Alien God System

Chapter 1144: Final showdown

Yang Feng did not speak, nor did he bother to explain to him. Anyway, as a keen political figure, he also guessed that he was inseparable.

I can't say that he even more understood the real purpose of this riot, which was to lead him to take out the Lan Beast.

Those masters of the magic road and the masters of Jinling Mansion have also been ambushing on the side, ready to catch him.

But what about this? What can he guess?

This is the end of the matter, and he, who is being watched by the big forces, is dead, and death is also dead. How should he choose?

Tonight, I am afraid that not only the Blue and White Club, but also Wu Fatian himself, will resist this oppressive world.


The hilt in his hand suddenly lifted and pointed at Wu Fatian's front door. Yang Feng said leisurely: Your question, presumably I don't need me to answer it for you. The key now is your actions. Give the baby out, linger, or continue to resist to the end? "

It is also a crime of concealing and not reporting to give out the baby now. For Jinling Mansion, this is infidelity. Anyway, if I don’t make a sacrifice at this time, I have no good end. Why should I make a sacrifice? Besides, this is something from my Wu family, why should I give it to others? "

Speaking of the end, Wu Fatian's eyes were red, roaring, breathing heavily, and his chest was rising and falling slightly, as if he was very excited. After a while, he calmed down and smiled.

It's just that smile, full of bitterness.

While suppressing the rebellion in the fort, I am not loyal, and I am also unwilling to succumb to others. In this regard, we are actually quite similar. "

Taking a deep breath, Yang Feng nodded slightly: I said long ago that in such a world, everyone is a tragedy. Not only common people, but also noble clan members. What about you as the master of Wujiabao? It seems that the power is monopolized, but in front of the second-rate family, is it different to beg for mercy? What about second-rate families? In front of you is a hero, and in front of a first-class family, you have to bow your head. "

This world is abnormal, and everyone is a relationship between master and slave. There is no real morality, beliefs and rules to maintain order, only the oppression of power. In such a world, no one will end well. No matter how strong the power is, there are no exceptions. "

Yang Feng spoke very seriously, and Wu Fatian's complexion was rarely solemn.

After a while, Wu Fatian smiled and shook his head: I'm sure now, you are not from Jinling Mansion or some other demon powers, you must be from the lower realms. Otherwise, you won't say such naive things, hahaha! "

Zhao Sanyuan! "

Laughing, Wu Fatian suddenly roared.

In a gloomy corner of this arena, the owner of this game, who is also the host and referee of the Canopy Challenge, walked out tremblingly and bowed and said: Castle Master, everything is ready. "

let's start. "

Huh huh!

Wu Fatian snorted and saw that the whole arena was instantly brightened, and the whole arena was illuminated like daylight.

At the same time, the two in the ring appeared on the big screen.

Yang Feng glanced around, it was obvious that Wu Fatian had arranged this long ago, and he couldn't help looking at him suspiciously.

Wu Fatian grinned and explained: Chen Jialuo, I grew up watching the competition in the canopy ring. I was about five or six years old at that time. I said that when I grow up, I want to go to this place to fight. But my dad said, this is a place for those lowly untouchables to fight, and with a noble status like me, you can't set foot on this place casually. Otherwise, you will become a pig. "

Become a pig? "

Yes, after listening to my father at the time, I was also very surprised, why would I become a pig when I stand on this? Later I figured out that it's not that I will become a pig, but that all the pigs standing here are pigs. The word canopy in the canopy ring is taken from an ancient book called Journey to the West, the canopy marshal, and that person is a pig. So all the people who are fighting here can no longer be called humans, they are all pigs, pigs for us real people to entertain, hahaha. "

Yang Tian laughed, Wu Fatian seemed to laugh happily, but gradually became lonely.

But I didn't expect that one day I would stand here, and I would still stand up. In fact, think about it now. When we regard those commoners and untouchables as pigs and eat pork aggressively, in the eyes of those second-rate families and first-class families, are we not pigs? Why don't they eat us like pork and make jokes? Since everyone is a pig, I also want to be the strongest among them. In this arena, defeating my opponent is also considered to make up for my childhood wish. "

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng understood.

come on. "

At this time, Yang Feng felt a lot from Wu Fatian.

When Wu Fatian was young, the figure that he saw on the ring is the figure of a hero who is striving for higher goals, striving for higher goals. But in the eyes of adults, it is inferiority, abuse and entertainment.

After Wu Fatian became an adult, he gradually became like the people around him.

This shows that this world is not without beliefs and beliefs, but the environment has killed it. There is no soil for the growth of beliefs.

Sure enough, the world needs to be changed, the kind that is complete.

Yang Feng's heart was certain, his eyes became sharp.

At the same time, the Blue and White Club and the guards of the main castle mansion were fighting in full swing. While facing the enemy, the leaders rescued the hostages that appeared from the illusion.

The rescued hostages immediately participated in the rebel army, and immediately strengthened the strength of the rebel army.

The guards of the Fort Lord's Mansion lost their armor and armor all the way, and the defeat was without suspense, basically a one-sided situation.

Linglong, Zi Ning, are you all right? "

Besides, after being rescued, Tianwei and Yunniang immediately searched for Wan Zining and their whereabouts, and they were quickly found, and they were also rescued.

Linglong resumed her cultivation, and quickly looked around, looking forward to it: Hey, where is Big Brother Yang? Why didn't he come? Didn't he come to save us? "

That kid is very thief. How could he show up in such a dangerous action? "

Rolling his eyes, Wan Zining, who was also rescued, couldn't help but sneered: If we want to say, it is Chen Zongruo who is the leader of righteousness and has always been the pioneer. Sister Linglong, I think you should give up on that kid. "


Slightly narrowed her mouth, Linglong was a little lost.


At this moment, the huge crystal screen hanging in the main palace of the castle suddenly lit up, and the figures of Yang Feng and Wu Fatian appeared inside.

When everyone saw it, they were shocked and stopped.

Not only the guards of the main palace of the fort, but also the members of the Blue and White Society no longer attack.

People just watched the two inside quietly, their eyelids trembling.

This is... the canopy stadium? "

Is it possible that Chengjialuo and Chen Jialuo will compete there? "

What is Wu Jiabao's surname in the future will be determined by the battle between the two. "


In an instant, everyone stopped fighting, and they all began to silently pay attention to the final duel between the king and the king, which determined the fate of Wu Jiabao...

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