Alien God System

Chapter 1150: Lanli Body Refining

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng stopped walking down, but hurriedly floated up, away from the monster with red bubbles.

Finally, Yang Feng floated to the enchantment above his head, feeling that the red air current around him should be thinner, he immediately took a deep breath, and faintly said: Account conversion, trumpet, soldier account. "


Suddenly, Yang Feng had just converted to a trumpet, black smoke appeared all over his body, and his skin was cracking every inch. The long-lost piercing pain went straight to the bottom of my heart, and immediately the corners of Yang Feng's mouth twitched, as if he had returned to the time when he was refining the Five Elements Earth-level elements.

However, unlike when he fainted when he was in pain at that time, he has become stronger after so many years of heavy winds and heavy rains, and will no longer shrink from these little pains.

King Kong does not harm the body, and the refining begins, absorbing the power of Lan. "

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Yang Feng shouted, his whole body refining skills were instantly activated.

The heavenly power around him is like a sponge absorbing water, being sucked into his body violently, and his forging skills are constantly beating his body.

However, what is strange is that after these red air currents entered his body, not only did not strengthen his physical body, but instead decomposed all of his physical body.

The steel muscles and bones that he has built so hard over the years are thinned down at a speed visible to the naked eye under the friction of this red air current.

Yang Feng endured the pain, looked inside, and was shocked: Oh, this is not right, why can't this energy be absorbed? "

The Lan attribute is the main decomposition, of course it can't be absorbed. If you really absorb it, you will only let it in your body and dismember you. "

At this time, the ancestor suddenly laughed.

What should I do? Didn't you say that Lanli can train the body? "Yang Feng said in a hurry.

You can train your body, but you must pay attention to the method! "

method? "

Correct! "

With a chuckle, facing Yang Feng who was so anxious that his head was bursting into flames, the saint ancestor spoke leisurely, and said slowly: This heaven-level seven spiritual element, as the evolutionary power of the five elements of the earth, needs to be carried to be refined. Before refining the seven spirit elements, you must first refining the corresponding earth-level five elements. For example, if you want to refine the haze, you must first refine the earth fire. Otherwise, without the base of fire, the haze cannot be left in your body. "

fire? I have it! "

I know, but you have to use it. You have to wrap your whole body with ground fire as a filter layer to blend with the haze. In this way, Arashi has the foundation of fire before it can be absorbed by the flesh. After all, the flesh is based on the five acts, which has nothing to do with the seven elements in the sky. The five elements must be used as a bridge to connect with the heavenly elements and be used by me. "

Didn't you say it earlier? "

Gritting his teeth with anger, Yang Feng cursed inwardly.

Such important information, you just told me now, so I almost got melted.

Saint Ancestor grinned and said noncommittal: You didn't ask either! "

Yang Feng didn't go to breathe with him, and as a matter of urgency, he hurriedly used the ground fire to cover himself completely.

In this way, when the haze gas is absorbed into the body, it is first wrapped in a layer of ground fire, and it can be absorbed by the body immediately.

Although the decomposing power of Lan Qi still caused Yang Feng's body to lack nutrients, slowly, these Lan Qi entered Yang Feng's bones and muscles, making Yang Feng's body stronger. Even in the golden body, a dark red gradually appeared.

In this way, Yang Feng took a deep breath and sat cross-legged in the void, practicing alone.

Whenever he felt that he had absorbed enough haze energy, his body could no longer bear it, and when he was about to collapse, he would rise to the next level and greatly strengthen his physical strength so that he could continue to absorb the haze energy around him.

And when he felt that he had adapted to the concentration of the surrounding haze and couldn't make any further progress, he sank a certain distance and got closer to the haze beast. This way, Lan's strength is stronger, which is conducive to his cultivation.

The poor Lan Beast had been in a coma, and didn't know anything, it was robbed of its strength bit by bit by the human it hated the most.

In the end, its entire body will be forcibly occupied by Yang Feng, which is almost a certainty.

But what was even more pitiful than it were the forces that had originally directed the Lan Beast.

Yang Feng has already had a big meal here, and they still don't know anything stupidly, they are still fighting for you and me, deliberately deliberate, especially that Qin Shanhai.

I really thought that Yang Feng had sacrificed for the revolution, and I couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Brother Yang, I didn't expect you to be Chen Jialuo. Although until now, I don't understand what the revolution you are talking about is and why you want to be such a persistent revolution. But after getting along for so long, although your character is not very good, but your persistence still makes me admire. At this moment you are gone, I am still a little sad, alas. "

Qin Shanhai looked up at the sky and looked at the moon, and couldn't help but sigh.

Hei Ying was by his side and bowed and said: Son, the deceased is dead, please be sorry. Now that Wujiabao's twelfth-grade spirit formation has appeared, the Lan Beast is trapped in the spirit formation barrier if he wants to come. Without further ado, we should **** it immediately, otherwise Jinling Mansion will start. "

You are right. Although Brother Yang's plan caused Wu Fatian to reveal the location of Lan Beast this time, he also leaked the information to Jinling Mansion. Although Brother Yang had said something, he would find a way to settle Jinling Mansion. But now that he is dead, this method will be overwhelming. Now we can only rely on ourselves to **** the Lan Beast. "

With a sharp glow in his eyes, Qin Shanhai settled: Send a message, all the Demon Cloud Caves are dispatched to **** the Lan Beast, and the people from Jinling Mansion can't get ahead. "


Nodding his head, Black Oriole immediately released a signal flare into the dark night sky and issued a command.

At the same time, on the other hand, in the canopy arena, Wu Fatian was still looking at the red enchantment with a dazed expression, unable to recover for a long time.

Yang Feng's last weird move made him wonder why this kid was going to do it?

Why did you fall into that twelfth-Rank barrier, with a clear dead end, but you lost, but it seemed like you had won?

Wu Fatian was confused, but suddenly, a group of familiar figures appeared in front of him.

Wu Fatian, this must be your Wujiabao baby, ha ha ha. "

With a cold smile, Jin Daoling stared at him with a stern look: The twelfth-rank high-level formation barrier, not even our second-rate family. Never imagined that your third-rate family should have such a background. So what is hidden in this enchantment? "

The evil charm stared at Wu Fatian's indifferent face, Jin Daoling sneered and shouted: No matter what it is, you should turn it in. This is your duty, dog slave! "

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