Alien God System

Chapter 1168: Lan Beast Liberation


The chain of runes on Lan Beast's body flashed and flashed, as if countless fireflies were releasing their own strong light. And from above, gurgling and powerful waves continued to spread around.

Lan Beast's huge pupils flickered, as if they understood something, they were full of excitement, but they tried to suppress themselves and avoid showing them.

When Yang Feng saw this weird scene, he wondered: What's the matter, why are these things suddenly shining in you? "

Without speaking, Lan Beast just had a calm face and was silent.

What about you, why don't you say anything? Or, you don’t know what's going on? "Yang Feng blinked his big innocent eyes and continued to ask.

However, the Lan Beast still did not speak, but the ferocious mouth gradually moved.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the chain of runes on the Lan Beast's body exploded one after another.

And with the breaking of these chains, the aura on the Lan Beast's body also increased by a geometric multiple, and the rich Lan Qi, like a tide, quickly filled the entire space.

Its concentration is actually more than a hundred times higher than Yang Feng just came in.

Even at this moment, Yang Feng used the body of the soldier account to face the Lan Beast in front of him, and he felt a tingling sensation all over his body, and he steadily stepped back two steps, a little stagnant.

What's the matter, she has obviously adapted to the haze on this girl, and now she feels uncomfortable again. The energy in this girl is increasing... Uh no, it should be liberation!

Yang Feng squinted at the broken chain of runes, already guessing something.

Hello, kid! "

At this time, the Lan Beast finally spoke, but his tone was very arrogant, without the previous humility, even the eldest brother did not shout.

Yang Feng frowned, the evil spirit said: What are you talking about, kid? Are you calling me? "


Fists tightened, bursts of bone bursting, and Yang Feng smiled.

Why, do you tell you to be unconvincing? "

Bang bang bang!

The chains once again crumbled like a firecracker, and the aura on the Lan Beast immediately increased dozens of times, and the terrifying Lan Qi forced Yang Feng back several hundred feet before it could stop.

Lan Beast raised his head, shattered the chain around his neck, raised his head proudly, looked down at him sarcastically, and said sarcastically: You thought you had knocked the deity stunned earlier, and you were self-righteous and could refine the deity, right? Humph, naive! How could the Lan Beast, one of the Seven Spiritual Elements of this deity, be controlled so easily by a little boy? Previously this deity was suppressed by this sign, and most of its strength was sealed, only then would you let this little **** ride on his head and pee, but now..."

How is it now? "

Raising his brows, Yang Feng sneered and said: You had better pay attention to what you said, otherwise, believe it or not I will take your head off as a chamber pot? "

what did you say? "


The pupils glared, Lan Beast's body shook again, but hearing loud bangs one after another, a series of chains broke apart like a mountain.

In the end, its waist plate was erected again, and all the chain of symbols on the upper and lower body broke apart.

Lan Beast, completely free!

With a roar, the world quaked, and everything in the world could not help shaking. The turbulent mist raged like a mountain whistling a tsunami, disrupting the entire enchantment space and shattering every inch of it. The slits in the space filled with the speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the people outside hadn't noticed all of this, the fierce beast was approaching, and the danger was coming, still killing it in the dark, unable to deal with each other.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the thunder burst, that Lan Beast with a terrifying aura of ten thousand years of anger, instantly filled the world. The people who were fighting suddenly felt this powerful pressure, and immediately sank, and their hearts were shocked.

What happened, what happened?

Suddenly, everyone stopped moving, and the fighting stopped.

People just felt the pressure that permeated their hearts and shivered unconsciously.

Such an aura of killing and hatred was something they had never felt before. They just touched a little bit, and their whole body trembled and the heart convulsed. Even the generals and masters were not immune.

Something terrible is coming!

Everyone's face became serious unconsciously.

Only Wu Fatian, who had been lying on the ground and motionless, opened his eyes suddenly and laughed: Die, let the lord of the castle die. If you want to grab our Wu family’s baby, there is no end to it. Let’s go to hell, hahaha! "

Wu Fatian, did you do this? "

Jin Daoling was shocked when he heard what he said, and roared: What did you do? "

The evil came across the corner of his mouth, Wu Fatian chuckled and murmured: Don't you all want Lan Beast, I will give it to you. Just now, the old man has unlocked the seal of the Lan Beast, and the beast will soon run out. If you want to grab it, go grab it as soon as possible. You're welcome, as long as you can grab it, it's yours, hahaha! "

what? "

The body shook, everyone present was shocked.

Lan Beast was actually unlocked? Then who can subdue this legendary monster again?

You are crazy! "

With a roar, Jin Daoling yelled: Do you know how dangerous it is to release the Lan Beast? It's not just you, Wu Jiabao, hundreds of third-rate families, dozens of second-rate families, and even the first-rate families will be completely destroyed by this Lan Beast. The horror of Lan Beast, as a child of the Wu family, don't you know? "

I know, but so what? "

With a free smile, Wu Fatian sighed: Anyway, I have nothing now. After you get the Lan Beast, will you let me die? Will everyone in Wujiapu be killed? No, you, like me, must prevent the leakage of news. In that case, what is Lao Tzu afraid of? What is the difference between Lao Tzu being killed by Lan Beast and being killed by you? Instead of that, it is better to die together. Let this beast, destroy everyone here, no one wants to escape, hahaha! "


Hearing what he said, Jin Daoling swallowed hard and waved his hand again and again: Wu Fatian, don't be impulsive, hurry up, before Lan Beast escaped the seal, seal it up again. I know that you have the Wu Family Sealing Technique, and you can do it. I promise you that after our Jinling Mansion gets the Lan Beast, we will definitely guarantee you a worry-free life. Don't be so extreme! "

It was too late, the old man had used his last strength to release the Lan Beast, and no longer had the strength to seal it. "

Taking a long breath, Wu Fatian sneered again and again: Besides, Grandpa, you really treat the old man as a three-year-old. Your Jinling Mansion’s promise is the same as the old man’s promise to Wu Jiapu. Has it counted for so many years? "


As soon as the voice fell, the red haze rushed straight into the sky from the depths of the earth. Everything it passed through turned into nothingness.


The last layer of enchantment that sealed the beast was also shattered every inch, and finally broke completely.

At the same time, a deafening beast roar filled the entire cloud and shook the hearts of everyone present.


It's over, it's out! "

As soon as his body sank, Jin Daoling's complexion instantly turned pale, and the complexions of the others were the same...

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