Alien God System

Chapter 1165: Fog to haze

Boom boom boom!

Outside of the storm of wind, everyone in Gejiazhai was still unleashing their martial skills, attacking this terrifying wall.

Wu Fatian raised his eyes and looked at it, showing disdain.

This twelfth-rank enchantment was left by the ancestors of the Wu family, and with your little scum strength, you would not be able to blast a gap in your exhaustion, hum.

At this time, Qin Shanhai's group walked over again, with unprecedented determination in their eyes.

Wu Fatian glanced at them scornfully, then sneered: Do you still want to struggle? A group of ants, useless, there is not much time left. "

We are not struggling, we must go out alive and take our family. "

Qin Shanhai shouted, and everyone around him responded: Yes, take our family and go out alive. Wu Fatian, go and die. Brothers, go up together and pry open his turtle shell! "


As soon as the voice fell, hundreds of thousands of people, from warriors to martial spirits, and the few generals of Jinling Mansion, all displayed their own stunts and slammed into the red enchantment in front of Wu Fatian.

This blast was like hundreds of thousands of nuclear warheads thrown out one after another, and the terrifying power of the explosion made the surrounding Lanqi tornado tremble uncontrollably.

I have to say that everyone at this moment is united, and the power they exert is ten times more than normal. Everyone put down their defenses and focused on attacking, and their strengths are different.

Perhaps even Wu Fatian himself had never thought that these Wu Jiabao's **** would release such a powerful force one day.

However, he, who was in the barrier, was only amazed at this scene, but he didn't feel any waves at all, and his mouth still had a contemptuous smile.

This twelfth-Rank barrier is a super-first-class family's protective array, and it also has a haze bonus. How can it be easily destroyed by these scum?

No matter how strong their skills are, they will quickly turn into nothingness when they encounter haze.

In Wu Fatian's eyes, everything they do now is just a senseless resistance, so stupid.

Seeing this, Qin Shanhai furrowed his brows slightly, and after a while pondering, he suddenly shouted: Everyone stopped! "


The body stagnated, everyone stopped, and looked at him for unknown reasons.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Shanhai took two steps forward and said in an unusually calm tone: There is no time. Although everyone has unreservedly brought out their strongest power, these powers are encountering The surface of the barrier was basically broken down. To really touch the core of the enchantment and destroy the formation, it will be the year of the monkey? "

What should we do? "Jin Daoling pondered for a while and asked.

Licking some dry lips, Qin Shanhai seemed to hesitate, but soon he firmly said: Give me all your strength. "

pass it to you? "

Yes, I can dissolve this layer of airflow on its surface! "

You mean..."

Jin Daoling was taken aback, and after thinking about it for a moment, he immediately understood: I almost forgot, you also have the power of the seven spirit elements in your own body. Although not a complete body, at least it is of the same level. As long as there is enough energy bonus, it will not be worse than his enchantment. If you have this ability, why didn't you say it earlier? "

I also have concerns! "

After exhaling a long breath, Qin Shanhai glanced around at everyone present: I need you to pass a large amount of immortal power to me, which means that I will leave your back. At this time, if someone wants to kill me, I will die without a place to be buried. And if I stand at the forefront, I will definitely be targeted by Wu Fatian, will you protect me? What I need is...absolute trust. "

Without speaking, everyone just stared at him unblinking, their eyes firmer than ever.

With a free smile, Qin Shanhai didn't say anything more: Come on, take a gamble! "


With that said, Qin Shanhai stepped forward and stood at the forefront.

The rest of the people immediately dispersed and came behind him, one person and one palm, like a solitaire, spreading their skills along the human chain to Qin Shanhai.

Qin Shanhai felt a burst of energy all over his body, as if he was about to explode. After a word, he immediately waved a purple energy in his hand and slammed it forward.

Third-rank high-level martial arts, hidden snake flurry! "


Like a group of small snakes transformed into purple fireworks, they suddenly sprang from Qin Shanhai's palms, blinking more than tens of thousands, and rushed towards Wu Fatian's enchantment.

Wu Fatian curled his lips in disdain, not caring, but suddenly saw that Qin Shanhai's martial arts were different from those of others.

Once the martial arts of others encountered his haze enchantment, they quickly dissipated without a trace.

However, Qin Shanhai's martial arts did not immediately disappear after encountering the haze, but after a stalemate for a while, the little snakes dissipated.

But soon, hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of little snakes were released from Qin Shanhai's palms, one after another, one after another.

Slowly, those little snakes turned into a purple energy, hoarding on the surface of his enchantment, and glued to his haze.

As Qin Shanhai continued to output energy, the purple energy was rapidly expanding, and he wanted to open a hole in his enchantment.

how is this possible? "

With a twitch of face, Wu Fatian said incredibly and authentically: In this world, there is nothing that the old man can't decompose, unless he is also..."

Suddenly, Wu Fatian seemed to realize something.

In the arena between Qin Shanhai and Yang Feng, Qin Shanhai's weird tricks were definitely not something that ordinary cultivators could easily practice. Could it be one of the legendary heavenly seven spirit elements, the ability of fog?

Ethereal and unpredictable!

Suddenly, Wu Fatian figured everything out and sneered: So that's it, you, like the old man, have the energy of the Heavenly Seven Spirit Element in your family bloodline. This is no wonder, you can actually contend with the old man Lan Qi. After all, the fog is produced by water, the haze is produced by fire, and the water and fire are restrained, hum! "

Qin Shanhai, you must die! "

With that said, Wu Fatian's eyes were certain, and his palms slammed forward, and the two dragon shadows composed of Lan Qi suddenly rushed towards Qin Shanhai.

Five-rank high-level martial arts, double dragon kill! "

Qin Shanhai's eyelids jumped, and he was trying his best to escape, but he saw that at this moment, hundreds of figures suddenly stood in front of him.

But hearing a bang, the hundreds of warrior cultivators were all turned into ashes, and Qin Shanhai was nothing.

Wu Fatian was startled and dumbfounded.

What's going on, why are so many people dying for him?

Qin Shanhai was also a little stunned, he himself didn't expect that so many completely unknown people would suddenly come out to protect him. But he saw him whoosh, and hundreds of shadows stood in front of him, his face firmer than ever.

Qin Shanhai, if you are the only one who can quickly break this barrier. You can rest assured that we will never let Wu Fatian hurt you a single hair. The safety of our family rests on you. "

Yes, don't worry, we will protect you to the death! "

As soon as the words fell, those who were passing the gong to the palm of Qin Shanhai's back also roared together, shaking the sky with unspeakable determination.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shanhai nodded and smiled, his expression firmer. No longer have any worries, just work harder and give full output.

Wu Fatian was already stupid.

He had never seen him before, he had seen his fortress with such a bold look in his eyes.

It has changed, they have really changed, and they all have light on their bodies.

Sima Changfeng looked far away, tears of excitement shed in his eyes.

Brother Yang, your light has finally spread in this dark world. You are alive in the sky, you can look down.

Wu Fatian, I didn't expect it. People with beliefs are completely different from those muddled minions. "Yang Feng smiled gladly in the underground barrier.

Everything he did has finally paid off and can be reaped...

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