Alien God System

Chapter 1148: Lan Beast appears

Brother Yang! "

Q! "

Seeing this, everyone in Linglong and the Blue and White Society couldn't help being anxious, but Zhan Pengfei and the others were grinning.

This time the castle owner has won, and Wu Jiabao is still their world. This group of guys who are on the wrong team are dead now, Jie Jie Jie.

Zhao Sanyuan was also anxious and grabbed his fist: Oh, Yang Feng was caught by Lord Wu’s sealing technique, and he kept dragging it down, but no one knew where it was, or if he got down, it meant complete death. Up? In this way, this final battle representing the future belonging of Wu Jiabao is the victory of Lord Wu. "

Nonsense, of course Lao Tzu won. "

There was no pride in his eyes, but indifference. Wu Fatian looked at Yang Feng's gradually descending figure, and said coldly: Yang Feng, I can be very clear for you to force the old man to use this seal technique. To tell you. As long as you are below, no matter how strong you are, you will be reduced to ashes. Before that, I allow you to leave a few more last words. "

Then I have to thank you, ha ha. "

With a sneer, Yang Feng curled his lips in disdain, and then looked at his handsome face on the big screen.

Well, it's pretty photogenic.

Immediately the neck was straightened, revealing a heroic spirit of seeing death as home, saying: Since ancient times, who has not died in life, leave the liver and gallbladder two Kunluns; I smiled from the sword to the sky, and kept my loyalty and history! "

Hey, hey! "

After hearing this, Saint Ancestor kindly reminded.

Yang Feng rolled his eyes and didn't care: he flew back, but they hadn't heard of it anyway. "

Having said that, Yang Feng said again: Leading the knife is a quick success, worthy of the young man! "

What a hero! "

Zhao Sanyuan listened to the two poems copied by Yang Feng and couldn't help but praise.

The people in front of the big screen stared at him closely, with a look of admiration, teary eyes, what a man, he was dying like that.

After all, Lord Wu Bao is still too strong, there is no way out of rebellion.

Many people feel frustrated because of the failure of the boss.

As if hearing the sorrow of everyone's hearts, Yang Feng hurriedly said again: Brothers, persistence is victory, don't shrink back because of a momentary setback, he is already at the end of the battle. Keep fighting, unity is strength. Kill me, and later people, I am with you. "

To shut up! "

With an angry shout, Wu Fatian's hand tactics hit again: You should give me a hurry to go to hell. "


With that said, Yang Feng's descending speed was even faster.

Yang Feng looked down and quickly said: Oh wait, wait, I have one more thing to say. "

When you are in hell, tell the king to go, hell. "

With a cold smile, Wu Fatian sneered.


However, Yang Feng was just stiffened, and his descending figure froze, and stopped in the air.

Wu Fatian was taken aback, what happened, why didn't he go down?

Go down, go down!

Wu Fatian tried desperately to play the seal technique, but Yang Feng's body seemed to be stuck in the air, no matter how much the red light dragged, he couldn't drag it down.

Yang Feng sneered and ignored the suspicious old Wu. Instead, after clearing his throat, he continued: Comrades, don't be discouraged, remember the word chivalry that this rudder has always emphasized. These two words will unite everyone's hearts. As long as everyone trusts each other and works together, you will be invincible and you will succeed. Remember! "

Master rudder, even a master like you has failed, how could we...oooooooo! "

Everyone in the Blue and White Society was crying, shaking their heads sighfully.

Although Yang Feng couldn't see what they looked like now, he could also think that they must be deeply affected at this moment.

But this is necessary for them.

The guiding work that I can do for them has ended here, and the rest will depend on their own beliefs.

As a god, it is impossible to do everything for these mortals.

Whether they can produce beliefs and unbreakable beliefs in their hearts depends on the development of the next situation.

Yang Feng touched his chin, thinking.

Next to him, Wu Fatian blushed his neck and slapped the seal, panting, but couldn't pull Yang Feng down.

Yang Feng glanced at him obliquely: Hey, are you all right. "

What do you mean? Laugh at me? "

With a twitching face, Wu Fatian looked at Yang Feng's innocent big eyes, with a calm expression on his face. Especially when he saw Yang Feng still move his hands and feet in his own seal formation, he was immediately shocked.

what happened? How can your hands move? When did you put it on your chin? "

You know, this twelfth-rank spirit seal formation was left by their ancient ancestors in the Wu family, and they were specially used to seal the beasts. It is powerful and can't escape even the heavenly seven spirits, let alone ordinary people.

But now, Yang Feng was able to move at will in this formation, which immediately made him dumbfounded.

Yang Feng turned his eyes around to see how he is now, and suddenly smiled: I'm sorry, I forgot that I'm being controlled by you now, so I started to move without paying attention. But rest assured, I will cooperate with you. I was in this posture just now, right? I recover, I won't move anymore. You can continue to get printed, hehe. "


Wu Fatian's eyelids couldn't stop shaking, and he was dumbfounded by Yang Feng's operation.

Whoa, what kind of monster is this girl?

In my twelfth-Rank Spirit Formation, even said to cooperate with me? Could it be that he is not afraid of my twelfth grade spirit formation, just pretending to be held by me?

Impossible, I can block the formation of Lan Beast, how can it be impossible for even one person?

Wu Fatian is demented.

At this moment, Yang Feng had done everything he had done, and he exited the stage quite logically, sinking with the red light.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to wave his hand to Wu Fatian. The bright smile on his face didn't seem to be going to die, but rather like traveling.

Bye bye, don't miss me too much, I will be back soon, please continue to play, I will be offline for a while, hehehe. "

Uh uh uh……

With his mouth wide open, Wu Fatian could no longer say a word.

But after Yang Feng plunged into the ground with the red halo, he suddenly felt an extremely hot air current, like a fountain, violently sweeping his whole body.

If he weren't for the body of a full-level mage now, even his warrior's incorruptible body would be instantly transformed into nothingness, leaving no scum.

Heavenly Lan Li? "

His brows trembled, and Yang Feng immediately distinguished it: This haze force was more than a hundred times that of Wu Fatian. Could it be that this is..."

Finally someone was locked in again, still a kid, ha ha ha! "

However, before his words fell, a sneer rang out deep in the ground.

At the same time, a scarlet eye suddenly opened and stared over!

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