his fists were tight, he was about to make another move, but there was a loud noise on the ground, Qin Shanhai kicked him in the lower abdomen and immediately kicked him down again.

Ho **** ho...

Wu Fatian gasped heavily, Qin Shanhai stared at him scornfully, and said: Wu Fatian, don’t look at you being arrogant and domineering these days, but I know that you use a martial arts cultivation base to control the 12th-Rank formation, It is already very loaded. Coupled with the fact that you have just consumed a lot of anger, and the reinforcements of the two major forces have brought you some pressure on the external barrier, you are now at the end of the battle. Not to mention controlling the big array, even self-protection is a problem. "


As soon as the voice fell, but hearing a loud noise, the red enchantment surrounding Wu Fatian burst open and turned into a dust, which was broken by the concerted efforts of the whole castle.


Almost at the same time, the haze storm outside Wujiapu was also shattered to pieces by three spiritual weapons and millions of people. The two large formations inside and outside were breached.

All of Wu Fatian's support collapsed.

Wu Fatian lay on the ground with a pale face, staring blankly at the three shattered artifacts in the sky that were gradually descending, completely desperate in his eyes.

The Wu family has inherited the treasure for tens of thousands of years and can't keep it.

What made him never expected was that it was not the powerful enemy outside that would completely defeat him, but the fortress in Wu Jiabao who he had never seen before.

It can be said that without this internal pressure, relying on the two external forces alone, it is almost impossible to break through his haze storm.

I was careless, I was actually given by these ants...

Wu Fatian murmured under his heart, let out a long breath, and closed his eyes weakly.


Xiaolan beast, you'd better think carefully, don't toast or eat fine wine. I want to refine you, do I need your consent? I now give you a choice, just to give you face, after all, I have always served people with virtue, you know? Don't shame your face, you must force me to use it. "

In the underground barrier, Yang Feng saw that the Lan Beast had been hesitating, and immediately opened the social big brother mode, threatening and tempting it.

Now I will go up first, solve the problem of Wu Fatian, and harvest the fruits of my revolution that has been cultivated for so long. After searching for the power of the people’s faith, I will come back to talk to you, and hope that you can give me satisfaction by then. The answer, otherwise...huh! "

With a sneer, Yang Feng turned around triumphantly to leave, but suddenly, he looked at the image in front of him again, and he was stunned.

Huh, what's the matter? Why did Wu Fatian lie down? When was he knocked down? Shouldn't this? At this time, it should be Lao Tzu who made his grand debut, saving the people from fire and water, and becoming an idol in everyone's hearts. Wu Fatian, the big boss, should also be solved by me. Who on earth dare to steal the limelight from Lao Tzu? I don't know who is the protagonist here? "

Yang Feng yelled at him, and then took a closer look, only to see that the man standing majestic in front of Wu Fatian was not someone else, but his deputy, Qin Shanhai undoubtedly.

Suddenly, Yang Feng rolled his eyes and sighed: Shan Hai, you are a deputy who actually robbed me of the limelight of my principal position. You don't want to be promoted in the future, so why don't you know how to be a man? In a situation like this, you should give the opportunity to show up to the leader. What are you doing in such a hurry? Ugh! "

Yang Feng sighed and sat down cross-legged.

Lan Beast glanced at him, and wondered: Are you not going out? Why doesn't it move? "

The wind has passed and the matter has been resolved, what are you going out for now? Be the victims? So embarrassing! "

With a long sigh of foul breath, Yang Feng murmured: My original script was to go out to be a hero at this critical juncture. But I never thought that I hadn't moved yet, and the play would come to an end. The villains were all taken down, and it didn't make any sense for me to go out. "

The next outlet? "

Yes, when the common enemy falls, according to human urine, there will be split immediately. Lao Tzu's chance to appear is at that moment! "

With a flash of light in his eyes, Yang Feng settled down.


Sure enough, at the moment Wu Fatian was kicked down by Qin Shanhai, everyone was excited to celebrate their victory. When he and his family finally escaped from birth, a flash of cold light flashed behind Qin Shanhai.

Qin Shanhai was startled, his body shook, and he immediately became illusory.

That Hanmang swept across Qin Shanhai's chest and broke the phantom.

Ten steps away, Qin Shanhai's body appeared again, looking at the original place, only to see that at this moment, a short dagger in Jin Daoling's hand was shining with a cold glow, and a grinning smile was still hanging on the corner of his mouth.

Brother Jin, we were fighting side by side just now, did we start so soon? "

Brother Qin, now that Wu Fatian has fallen, it is time to decide who the Lan Beast belongs to. You Moyun Cave, don't want to **** it from our Jinling Mansion, hum. "

With a grin, Jin Daoling suddenly shouted: Feng Lao, kill him! "

Yes, son! "

As soon as the words fell, the old man in Tsing Yi among the eight generals in the sky immediately waved his hands, and countless blue wind gangs were like sickles, smashing them one after another toward Qin Shanhai, instantly sealing his various retreats.

Qin Shanhai was startled, and couldn't stop shivering. After all, this was an attack by a general master. Even if he had a foggy ability bonus, the difference in cultivation level was too great to resist.

But at this moment, a purple wall of fog suddenly appeared in front of Qin Shanhai, and the countless wind gangs hit it and disappeared.

Son, are you okay? "

A purple-clothed old man appeared beside Qin Shanhai, Qin Shanhai looked happy: Elder Yuan, are you here? "

Well, the old man came to rescue the son, and at the same time ensured that this Lan Beast would never be snatched by others, hum. "Elder Yuan's eyes must be certain, and he shouted loudly.

At the same time, countless powerhouses and a large number of military commanders flew out of the Heiyun Tower and Jinyu Pavilion. The two men and horses immediately fought fiercely in the clouds of Wujiapu.

The people in Wujiapu who had just made peace for a short time, when they saw the two gods fighting, they immediately trembled again and hurriedly found a place to hide.

Yang Feng laughed and shrugged: What do you think I said? Are you fighting again? "

Human beings are so greedy and stupid, not a big weapon! "Lan Beast curled his lips in disdain, his eyes full of contempt.

The battle between the two sides was in full swing, and the killing sound shook the sky, but no one noticed. At this moment, Wu Fatian, who had fallen to the ground with exhaustion, had a strange seal in his hand.

And with the formation of the seal in his hand, the runes that suppressed the Lan Beast exudes a dazzling golden light, and it gets brighter...

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