Alien God System

Chapter 1153: Infighting

Wu Fatian!

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Jin Daoling's eyes fired like a fire, and he glared at Wu Fatian, and shouted: Come here, let me take this line-up player first! "


With a loud shout, the seven of the remaining eight generals in the sky immediately rushed towards Wu Fatian. The powerful momentum immediately suppressed Wu Fatian's breath.

But for this, Wu Fatian was prepared.

The reason why he chose the Tianpeng arena as his decisive battlefield with Chen Jialuo was not only to prevent Chen Jialuo from being stronger than him, but also to prevent Jin Daoling and their oriole from behind and the fisherman's profit.

After all, this is the base of the big formation left by their Wu family ancestors, as long as there is the support of the big formation left by this ancestor, he will be all right.


After a flash, Wu Fatian hid in the red light that pulled Yang Feng into the ground. The remaining seven Yunkongba will come here and slap the light together, but hearing a loud bang, the eight people have been shaken back to the back, their complexions changed.

so hard! "

Break this tortoise shell open for me and get him out! "Jin Daoling's eyes sank, and he shouted sharply.

The seven masters decided to nod their heads, and they wanted to continue the fierce attack, but suddenly, Wu Fatian's hand printed a hit, and Lan Qi blessed.


The red air flow instantly covered the surface of the red enchantment. The seven masters had just seen the tragic sight of the old man Lei, and they were so frightened that they all stepped back, with cold sweat on their heads.

You know, this is the Lan Qi that comes directly from the Lan Beast, the real heavenly power, and Wu Fatian's previous half-slapped Lan Qi is not the same.

It is estimated that even if the master of Wuwang came, they would not dare to touch this terrifying energy easily, let alone these generals.

How to do?

Everyone present was caught in a hesitation for a while, and their brows were condensed into a lump.

Jin Daoling was even more gloomy, and his fists were so tight that blue veins burst out.

He originally thought that with the power he brought, he could easily crush Wu Fatian, a third-rate Patriarch. It doesn't matter if this old thing has the power of the Lan Beast, the unrefined Lan Beast power is not enough to be afraid.

But never expected that this girl still has such an ancient formation.

As soon as the big formation opened, it was difficult for thousands of troops to resist.

This is troublesome, things are much trickier than he thought.

What's the matter, Grandpa? At a loss? Don’t you have a lot of strong men who will give you their lives? You gave an order to let them attack, Jie Jie. "

At this time, Wu Fatian made a mocking mockery.

Jin Daoling gritted his teeth with hatred, but was helpless.

Wu Fatian glared at him, suddenly said: If you don't attack again, then I will come! "

If there is a species, you will come out of the tortoise shell. Let's try it fairly! "

fair? "

Rolling his eyes, Wu Fatian looked at the Seven Generals of Yunkong next to Jin Daoling, and then at the group of martial arts powerhouses floating above his head. He immediately smiled: Daddy, so many of you are watching sloppily and say Compare me fairly? You are playing me like a three-year-old kid. Otherwise, I have an idea, more interesting, Jie Jie. "

With that said, Wu Fatian had already beaten his hands, and the red storm surrounding Wujiabao revolved more quickly and began to move inward.

Although the speed of movement was quite slow, everything he passed through was turned into nothingness and completely disappeared from this world.

Everyone in the sky looked down on all this, screaming again and again: No, the red storm shrank towards the middle of the fort, and sooner or later the entire Wujiabao would be razed. "

What should I do? Let's run away! "

Where can I escape? The sky and the ground are all blocked by these red air currents, and we die next to each other, and we have nowhere to escape. "


Everyone panicked suddenly.

On the other hand, Wu Fatian grinned, and suddenly said to the big screen: All the people in Wujiabao listen, whether it is my Wujiabao Baomin, Jinling Mansion or the magical path. Now let's play a game. As long as those soldiers and horses who dare to rebel against the lord of the castle and the Blue and White Society are all destroyed, I will stop this storm that can destroy the world and leave everyone a way to survive. "

Of course, if one of them is not dead, then all of you will go to the funeral with them. But you can't blame me, but these rebels, who brought you into this desperate situation. In addition, add another Jindaoling son. Now, the game starts, Jie Jie Jie. "

Wu Fatian!

Gritting his teeth hard, Jin Daoling stared at him bitterly.

Wu Fatian's eyes flashed with ridicule, and he teased: Grand Master, didn't you just say that our Wu family is a slave of your Jinling Mansion. Then let's see now, whether your noble prince will be chopped into meat sauce by the minion in your eyes. "

Wu Fatian, you have less dreams. Do you think you can hurt this young man a vellus hair with your waste from Wu Jiabao? "

Grand Lord, you are too naive, do you think that the only people from Wu Jiabao who want you to die now? "

Wu Fatian smiled evilly and looked at the people above his head. Following his gaze, Jin Daoling was shocked, only to see the subordinates of the martial arts in Jinling Mansion that he had brought, and his expression was a bit hesitant at this time.

When you can only choose one of your fate and your fate, how many will be loyal to you? "

Shaking his head with a sneer on his face, Wu Fatian couldn't help sighing: Today is a good day. I can't be the only one who betrayed me. At least I have to let you taste this, hahaha! "

You... what do you want to do? Is it reversed? "

Ignoring Wu Fatian’s ridicule of himself, at this moment, Jin Daoling just stared fiercely at the subordinates in the sky and shouted in disbelief: My son is the heir of Jinling Mansion. You have eaten Xiongxin Leopard, dare to disrespect me ? "

The brows trembled and the minds of those martial arts experts seemed to be full of entanglements, but soon their pupils condensed, and they made a decision, sighing: Great Master, your life is life, and our life is also life. If you can only choose one, sorry. Brothers, come on! "

As soon as the voice fell, the martial arts masters rushed towards Jin Daoling.

Jin Daoling trembled and shrank back.

Never before in his life, he felt fear in his heart, feeling that his power would be lost so easily.

However, some of those people wanted his life, but some were still loyal. When they shook their bodies, they stopped in front of the betrayers and shouted: If you want the life of the eldest son, step on us first. "

Don't you want to live anymore? If he does not die, all of us must die here. "

Our whole family is loyal to Jinling Mansion and has never betrayed, and I will never do this betrayal. "

Well, let's see the real chapter under our hands. "


In a short time, the martial arts masters of Jinling Mansion started fighting by themselves...

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