Alien God System

Chapter 1142: One Leaf Blindfold

kill! "

Wu Fatian was trembling all over, as if he had fallen into a bitter cold pool and was about to suffocate. With red eyes, he roared suddenly: Kill these people, I see who of them dare to hate me! "

Yes, Fort Lord! "

As soon as the voice fell, but listening to the choking voices, the people in black had already pulled out a cold light and aimed at the kneeling hostages.

grandfather! "

father! "

mother! "

younger sister! "


As soon as the leaders saw it, they were eager to split, and they cried out in grief, but they were powerless.

At this moment, the opponent was far away from them, no matter how fast they were, there was no time to stop them. Especially with so many people, how can they be saved at the same time?

Reluctantly, they could only shed tears and watched their relatives die under the other's butcher's knife, and at the same time they were full of guilt.

Maybe if you don’t rebel, your family won’t...

However, as the leader of this uprising, how could Yang Feng let his men leave such regrets in this vigorous revolutionary movement?

give me! "

Raising a hand, stretched out towards Qin Shanhai, Yang Feng suddenly said.

Qin Shanhai puzzled: Master Chen, what do you want? "

Your power, the power of fog! "

fog? "

His body trembled, Qin Shanhai said with a look of surprise: Master Chen, how did you know... Oh, it was the canopy ring match, I saw it when I was fighting Yang Feng. Didn’t expect you to have this vision, knowing fog? "

Qin Shanhai knew that as the world's most powerful and mysterious power, not everyone was lucky enough to see the Heavenly Seven Lingsu. Even, few people have seen and knew its characteristics.

Even if it was Wu Fatian, he had the power of Lan himself, and he didn't recognize the power of fog, otherwise he would have been exposed to Qin Shanhai.

However, since the Master Chen knows the fog, he should also understand that the fog on my body is not the complete fog energy, but just a little ancestral power mixed in my blood. It is estimated that the power is not as good as Wu Fa Tianlan. He has a Lan beast anyway, which can increase the energy in his body. "

I don't need to be too strong, as long as I can deal with these people, lend me your strength. "

Yang Feng's eyes shone with brilliance, and he said firmly.

Qin Shanhai thought about it a little, not knowing what Yang Feng was going to do, but seeing that the butcher knife was about to fall, he immediately raised his hand and put it on Yang Feng's palm.

Then, a burst of purple misty energy was transmitted to Yang Feng's body.

Yang Feng felt this strange power in his body, and immediately pointed to those hostage groups: fog energy bonus, level 43 magic skills, one leaf..."

Brother Yang Feng, I like you! "

However, before his skills could be activated, a sharp confession pierced the sky and entered his eardrums, making him startled.

Who is chasing stars at this time?

Looking around, I saw that the person was not someone else, it was Linglong no doubt.

But at this moment, she was kneeling with the group of hostages, already crying, and shouting: I wanted to say this to you a long time ago, but I have never had a chance, but if I don’t say it, I will always say it. Can't come out. Brother Yang Feng, where are you? If you are not there, please tell me, any kind elder brother, Linglong thanks you, woooooo. "


His mind was stagnant, and Yang Feng hesitated.

I am a person with a family, and I have a lot of wives. She usually treats Linglong when she sees it as her younger sister, but she did not expect her to feel this way towards herself.

Oops, being too handsome is annoying. It's too intriguing, no way, tut.

Yang Feng sighed secretly, but before he could figure out how to resolve this relationship, another sharp roar passed through the layers of sound and entered the depths of his ears.

Master Chen! "

Who? Who called me again? "

Yang Feng followed the voice and looked up, only to see that at this time, among the hostages who were crying and crying, a beautiful flower was smiling particularly brightly.

In the future, there is no way to accompany Master Chen and listen to your teachings. It is a pity. "

Wan Zining's face was gorgeous, with faint redness on her cheeks, and she seemed a little shy. It didn't look like she was being slaughtered under a butcher knife. Instead, she had an indescribable calmness.

However, in this life, I can meet a world-famous hero like Chen Zongruo, and I have seen the legendary chivalry that I heard when I was a child. Ning'er will not be in vain in this life. Also, Ning'er likes you. Although there is no way in this life, but in the next life I am willing to tie up with you, the master rudder, and hope you will not give up. "


Brows trembled, Yang Feng couldn't help but startled.

What day is it today? Two girls confessed to me at the same time, am I guilty of peach blossoms?

However, it seems that Zi Ning's object of confession is not me, it's me wearing a mask, does this count?

Yang Feng was stunned for a while, but he heard a squeak, the sharp blade on the top of the crowd was already severely cut at their necks.

Master Chen, what's the matter with you? If you have any big tricks, let it go. If you don't let it go, it will be too late. "

Qin Shanhai was taken aback and hurriedly reminded him that he immediately awakened Yang Feng, pointed forward and shouted: illusion, a leaf blinded. "


Almost just in an instant, those tens of thousands of hostages disappeared under the eyes of everyone. The blades of the black-clothed men staggered, and they all flew into the air. Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.

Huh, how about people?

Wu Fatian also flicked his eyelids. He looked around at the people who had disappeared, his face suddenly sinking.

Such a powerful illusion technique, even the old man can't find any flaws. "

That's right, Yang Feng's Ye Biao's magic technique is an illusion technique used by interfering with his opponent's six senses. Under this illusion, the other party will completely lose their target, unable to see, touch, and even hear.

In fact, those hostages were still kneeling in front of them, but they were helpless.

Because their subconsciousness is also disturbed, even if it seems to be hacking, they will naturally avoid those hostages, but they themselves are completely unaware of this.

This is the power of this illusion, even the subconscious can affect it, it is a skill for the confused six senses.

However, because the level of this illusion is relatively low, it is still easy to be cracked by a powerful person.

So Yang Feng sought the power of Qinshan Haiwu.

As long as the fog attribute that dominates the confusion is injected into this illusion, the power of his illusion will be strengthened again and again. I believe it is difficult for anyone to crack it in this Wujiabao.

As for why Yang Feng didn't use advanced illusions, hey, wasn't it because he was shy in his pocket and didn't have that much mana.

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