Alien God System

Chapter 1152: Don't even want to leave alive


A loud bang shook the entire Wujiapu, like an earthquake.

The houses shattered and collapsed as the earth kept shaking. The people on the ground leaned forward and backward, almost unable to stand. They got up and flew for nine days.

But it was discovered that at this time, not only the ground was shaking, but even the space couldn't help shaking.

An extremely strange and dangerous aura filled every corner of Wujiabao.

Jin Daoling's eyes trembled, and he immediately noticed this crisis, and shouted: Wu Fatian, what are you going to do? "

Without speaking, Wu Fatian just smiled evilly.

At the same time, Yang Feng was closing his eyes in the enchantment, and An Ran was absorbing the red Lan Power, his physical body became stronger and stronger, and he became more resistant to the power of the Lan Power decomposition, but suddenly, the entire space began to shake violently .

Yang Feng was taken aback, opened his eyes and looked, only to see that the lowest Lan Beast was still unconscious, but the red energy on its body was being drawn crazily by the runes that locked it at a speed like a dragon absorbing water. With.

Those turbulent Lan powers flowed to the entire large formation along those rune chains.

What's going on here? "Yang Feng said suspiciously.

The formation method is absorbing the power of the Lan Beast for his own use. It is estimated that Wu Fatian has done it again. "The ancestor murmured.

Do it again?

Yang Feng rolled his eyes and looked up, his eyes flashing with a strange mango: As expected, Wu Fatian took the initiative to use the power of this ancestral formation, and he must really kill the fish and break the net. This is the last madness of the dictator. what. "

Thousand-mile insight!

As he said, Yang Feng pointed towards the void, and the outside picture immediately appeared.

At this moment, the entire Wujiabao area was already evaporating, and the concentration was getting higher and higher. Finally, a red storm formed, completely surrounding the whole Wujiabao.

However, within a short period of time, the red storm turned faster and faster, shrinking and tightening, and finally sealed the entire sky over Wujiapu before everyone could react.

At this moment, Wu Jiabao is like a steamer, covered with a red lid, and inside is full of fish on the cutting board, ready to be cooked and slaughtered.

The masters of Jinling Mansion who flew in suddenly panicked when they saw the strange red air current above their heads.

Jin Daoling's heart also sank suddenly, his face was more solemn than ever, and he said angrily: Wu Fatian, do you think you can bargain with this young man just with your little skills. Humph, wishful thinking. "

bargain? "

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Wu Fatian laughed mischievously, with fierce eyes in his eyes: Sir, do you think I am in this position and want to negotiate with you? Hehe, too naive. So far, what is there to talk about? I just want to keep you here forever and keep you all shut up. "

Just rely on you? "

Not by me, but by this big formation passed down by our Wu family. "

Pointing to the red sky above his head, Wu Fatian said with a smug expression: The big formation set up by our Wu family's ancestors is not only to besie the Lan Beast, it is also the guardian formation of our Wu family. The Yin Jue of using the formation method has only been passed on from generation to generation by the fort master. It's just for our Wu family to act as the last barrier in crisis. If you don’t believe it, you can try and see if you can get out, Jie Jie Jie. "

With a twitch of his face, Jin Daoling was so angry that his pupils breathed fire, suddenly raised his head, and shouted: You will make a hole in this enchantment for me! "

Yes, son! "

As soon as the voice fell, the thousand martial arts masters above their heads immediately shot together.

Five-rank high-level martial arts, Tyrannical Slash! "

Five-rank intermediate martial arts, whirling dark wind knife! "

Sixth-Rank Elementary Martial Skill, Yunying Nine Sky Sting! "


Boom boom boom!

A loud sound of deafening powerful martial arts blasted above the red dome, but as soon as they touched it, they all collapsed and disappeared without even a single ripple.

More than a thousand martial arts masters shook their bodies, and they were all shocked.

What kind of enchantment is this, it's weird.

No matter how strong the general enchantment is, it will react a little when encountering a strong attack. But this enchantment, after being attacked by an external force, seemed to be thrown into the sea and sank directly. There was no feedback at all, what's going on.

Jin Daoling's brows were also slightly wrinkled, and the anxiety in his heart became greater and greater.

Get out of the way, look at the old man! "

At this time, a roar suddenly sounded, and a burly and powerful figure rushed towards the cloud top barrier like a meteor, and the thunder light on his body exploded more like a nuclear bomb, emitting a dazzling light.

That is... the old man Lei, one of the eight generals around the big young man? "

Elder Lei is a second-tier pinnacle military commander, invincible in the Thunder system, and has never failed in his life. His old man made the shot himself, even if the barrier is not broken, it will inevitably shatter a little. "

That's right, Old Lei faced an 8-Rank enchantment formation, but he exploded with one punch, shaking the entire Jinling Mansion. Because of this, his old man has become one of the eight generals around the eldest son, and even the owner of the family admires him very much. This time, Grandpa Lei made it himself, even if one punch didn't explode, the second punch would definitely explode it, hehe. "


Everyone looked forward to the legendary master of Jinling Mansion, Grandpa Lei.

Only Jin Daoling thought of something after a little careful consideration, and hurriedly said: Wait, Master Lei, don't touch the enchantment. "

However, it was already too late.

Eighth-rank high-level martial arts, blasting thunder **** to kill! "


Accompanied by the deafening cracking sound, the old man's whole body electric glow lingered, turning into a giant figure of a hundred meters, carrying an invincible horror aura, slammed a fist on the red enchantment, but it was like ice The lump fell into boiling water and quickly melted away.

The old man hadn't realized what was going on yet, he had already rushed towards the barrier with inertia.

When he recovered and wanted to stop him, it was too late.

As soon as his fist touched the red air current on the barrier a little bit, he heard a sigh, the old man completely turned into a gas in an instant, disappeared, and he didn't even have a chance to scream.


Unable to stop taking a breath, everyone present was shocked.

Jin Daoling's face was even more ugly than ever before, gritted his teeth and said: This is not an ordinary twelfth-grade enchantment formation, and it is still attached with the haze energy, one of the heavenly seven spirit elements. All energies and objects, as long as they touch one point, they will break down immediately. Damn thing, this is a big trouble. "

Jie Jie Jie... Did you just react, Grand Master! "

Smiling sarcastically, Wu Fatian said proudly: As long as the guardian formation blessed by Lanli is here, all of you don't want to leave here alive, hahaha! "

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