Alien God System

Chapter 1143: Yang Feng VS Wu Fatian

Master Chen, you actually know the illusion system spirit technique? "

Seeing this scene, Qin Shanhai couldn't help but be surprised: I always thought you were a martial artist. Is it possible for you to double repair? "

Hey, these years, I don’t want to press down on art, I have to dabble in everything, it’s always useful at critical times, hehehe. "With a grin, Yang Feng raised his head triumphantly.


At this time, a whistling sounded, Wu Fatian's red air blasted up and down, and the surrounding space was constantly twisting. In a short while, the hostages who had just been invisible suddenly showed a corner.

Qin Shanhai was startled and exclaimed: No, he is using the power of Lan to disperse the illusion that you just planted with the power of fog. "

It's not that easy! "

call out!

Eyes were certain, Yang Feng immediately shook his wrist, and the long sword in his hand shot at Wu Fatian's door with the sword and sheath. Its speed is so fast that it can be reached in the blink of an eye; it is so powerful that even the space beeps.

Wu Fatian's complexion was shocked and he didn't dare to neglect. He raised his hand and held the scabbard that was flying away from him, but before he could push it out, Yang Feng had already arrived in no time and grabbed the hilt with one hand. Then forcefully.

With a sound, the powerful force shook Wu Fatian back more than 20 steps before he could stop.

Wu Fatian's heart shook. In the battle between the two sides with swords and palms, he already understood that the opponent's skill was far better than his own. He didn't dare to neglect, so he turned his head and flew away.

You save people, I will chase him! "

Yang Feng swung his sword and shouted, he was already flying high into the sky, chasing him in the direction where Wu Fatian had left.

Immediately afterwards, Qinghuahui and the guards of the castle master's mansion smashed together again, shouting killing, roaring, and the sound shook the sky.

Above the nine heavens, Jin Daoling, who had been watching the show, flashed a sharp light in his eyes and muttered: Did you see it? The red air current on Wu Fatian. "

I saw that, as a martial artist, Wu Fatian could not be so good at cracking illusions. But just now, when the red air currents were together, he almost destroyed the illusion. If this is not a spiritual technique that specializes in illusion art, it belongs to..."

It belongs to the characteristics of its own energy, the attribute of the haze, the power of decomposition. No matter what, even illusions can be broken down! "

With a clenched fist, Jin Daoling smiled and smiled happily: It seems that we have really gained a lot this time. Keep up with them and find the Lan Beast! "

Whoosh whoosh...

As soon as the voice fell, Jin Daoling and the others turned into streamers, and they immediately followed up.

At the same time, Yang Feng and Wu Fatian chased me in the air and fled one after another.

Yang Feng looked at the back who had been flying calmly in the distance, and suddenly waved the hilt of the sword, and a stream of light shot past. Wu Fatian seemed to be aware, and hurriedly hid to the side. Sword Qi swept across his temples, bringing down a few strands of hair.

Wu Fatian furrowed his brows, unable to look back at the formidable enemy who was pursuing him, but accelerated a little more and galloped all the way.

Yang Feng smiled inwardly, seeing that he didn't look like running away, as if he was trying to lead him somewhere. Is he going to release the Lan Beast?

Thinking of this, Yang Feng also pretended to hang behind him, putting on two insignificant sword auras from time to time, as if he was chasing and killing him all the way, but in fact he was letting him continue to lead himself.

After flying all the way for a quarter of an hour, the two finally stopped at a familiar place, the Canopy Arena.

Wu Fatian's money landed on the arena, Yang Feng hesitated a little, stood still in the air, thought for a while, then fell down with him, muttering in his heart.

Is it possible that this Lan Beast is in this arena?

Or is he going to have a fight with me?

Suspiciously, Yang Feng stared at Wu Fatian's stagnant back, and shouted: Why, did you not run away? "

run? As the owner of Wujiabao, the Lord Benbao would give up this place so easily and escape by himself? Humph, then you underestimated me. "

With a cold smile, Wu Fatian slowly turned around, and said: The old man specially brought you here for a fair duel. "

You lead me to a fair duel? "

Yes, you are the leader of the rebel army and I am the lord of the fort. The king is against the king, and you will be against the general. Your head must be taken down by the owner of the castle himself. This is the responsibility of the owner of the castle. "

After taking a deep breath, Wu Fatian determined: Only in this way can the Lord of this castle regain the authority that you have repeatedly fallen into in these three months. "

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng understood: That's it, you have to take off the head of the enemy chief to rebuild your prestige. To make up for your lack of achievements and loopholes in governance in the past three months. "

Full of loopholes? Humph, before you came, the old man managed Wu Jiabao in an orderly manner. The source of all chaos is because of you. "

Staring at Yang Feng fiercely, Wu Fatian gritted his teeth: What kind of person are you, why do you have to go with me, Wu Jiabao? "

I am a knight who has risen from the lower realm to the spiritual realm. I really can't understand your world, I just want to set things right. "

There are so many cultivators who have ascended from the lower realms, why are you not used to it? Why do you want to rebel? "

Because I am unwilling to subordinate to others, because I am an activist. I disdain to conform to the world, I will only change the world! "Yang Feng was wearing a mask and couldn't see his expression clearly, but his eyes were surprisingly firm.

Wu Fatian squinted at him, without saying a word. After a while, he smiled: I almost believed your nonsense, what changed the world? So many people who have ascended from the lower realms have to adapt to this world. Why do you have the courage to change this world? No one is instructing you to support you, is it possible? "

Do you think I was hired? "

I don't think, I am sure. "

His eyes were full of resentment, and Wu Fatian seemed to see through everything: you people, you all want my Wu family's baby. If the light doesn't work, come dark. Fearing that I would not pay it, I would be forced to surrender it. Demon cultivator, Jinling Mansion, hum. In these two respects, which side are you on, or are both involved? "

So you have guessed it. "

Nonsense, since the ethereal crane came to Wujiapu and said that there were magical masters looking at us, I had already guessed why they came. Presumably Jinling Mansion has also guessed that we have a baby here. Then, in order to explore this treasure, the Grand Master of Jinling Mansion also came. However, he left without gaining anything. "

After spitting out a long breath, Wu Fatian sneered and said: How could it be possible that the eldest son let go so easily? He wanted to force me to take the baby out. But he can't come out in person, he still has a face. If a second-rate family forces a third-rate family for no reason, it doesn't sound good to spread out, and it's easy to renounce it. So, he asked you to come forward and force me. Even from the beginning, you were the person sent by Jinling Mansion to force me, right? "

Wu Fatian was roaring, almost guessing everything...

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