Alien God System

Chapter 1149: Zhan Lan Beast

That blood-colored eye looked like a volcanic eye in the dark abyss, hundreds of meters in diameter, with angry eyes.

There was a red air current surging around it, but it was wrapped by a weird enchantment and could not be dispersed.

Yang Feng floated in the dark void, looking up, it was the red seal like the sky; looking down, the blood-red pupil was still staring at him, and he immediately understood.

Isn't this the place where Wu Jiabao hides the Lan Beast? I didn't expect to be found so soon. "

After smacking his lips twice, Yang Feng couldn't help grinning: Brother Qin, although I promised to help you find Lan Beast. But the rules of the arena, whoever finds it counts. Now that I have such a destiny with Lan Beast, I am afraid that I am going to fail to speak to you. "

Sure enough, it was another human being greedy for the old man's strength. "

Hearing what he said, the pupil underneath suddenly made a piercing laughter.

Yang Feng glanced at him scornfully, and said with a sneer: Lan Beast, right? Now I give you two choices. Either actively return to Lao Tzu and become Lao Tzu's exclusive pet; or be beaten by Lao Tzu and passively return to Lao Tzu to become Lao Tzu's exclusive pet. Choose your own. "

Don't be ashamed, get out! "


With a roar, the turbulent red airflow instantly turned into countless long dragons, passing in front of Yang Feng, and finally slammed into the uppermost barrier.

But Yang Feng didn't take it seriously, and stood in the void without fear, looking down intently, with a disdainful smile across his mouth.


The Lan Beast didn't seem to expect that under the impact of its swift Lan force, this human being would be unscathed? How is this possible?

Even if the pinnacle of mankind encounters the power of the heavenly seven spirit elements, he dare not to be so big, but this kid...

Hey, who are you? "

I'm not human! "

Lifting his chin proudly, Yang Feng roared: I am a god, a true **** with a true root. If you can follow me, it will be your blessing for eight lifetimes. How about it, think about it. "

Is [新笔趣阁] God?

The brows were deeply furrowed, Lan Beast looked suspicious, but after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't stop laughing: Don't brag, if you are really a god, how could you be caught by this human twelfth-stage spirit formation? ? Is there such a weak **** in the world? "

I did it on purpose! "

Taking a deep breath, Yang Feng looked up at the top of his head and murmured: There is a story in Journey to the West. Manjushri went to save a king, but was thrown into the cold pond by the king as a beggar for three days and three nights. Afterwards, Manjushri returned home and let his mounts harm the country, and threw the king into the cold well water for three years. This is cause and effect. Sometimes gods always need some means in order to save the world, do you understand? "

Without speaking, Lan Beast just stared at him closely.

Yang Feng smiled and shook his head: You are not a god, and you certainly can't understand the great wisdom of gods like me. Hurry up, give me your Lan power, and I will refine it. "

You are a god, still need my Lan power? you liar! "

I am a god, but the trumpet needs to be practiced, so I can save face. "

roll! "

The Lan Beast roared, and the turbulent Lan power oscillated in the entire space, and a dazzling red light quickly emerged from the depths of the pitch-black underground.

With the shining of these halos, Yang Feng took a closer look and finally saw the whole body shape of this Lan Beast.

At this moment, the Lan Beast below was a monster with a stature of hundreds of feet and a red air current. The pupils of his two eyes are as **** as blood, and a long tail is swaying unceasingly behind him, trying to break free from the cage in front of him.

But it is a pity that there are hundreds of thousands of golden curse seals, which turned into nine thick chains, which firmly buckled his whole body, making it difficult to break away.

No matter how hard it struggles, its entire huge body can hardly leave the ground by an inch.

Its face is full of helplessness and hatred, and it is more deeply murderous and hideous.

Yang Feng knew that this was a fierce beast, but fortunately it was locked.

It turns out that you can't move, so you're crazy? "

If you can't move, you can kill you, roar! "

With a roar, Lan Beast's mouth suddenly condensed a red light spot, and then spit it out suddenly, the red light spot shot towards Yang Feng like a laser cannon.

Lan beast turns into a cannon! "


The power of this beam of light made the entire enchantment unceasingly shake, and everything it passed through was decomposed and turned into nothingness.

Even the exposed dark space channel instantly turned white.

Yang Feng was taken aback for a moment: Wow, this trick has even the space channel changed? "

Yes, Lan Beast’s Tianhua Cannon is capable of turning all spatial channels into nothingness. It has long gone beyond the limits of the Twelfth-Rank Spirit Technique, and most people simply cannot stop it. "

Saint Ancestor explained in Yang Feng's heart.

Yang Feng nodded clearly, but the corner of his mouth curled up indifferently: But I am not an ordinary person, I am a god, ha ha. "

Look at the move, the iron fist of the gods! "

With that said, Yang Feng already roared, raised his fist big as a casserole, and hit the red cannonball with a punch.

Seeing this, Lan Beast smiled contemptuously: ignorant human beings actually want to use their fragile body to pick up Lao Tzu, who can decompose everything..."


However, the beast's words hadn't been finished yet, but after hearing a loud noise, Yang Feng's iron fist had already collided with its invincible shell.

Then, the shell made a bend and flew straight down again.

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking fiercely, and Lan Beast screamed in horror: How could it be possible? Was beaten back? "


In the end, the cannonball smashed into the mink-like head of the Lan Beast, and it burst apart. The powerful decomposing power permeates its whole body, nothing, after all, it is its energy.

However, the strength of Yang Feng's divine fist that day directly smashed it to turn his eyes white, his head was empty, and he fainted completely.


Lan Beast stuck his tongue out and wilted.

Yang Feng curled his lips in disdain: What a heavenly seven spirit element, but so, scum! "

Okay, you take a full-level **** to abuse a spirit creature, what can you do? There is a kind of you go to the gods to try? I promise, you won’t be so smooth when you reach the God Realm. The game level is instantly transferred from a novice to Shura mode, Jie Jie Jie. "

Uh... I'll talk about this later. "

Hearing Saint Ancestor's treacherous smile, Yang Feng grinned slightly, noncommittal.

Then, Yang Feng slowly sank down.

Now this girl is in a coma, can I refine it? "

Don't worry! "

He hurriedly stopped him, and the saint ancestor solemnly said: The Lan Li on its body is a very good energy for refining the body. However, the power around it is too strong, if you use the trumpet to refine it directly, you will be evaporated into nothingness instantly by it. From my point of view, you should not get close to it, stay away from it, collect its energy slowly first, and wait for your body's strength to increase, and then completely refine it. By then, your trumpet must have a qualitative leap. "

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