Alien God System

Chapter 1151: Siege of Lanfeng

what did you say? "

The pupils condensed, Wu Fatian stared at him viciously.

Jin Daoling looked down at the injured dog arrogantly and sneered: Am I wrong? Your Wu family is nothing more than a third-rate family, taking shelter in our Jinling Mansion. In the eyes of our Jinling Mansion, you are slaves. As a slave, he dared to hide treasures privately. It seems that Wu Jiabao should change his surname. "

Click it!

Clenching his fists tightly, Wu Fatian didn't speak, but his eyes were getting fiercer and fierce when looking at Jin Daoling.

Why are you looking at me like this? Want to bite me? "

Glancing at him contemptuously, Jin Daoling said with disdain: The evil dog bites the Lord, and the law of heaven is intolerable. Our Jinling Mansion supports you Wujiabao to bite others, not to make your wings harden and bite your own master. If the dog is not obedient, what else does this dog do? "


As he said, Jin Daoling pointed towards the sky, but saw a golden light shine for nine days, and more than a thousand martial arts masters flew over fiercely.

That gurgling and terrifying aura made the whole Wu Jiabao tremble.

The rebels of the Bing Ma Si and Qinghua Society were even more shocked and dumbfounded as they watched the battle.

After all, it is a second-rate family, this strength is strong.

Compared with others, these rebels are nothing but a witch!

Fortunately, this Jinling Mansion was not here to help Wu Jiabao put down the rebellion, on the contrary, it was also here to find fault. This can not help but relieve a lot of rebels.

See it, this is strength! "

Not paying attention to Wu Fatian's increasingly cold eyes, Jin Daoling continued: I know you Wu Jiabao hides the Lan Beast, and now you hand it over, this son will not blame it, lest you die. otherwise……"

Otherwise, did you massacre the whole fort? "

Wu Fatian's eyes flashed cold and he shouted.

Jin Daoling did not reply, but the corners of his mouth became more and more ferocious.

At this time, there were several breaking sounds, and they fell behind Wu Fatian, but it was not someone else, it was the elders of the Wu family.

But at this time, they didn't come to fight alongside Wu Fatian, they came to beg for mercy.

Don't get angry, old man. We, Wu Jiabao, have always been loyal to Jinling Mansion, and we dare not have the slightest heart. If there is anything in Wujiabao that can be considered by the eldest son, you must hand it in. Castle Lord, what are you doing stupidly? What the eldest son wants, hand it over! "

You know what a shit! "

A mouthful of saliva directly sprayed the faces of those old things, Wu Fatian murmured: Our Wu family was in ancient times ten thousand years ago, but it was a super first-class family, family ancestral land, that is, here, a Lan beast was sealed. As long as this Lan beast can be refined, our Wu family will be able to reproduce the glory of thousands of years ago. If Jinling Mansion snatched this Lan beast, it would have snatched the future of our Wu family. As the master of the Wu family, how can the old man hand it over? "


The body shook, the old guys were dumbfounded, and after looking at each other: We are Wu family clan, why don't we know? "

This secret is so important that it has been passed on from generation to generation by the head of the Wu family. Of course you don’t know it if you only pass it on to one person. "


Hearing his words, several clan masters were silent.

Obviously, the guardian family inherits the Lan Beast, obviously the ancestral training, and it is also the cornerstone of the Wu family's future. With this Lan Beast, the Wu family can develop in the future.

Without it, it would be difficult to develop.

But now, if Jinling Mansion comes to ask for...

After hesitating each other, the old guys exchanged glances, nodded tacitly, and made a decision.

Fa Tian, ​​as a parent of Wu, let me say something. Although this Lan Beast is the heirloom of the Wu family's ancestors, what age is it already? We are now a third-rate family, why do we still have such a baby? "

That is, we are now loyal to Jinling Mansion. How can you hide such treasures in Jinling Mansion on your back and don't hurry up? "

Yes, if you anger Jinling Mansion, as the master of Wu Jiabao, can you bear this responsibility? Come on, this is related to the safety of the Wu family's clan! "


Twittering, several old guys stood by Jin Daoling unanimously, condemning Wu Fatian's confusion, and none of them should have the consciousness as a slave.

Wu Fatian listened to their spitting words and smiled, but it was a wry smile.

This Lan Beast originally belonged to our Wu family, why do you, as Wu's family members, want to face outsiders? They came to grab our things, do you still think it should be?

Are they cheap?

At this time, Wu Fatian suddenly remembered Yang Feng's previous words.

When you are using powerful power to turn others into slaves, how can you be turned into slaves by others using powerful power?

This world is really disgusting.

Yang Feng, the old man has to admit that you are right.

It's a pity that now I have no turning back.


As soon as his eyes condensed, the red air current in Wu Fatian's hand flashed, turning those old guys who chewed their tongues into nothingness.

Jin Daoling's eyelids twitched and said coldly: Do you want to resist this way? "

What else can you do? Will Jinling Mansion really let us go? "

With a wicked smile, Wu Fatian exclaimed: The old man is the master of Wujiabao, I understand this. Once you get the Lan Beast, will you let this secret pass on? Isn't it afraid of those first-class families coming to grab it? Therefore, regardless of whether the old man is dating or not, you will kill all of Wu Jiabao, leaving none. Isn't it, Grandpa? "

It is worthy of being the castle master, who sees more thoroughly than those old guys. "

Without any concealment, Jin Daoling admitted very readily: Yes, no one here can survive after getting Lan Beast. No matter if you are actively or passively, Wu Jiabao will disappear from this world today. "

Since this is the case, it's all the calamity of annihilation, you come, it is better for me to come myself. "

What do you mean? "

With a twitching eyelid, Jin Daoling shouted.

Wu Fatian Yangtian smiled dumbly: In fact, since being watched by you, I feel that Wu Jiabao, me, can no longer exist in the spiritual world. It's just a question of who killed it, killing people. You got Lan Beast and razed this place to the ground. No one knows your secret. If I kill everyone here, including you, and then avoid others, won't no one know my secret? "

Just rely on you? "The body shook, Jin Daoling said angrily.

With an evil smile crossed the corner of his mouth, Wu Fatian paused and said: Grand Lord, there is a third-tier martial arts peak cultivator in the lower district, Lan Li has not been fully refined, because he has no such ability. But please don't underestimate the background of my Wu family. After all, my Wu family was also a super-class family thousands of years ago. "

With that said, Wu Fatian was already making seals with both hands quickly, and roared: Rank 12, Tier 3 top spirit array, Lanfeng Siege! "

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