Alien God System

Chapter 1162: The cry of Sima Changfeng

Quiet, deadly quiet!

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, they are speechless.

According to Feng Lao's meaning, the strong man who suddenly emerged has done something that humans simply cannot accomplish, but it is actually a ghost.

Is it possible...


Thinking of this, Zhou Afu and the other leaders immediately knelt to the ground tacitly, praying sincerely: Brother Feng is in the sky, please bless us out of trouble. From now on, we will worship you as an ancestor, and ensure that the incense will continue for generations. Please show your compassion, show your spirit, and help us. "

You idiots, at this critical moment, please? "

if not? Brother Feng is now manifested and saved Wan Commander their lives. If this is true, don't we have hope? What else? The barrier is unbreakable, and there is a group of royalists who want to kill us. What can we do? "

It is better to ask for others than for yourself. At this critical moment, we must act decisively and no longer be merciful. First kill all the people who obeyed Wu Fatian, remove the obstacles, and then attack with all their strength. As for the miracle from ghosts and gods, I hope to be able to meet them, but they cannot be completely sued. "

Qin Shanhai said with a solemn expression in his eyes.

Everyone glanced at him deeply and nodded slightly.

Only Wan Zining was still a little dazed. He raised his head and looked at the blushing bright moon above his head, as if he saw Yang Feng smiling at them in the sky, encouraging them not to give up, and couldn't help but mutter.

Yang Feng, last time you were alive in the sky, did you appear to help us? It’s just that the time of appearance is so short, I haven’t had time to see what you really look like...

Tears gradually dimmed his eyes, and Wan Zining's heart was full of longing.

And Yang Feng is already practicing frantically under the output of a large amount of Lan Qi from the Lan Beast, and the trumpet has reached the first-order peak cultivation base of Wu Ling.

In the early morning of the next day, the coalition forces had already regrouped and began the crusade again.

It's just that this time they didn't pay attention to Wu Fatian's enchantment in the arena anymore, but focused on sweeping the royalists. Before the second total attack, let's get rid of these obstructions.

The royalists also thought this way. In order for Wu Fatian to remove the enchantment and let them go, he had to kill these rebels one by one according to his wishes.

You came and I smashed the land, eyes were red, and blood was flowing.

With a desire for life, everyone arbitrarily plundered the lives of others, as if a group of Gu worms were fighting for the Gu King. Only those who lived to the end could get out of this cruel and inhumane Shura field.

Watching this scene, Wu Fatian smiled, the light in the depths of his eyes even more contemptuous; Yang Feng used the Thousand Mile Insight technique to monitor all this, but he shook his head helplessly and sighed.

Only a figure in the darkness shed tears and knelt down weakly.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and soon eight days passed, the two sides had already killed the corpses, and still did not decide the outcome.

Except for the sharp reduction in the number of people on both sides, there is no change in the situation, and no one can overpower the other side. Only the surrounding red storm has swept through most areas of Wujiapu, approaching everyone's battle zone, but people have already lost their eyes, and no one cares about the real threat.

You rebels, why don't you die? Without you, how could the castle master kill the entire Wujiabao people? For innocent people like us, you go to death, please. "

You idiots, our revolutionary uprising is not for you? Do you want others to step on your head for the rest of your life? "

That's better than death. Originally, everyone has been quiet for years, but you are the fault. "

Your years are quiet, it's not your turn for disaster. As long as Wu Fatian is in power and everyone finishes playing sooner or later, why are you so short-sighted? You all deserve to die! "


People are swearing and fighting.

Suddenly, a red air current flew across, and as soon as the commander of a soldier Masi who was fighting met, he immediately turned into ashes.

His opponent was struggling to fight, and suddenly he found that his enemy was gone. Only a red light was approaching at extreme speed. He was shocked and realized that at some point, the red storm had already arrived in front of him. Immediately screamed: No, the storm has..."


With a whistle, the man was also swallowed by the storm.

Immediately afterwards, the storm entered the battlefield directly, harvesting lives, and many people were confused and turned into nothingness.

At this time, people realized that the real danger had come, stopped the fight, fled one after another, and moved to the center.

In the evening, the people from both sides gathered in the central area of ​​Wujiapu, where they were temporarily safe, but they were still tense, hostile to each other, and their eyes were red.

A three-meter-wide boundary in the middle separates the two sides and looks like a temporary truce, but the smell of gunpowder that is on the verge of getting stronger and stronger.

Ninety percent of Wujiapu's area has been completely swallowed up by the storm of wind, the rebels and the royalists have no choice but to gather together.

However, although they had to merge together for the time being due to geographical conditions, their hearts were still hostile, and they complained that the other party had caused the current predicament.

The royalists believe that all these disasters are caused by the rebels. Without their rebellion, there would be no disaster. I can’t wait to eat their flesh and drink their blood to relieve their hatred.

The rebels were angry with the royalists and hated their role as doglegs, defending Wu Fatian's brutality.

Otherwise, without the interference of this group of minions, they might have broken Wu Fatian's barrier long ago and pulled the dictator out to whip the corpse and solve the crisis.

Both sides blamed the anger in their hearts on each other, and a battle in the central area was about to unfold again.

Looking at the hostile eyes of the two men and horses, Wu Fatian smiled again, laughing crazy.

Okay, well, it's worthy of the fort people cultivated by the owner of this castle for so many years. It's this time. They are still complaining and killing each other, bringing the last entertainment to the owner of the castle.

Pigs are pigs after all, they are born to be slaughtered, hahaha...

You idiots, at this time, are still fighting, when are you going to get confused? "

Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and it sounded from the big screen: Open your eyes and take a good look. Now who is laughing and crying here? After all, you are just victims of ignorance! "


The body stagnated, and everyone on both sides who were hating each other was stunned, and Wu Fatian, who was smiling evilly, couldn't help but stunned.

Then, people turned their heads and looked, only to see that what appeared on the screen was not someone else, but the first nobleman, Sima Changfeng undoubtedly.

Only at this time, Sima Changfeng was not as graceful and demure as usual, instead, he was unkempt and looked downcast. In his eyes, tears flowed down...

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