Alien God System

Chapter 1160: First round total offense

As the deputy helm of the Blue and White Club, I order you, the first team, defend the left wing for 800 meters, don’t let the guards of the castle mansion rush in; the second team, defend the right wing for a thousand meters, don’t let the mobs disturb We; the third team, stationed five hundred meters behind us, to ensure the smooth completion of this general attack. The rest of the people rushed to me, broke his big formation, and took Wu Fatian! "

Time returned to five minutes ago, in Jinling Mansion and Moyun Grotto, and under the sweep of the Qinghuahui, Soldiers and Horses and other coalition forces, everyone had already reached the Pengqi arena that day with great momentum. Wu Fatian controlled this big The base of the formation.

As Yang Feng's successor, Qin Shanhai naturally took over the huge force of the Blue and White Club, united all the horses, and launched the first round of total offensive against Wu Fatian, the trapped beast in the cage.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of horses rushed towards the great formation like a tide, constantly performing their strongest tricks.

Especially the thousand martial arts masters brought by Jinling Mansion, after one round of consumption, the remaining more than 300 people are the backbone of this attack.

But listening to the loud noises, the martial arts and spirits that made the entire sky tremble, have already smashed at that Wu Fatian one after another.

If this were in normal times, even if Wu Fatian had a hundred lives, he would have been blasted into dregs under the crusade of these hundreds of thousands of coalition forces. But now, there is that red haze enchantment covering it, but it is as stable as Mount Tai, with a touch of contempt and contempt on the corner of his mouth.

The brows were deeply condensed into a knot, and Jin Daoling was so anxious that his palms were full of sweat: Brother Qin, this enchantment is a twelfth-rank formation left by the ancestors of the Wu family, even if the martial masters come, it may not be able to break open. Although we have a large number of people, but the strongest is a group of martial arts masters, can we succeed? "

This is not a question of success, but a question of success! "

Gritting his teeth tightly, Qin Shanhai said: If we can't succeed, we will have to wait and die. We are dead here, and we have no other way to go. Moreover, although this enchantment is powerful, it is Wu Fatian who has not broken through even the warrior who controls this enchantment formation. Although the enchantment has given him great power, manipulating this enchantment requires his celestial power. As long as we keep attacking, there is always time to exhaust him. By then, he would lose control of this big formation. "

Well, it makes sense!

Nodding deeply, Jin Daoling was convinced.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shanhai said again: By the way, Brother Jin, I would like to ask a question. "

what? "

What do you mean by saying that we have the strongest combat power here, there are only a group of martial arts powerhouses? Why don't the four old guys next to you help, what are they doing here leisurely? Cheer for the front line in the rear? "

Qin Shanhai pointed at the four remaining eight generals beside Jin Daoling and cursed.

These four old guys are all martial-level masters, and they can be said to be the highest combat power in Wujiapu at this moment. As a result, at this critical moment when they were always attacking Wu Fatian, they did not move like a mountain as a spectator. They kept walking around Jindaoling and did not go to the front to help. It was simply outrageous.

Do you know how much time can be shortened to crack the big array after you shoot? "

This one……

Scratching his head, the four old guys were unmoved, Jin Daoling coughed dryly: Brother Qin, they can't leave me. You should know that I am being chased by three other traitors. It is very insecure if there is no protection from them. "

This entire Wujiabao will be destroyed by that arsenic storm soon, so you still care about your own safety? "

If this haze storm is resolved and the enchantment of the great formation is also unlocked, but the son is dead, then all this is meaningless. "With his head raised, Jin Daoling looked high, unspeakably proud.

Qin Shanhai's heart was stagnant, and he really wanted to pinch him to death now, but unfortunately he still needed his strength, so he suppressed the killing intent in his heart.

Then, Qin Shanhai raised his head and looked around, only to see that the red storm had turned all the outer houses into nothingness, approaching more and more, and his face was drooping: three days later, the storm shrank ten times toward the center every day. Kilometers have now shrunk by 30 kilometers. If this continues, within ten days, all of us will die without a burial place. And to crack this big array, including the consumption of everyone, I don't know how many days it will take, we have no time. "

Without speaking, Jin Daoling looked at Qin Shanhai's dejected face, and then at the raging storm not far away that seemed to be far away, but was approaching at an extremely fast speed. His heart was a little moved.

After thinking about it a little, he gave the four old men around him a look: You too, don't care about me, now it is urgent to crack the big array. "

Yes, son! "

Whoosh whoosh!

Determined to nod their heads, the four of them swiftly stepped forward, flying towards the front line together, and launched a fierce attack towards Wu Fatian's red enchantment.

I have to say that a general is a general.

These four old men joined the battlefield, and immediately made the attack power of the entire army rise to a level, and one person can top a hundred martial arts powerhouses.

It's just that Wu Fatian still smiled slightly, noncommittal.

Qin Shanhai nodded in relief, took a deep look at Jin Daoling, and praised: Lord Jin, thank you for your contribution, and the people will remember you. "

Will the people remember me? Who are the people and what do you mean? "


Jin Daoling was puzzled, Qin Shanhai's face twitched and he was also very embarrassed.

Somehow, it seems that he has been with Yang Feng for a long time, and he now speaks more and more like Yang Feng.

That **** is really harmful.

I didn't know this ambiguous thing, so I just said it with a bald mouth. I have to say that some of his crazy words are really brainwashing. When did I become like him?

Qin Shanhai gave a dry smile and shrugged helplessly.


Suddenly, at this moment, a golden light drew across and suddenly appeared behind the Jin Daoling. He laughed and said: Grandpa, you are alone, this time you should hand over your life obediently, Jie Jie Jie. "

Light old? "

Jin Daoling looked back, his pupils couldn't stop suddenly, and his face immediately aggrieved: Qin Shanhai, look at what I said. I'll just say that I need a bodyguard by my side. If you don't believe me, what should I do now, I'm going to die. "

Qin Shanhai was also taken aback. He wanted to help his hapless ally, but his strength was inadequate.

The opponent is a master of military commanders and a light system cultivator with the best speed. Even if he has a family-renowned sky-level fog system energy skin, his level of cultivation is too different, and there is nothing he can do.

Na Guang glanced at them, and the corners of his mouth became more and more fierce: Jin Daoling and Qinghuahui people were named by the Lord Wu Bao to kill, and the old man happened to take them away together, Jiejiejie. "


As soon as the voice fell, a golden light flickered from Guanglao's legs: Go to hell, you two little things, third-rank high-level light martial arts, light speed feet! "

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