Alien God System

Chapter 1161: Was hit to death


The aura of terror bloomed in front of the two of them, and they were so scared that they were stiff and unable to move.

The two bodyguards, General Yun Kongba, the other four elders, and Hei Ying were shocked when they saw this. They wanted to rescue, but they all ran to the front line to attack the formation, and no one could help immediately.

Suddenly, the two seemed to be doomed.

The corners of Guang Lao's mouth were getting more and more evil, and the faces of Jin Daoling and Qin Shanhai were getting more and more fearful.

Especially that Qin Shanhai could not stop chanting a name in his heart.

Brother Yang, I am following your will and making a revolution. You must bless me with the spirit of heaven.


Suddenly, it seemed that he had heard the prayer in his heart, and a loud noise suddenly blasted. The wall of the arena suddenly burst open, and a figure of a figure clinging to it flew over.

who? "

Na Guang Lao was shocked, but he didn't understand what was going on, so he was hit by the group of figures and hit him hard. Kala, Guang Lao stretched out his tongue and rolled his eyes white, completely lost his breath.

The two people who had just been overly frightened were unidentified, so they trembled with fright. After a while, Qin Shanhai looked at the people in black who had fallen on the ground, and was shocked: Zhan Pengfei, why is he? "

You know him? "

Yes, he is the commander of Soldiers and Mars, Wu Fatian's loyal pug, how could he suddenly come out to rescue us this time? Moreover, he shouldn't be able to save us from a military general, right? "

Qin Shanhai touched his chin with a suspicious expression on his face.

Jin Daoling stepped forward to check it out and muttered: I don't think he came to save us on purpose. He is dead, and he should have been thrown over. "

Lost it? Who lost it?

Qin Shanhai became even more suspicious.

At this time, there was a whistling sound, and the black ying and the Yunkong Eight Generals and the remaining four elders immediately returned to their side to check their situation.

Seeing that they were okay, I felt relieved.

Then, Feng Lao leaned over to observe the scene here, but he became more and more frightened as he watched it: so strong! "

What's wrong, Feng Lao, what is strong? "

Jin Daoling was puzzled, the old man in the wind stroked his long beard lightly, looked at the direction that Zhan Pengfei was flying from, and then looked at the corpses below. He couldn't help but praised: The old man said that These masters kicked by the men in black are really strong. With just one kick, not only had these nearly ten martial arts masters been kicked to death. Even after flying such a long distance and hitting so many buildings, under the reduced force, the remaining strength can still kill this bald guy, it's incredible. "

What, you mean, Guanglao was just killed by these people? "


Jin Daoling opened his mouth wide in disbelief. After all, the bald guy was one of his eight generals and masters, and he was not made of tofu. He could be killed by someone. It was a strange talk.

But Lao Feng still nodded his head very surely, and said with certainty: The old man would not be mistaken, the person who shot first kicked this person first. Then this person ran into the other black-clothed guards again, because the force was too great, when they were kicked into the air, their internal organs were already shattered by that powerful force. "

Then, these people took the rest of the man's kick and rushed all the way to here, and happened to hit the bald guy's arms again. Until this time, the remaining power was still very large, and the bald man's internal organs were shattered in an instant. You know, this bald guy is a powerful military commander. How easy is it to kick him to death? At least it is a master of Wuwang. But first kicked a group of people, after such a long time spent flying, and then used spare energy to shake the bald guy to death. This kind of strength, even the ordinary martial king can hardly achieve it! "

With that said, the old face of Feng had shown an indescribable horror: In addition to us, there is a peerless master in Wujiapu. Its strength is really rare in the world! "


They all took a breath, and everyone present was shocked.

After pondering a little, Qin Shanhai suddenly said: If this person is really so tough, can he break Wu Fatian's tortoise shell if he makes a move? "

It is very possible! "

There was a flash of brilliance in his eyes, and the old Feng immediately said: Young Master, the old man now follows this path to explore, see if he can find this peerless powerhouse, and then we meet in the same place. "

Okay, you go! "

Goodbye! "

Finally, he bowed, and the old man went to look for it immediately.

Qin Shanhai and Jin Daoling were full of hopeful rays of light, as if they had seen a new dawn.

At this time, but listening to the loud noises, Qin Shanhai's previous three-sided defenses all fell. The guards of the main castle mansion, as well as some royal factions of the clan and nobles in the castle, rushed in with a group of mobs, and immediately disrupted all their plans. Even the other two Yunkong eight generals who had rebelled followed.

There was no way, Qin Shanhai and the others had no choice but to stop attacking Wu Fatian's enchantment, gathered their forces, and fought with the stubborn forces in the fort again.

After the two sides fought for two days and nights, the troops were temporarily suspended.

But the entire Wujiapu area has already shrunk again. There is no more time left for everyone.

Either the die-hards completely wiped out the rebels like Qin Shanhai and the others, fulfilled Wu Fatian's conditions, ordered the castle to open the law and let them go.

Either the rebels drove these die-hards out, and then concentrated their efforts to encircle Wu Fatian.

In short, the two sides have different goals and have become irreconcilable enemies.

Damn, no time! "


The temporary combat meeting room was actually a ruined room. Looking at the red storm that was shrinking around him, Qin Shanhai kicked a chair against the wall in desperation, and fell into a smash.

Zhou Afu and the leaders were full of sadness, and said in a sad voice: If this continues, even if we win the diehards, there is no time to stop Wu Fatian. Is it possible that we all die here? Ugh! "

Shen Shen frowned, everyone present was very depressed.

At this time, a notification sounded outside the door, Black Ying's voice: Son, Feng Lao is back. "

As soon as the eyes light up, Qin Shanhai and Jin Daoling rushed out immediately: Feng Lao, have you found that master? "

The master did not find it, but met them! "

Old Feng's body let go, revealing the figure of Wan Zining and others.

Qin Shanhai was startled: Hey, Commander Wan, and Yang... Oh, it's a friend of our Chief Rudder Yang. you guys……"

We were fighting those diehards, but we ran into Zhan Pengfei interception. "

Have you met Zhan Pengfei? Do you know who kicked Zhan Pengfei and the others to the canopy arena? "

Yang Feng! "

After thinking about it, Wan Zi settled down.

Everyone shook, and they were all dumbfounded.

how is this possible? Feng Ge had obviously sacrificed, how could he appear again?

Seeing them like this, Wan Zining knew that they didn't believe it, so she sighed helplessly: Actually, we were not sure, because we only saw a phantom, like Yang Feng. As for whether it is a man or a ghost, I don't know. "

Where did you meet? "

Qin Shanhai hurriedly asked, but the old Feng directly interjected: No need to ask, that person must be a ghost. The old man went to see the scene at that time, at least a thousand miles away from the canopy stadium. Can kick nearly ten martial arts powers thousands of miles away, and even kill a general master with spare power, how can human beings do such a perverted thing? Even if it is a master of Wuwang, this is not possible, unless he is a ghost! "


Suddenly, everyone present became mute...

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