Alien God System

Chapter 1166: Break through the barrier

Since he first came to this spiritual world, Yang Feng thought that the power of collecting faith would be the same as in the lower realm, and he would be able to collect it with just a flick of it.

But after he deeply investigated and understood the world, he discovered that he was wrong.

This is a world without faith and faith. Where can the power of faith be collected?

In the lower realms, scholars believe in Confucianism, and those in martial arts believe in righteousness. Even an old farmer, he believes in God. Knowing what it means to get good for good and evil for evil, worship God and pray for Buddha, it will be rewarded for sure.

Although a bit superstition, it is a belief after all.

They have their own beliefs, so it is much easier to collect them. Finally, they combined Yang Feng with their beliefs to become the **** of wealth, the **** of war, and the **** of war.

But in this spiritual world, people only believe in authority, and the highest one says nothing. Without his own belief, where can Yang Feng collect it?

Therefore, the most urgent task for Yang Feng is to cultivate the soil of faith.

The first step is to defeat authority.

How can I defeat it? Kill him directly? This will not help!

You can kill authority, but you have turned yourself into a new authority, not faith.

Belief is ultimately formed by the human heart, so Yang Feng formulated a three-step plan under consideration.

First, weaken the prestige of authority.

People worship authority and think that authority is omnipotent and always right. Then Yang Feng became Chen Jialuo, killing others to gain power, killing his clan, and losing his face, so that people's worship of authority is weakened, and they feel that authority is nothing great, and it is not an invincible existence. In this way, people's awe of authority will weaken.

Second, sow good seeds and cultivate the soil for faith.

Yang Feng founded the Blue and White Club, introduced the chivalrous way of the lower realm into the spiritual realm, and set this as a new benchmark for everyone to follow. He did not establish a new authority. After Wu Fatian was ousted from power, Chen Jialuo could become emperor. It is to establish a moral standard, which is faith.

Just like Emperor Wu of the Han cultivating Confucianism and Daoism, he helped the Daoism of Chivalry and created a new rule in everyone's hearts. When people believe this rule, they become a belief in their hearts.

But it’s easier said than done, so...

Third, Yang Feng dominated the rebellion.

This rebellion was not aimed at overthrowing Wu Fatian's rule. On the contrary, this is to overthrow the deep-rooted thoughts of power and slavery in people's hearts.

During the rebellion, many people were thinking of following the new master to fight against the country. To put it bluntly, they were still the emperor and the courtier. Standing on the right team, you can be prosperous and wealthy for a lifetime, after all, you still follow the authority.

So after Yang Feng left the word chivalry, he lied and retreated, and threw the mess to them.

Yang Feng, who had mastered all the intelligence of the enemy and us, had already seen through the development of the situation. The dictator Wu Fatian was frantic. After the secrets of the Lan Beast were exposed, he would definitely make a crazy move to massacre the whole city or die together.

And this is what Yang Feng wants.

Yang Feng wants to use the brutal nature of Wu Fatian's dictator to force people to awaken to this world.

Like **** left the Bible to enlighten people, he also left behind his own revelation of the gods and his views on knighthood. As for whether people can finally awaken their faith in desperate situations as he wishes, it can only depend on their good fortune.

Fortunately, Qin Shanhai, the successor of his own insidious teaching, then led those ignorant people, plus Wu Fatian's arrogance.

The people in Wujiapu who had been trapped in darkness were finally immersed in the brilliant thoughts of his god, and opened their minds.

Yang Feng said he was very pleased!


The fists slammed together, Yang Feng's eyes were sparkling, and the corners of his mouth grinned unconsciously: Now that the goal has been achieved, it is time to go out and clean up the mess. "

Brother, are you leaving? Lan Beast glanced at him and asked.

Yang Feng nodded slightly.

Take me, hehe. "

Yes, let me refine you! "Yang Feng raised a finger and gently scratched the big chin of Rao Lan Beast, molested.

Lan Beast frowned and fell into bitter thoughts.

I know that you humans just refuse to let go of others, huh!


At the same time, Qin Shanhai continued to use the energy of the fog to dissolve the haze barrier with the blessing of everyone. Wu Fatian was also desperately unleashing martial arts, trying to kill Qin Shanhai's threat here, but was blocked by the people who were not afraid of death.

Finally, after killing tens of thousands of cultivators, Wu Fatian was also out of breath, his eyes widened, and he cursed: Why, why are you not afraid of death? In the past, the Lord Benbao said you would kneel down and beg for mercy, but now you are all blatantly opposing me? What medicine did you all take wrong? "

Without speaking, everyone stared at him fiercely, with unyielding eyes.

Looking at the stubborn eyes of these people, Wu Fatian pondered for a moment, then smiled, and laughed disdainfully: Since you want to die, then die. Anyway, no matter how stubborn you are, it is impossible to destroy the old man's twelve-rank enchantment formation. This is the absolutely invincible defense left by our Wu family ancestors. This is called the foundation. You untouchables, will never compare, hahaha. "

After the haze was expelled, the barrier was exposed. "

Suddenly, Qin Shanhai shouted, and people looked intently.

Sure enough, surrounded by a circle of purple mist in the Qinshan Sea, there was only a red barrier film in the middle half-meter-diameter circle, and there was no more haze surrounding it.

This shows that everyone's martial arts can directly attack the surface of the enchantment without being decomposed by the haze.

In an instant, everyone became excited, no matter how much their physical energy was exhausted, they all used the strength of suckling and violently attacked the vacant barrier.

Feng Lei Jue! "

Tyrannosaurus Feiyun legs! "

Thousands of mountains and strong sun! "


Boom boom boom!

The enchantment around Wu Fatian has been shaken constantly, but Wu Fatian still doesn't care: With your ability, we can't shake the Wu family enchantment at all, hahaha. "


Suddenly, at this moment, a purple fortress and a golden fortress appeared in the clouds, outside the mist storm.

Hei Ying was overjoyed and exclaimed, "Look, my son, the Tenth Grade Spirit Tool of our Moyun Cave, Heiyun Tower is here. "

Feng Lao smiled too: Young Master, our tenth-grade spiritual weapon from Jinling Mansion, Jin Yu Pavilion has also arrived. "

attack! "

Almost in unison, there was a deafening shout from the two spiritual weapons.

Then countless masters of generals flew out from there, releasing martial arts and spirits to the Lan Qi storm. Those two spirit weapons, like Ziyun Tower, slammed into the enchantment storm.


His body shook, Wu Fatian felt a sweet throat, and spewed a mouthful of old blood.

These two powerful forces are the same masters, and their attack power is not comparable to that of a small family like Gejiazhai. Although this Wu family's formation is a rank 12 formation, Wu Fatian, the one who controls the formation, has not even arrived as a general. In addition, the previous consumption was too much, so under this round of impact, he was directly injured. The power of the barrier is also instantly reduced.

However, he still didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly fought his hands, trying to keep the storm running and prevent the two outside forces from breaking in.

But after hearing a soft noise from Kara, a crack appeared in the barrier protecting him.

Then, a dash of purple mist rushed in, hitting his face with a punch, and shouted: Who said we can't shake your barrier? This is the power of revolution, unity! "

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