Alien God System

Chapter 1141: Outburst of anger

Zhan Pengfei shrank his head, and retreated to the side with a smile.

Wu Fatian didn't say any more, but quietly looked at Chen Jialuo on the opposite side, his expression cold.

Yang Feng stared at him likewise, without saying a word.

The two sides fell into a stalemate in this way, from the extreme movement of shouting to kill the sky, falling into the extreme silence that can be heard by dropping a needle.

Master Chen, they have hostages in their hands, what should I do? "

Zhou Afu hurriedly came to Yang Feng and asked.

There is no answer, the ancient well in Yang Feng's eyes does not wave.

At this time, Qin Shanhai's money came to Yang Feng's ear and whispered softly: Master Chen, leave the hostages alone, continue to kill. The commander of these soldiers and horses knows very well that since they are in the opposite direction, there is no turning back. They will not turn around and will definitely kill with us, even if all their family members are killed. Our primary purpose was to force Wu Fatian to bring out the Lan Beast, and we succeeded immediately. "

No, if I ignore the safety of their family, how can I convince the public in the future? "

What's the big deal? When you always sit in that seat, naturally no one dares to dissuade you. "

This is not what I want. If I only want that seat, I don't need to spend so much time. What I want is to rebuild the order of this world and awaken the morality in everyone's heart. If today’s victory forced them to abandon their families, then this revolution would be a failure. "

Yang Feng murmured with a gleam in his eyes.

Qin Shanhai rolled his eyes and was not angry. Yang Feng and Chen Jialuo are both weird people, why are they different from others in their minds?

To win is to win, to lose is to lose, and the winner is the winner. What do you care about so much?

But where did he know that Yang Feng, as a god, this revolution is not so much directed at Wu Fatian as it is directed at the hearts of everyone in Wujiapu.

Compared with results, he values ​​the process more.

In this process, can people's hearts produce true faith?

Old man, tell your son to surrender! "

Suddenly, a loud shout broke the silence.

Everyone looked up and saw that Zhan Pengfei was stomping on the back of a white-haired old man at this moment, screaming ferociously.

The white-haired old man was scared and trembling, and said in a hurry: brat, what are you waiting for, put down your weapons and surrender, do you want to see Lao Tzu killed by them? "

Yes, Xiaofuzi, surrender quickly and strive for the forgiveness of the castle owner. "

Fuck, the whole family is exhausted by you, don't you have to rush to catch and fight for leniency? "


One person shouted, and the other hostages also shouted, but after a short while, there was a wave of condemnation.

The commanders looked at each other, and suddenly felt softened. They looked at the kneeling family members on the opposite side from time to time, and then looked at the chief rudder next to them, feeling distraught.

How to do?

Wu Fatian didn't say anything, but still stared at Yang Feng, as if he was holding the winning ticket.

Yang Feng didn't speak either, he didn't know if he was trying to find a way, or he could only do nothing.

On the other hand, Qin Shanhai urged him in a low voice: Do it now, Master Chen. Otherwise, let these old guys continue to scream, some of the brains in the commander will jump out abnormally, which is really easy to turn back. "

Without speaking, Yang Feng was still hesitating.

Shut me up! "

Suddenly, a loud shout suppressed the clamor of everyone present.

Everyone looked up and saw that it was an old man again, but at this moment, this man raised his head proudly, although he was kneeling on his knees, but his face was full of spirits and indescribable pride. It's not a humble face that yields like others.

A bunch of idiots, don't you know what style of behavior is our Wu Bao master of Wujiabao? Since those guys in our family have turned upside down, do you think it's okay to admit defeat and surrender? Isn't it the end of the family massacre in the end? Hum, instead of that, it's better to let the boys continue to reverse. Once the emperor and the courtier, if you continue, there is still a way to survive. Once surrendered, the heaven will die, and the descendants will be cut off. "


Hearing what he said, everyone was silent, their expressions more solemn than ever.

Yes, since the road has come to the present, there is no turning back.

If surrendering is a full-fledged copy-cutting, and if the reverse continues to give future generations a chance to survive, why surrender?

small stone! "

At this time, the old man shouted again: Leave us old guys and your younger brothers and sisters alone. Now that you have taken this path, let Lao Tzu go on, don't look back. If you look back, you will lose all the game; if you continue to walk, you can leave a ray of incense. The last hope of our Shi family lies in you, don't break it for me. "


Hearing what he said, Shi Fenqiang couldn't help but wailed, fell to his knees, his eyes flushed, and his eyes burst into tears.

Yang Feng nodded slightly, secretly praised.

Among the nobles, there are still unique-sighted heroes, so things are very thorough.

In fact, after the leaders rebelled tonight, there was no way out.

Smelly old man, what are you talking nonsense, do you want to die? "

When Zhan Pengfei heard these words, he was so angry that he kicked the old man up and kicked his mouth with blood.

But the old man curled his lips disdainfully: What, am I wrong? Could it be that my grandson surrendered, the lord of the castle would be able to show mercy and let our whole family go? Given our past bad deeds, how come I don't believe me so much, hum. "

Hey, you old stuff! "

After clenching his teeth, Zhan Pengfei raised his hand to slap him.

When Shi Fenqiang saw it, he immediately furiously said: Zhan Pengfei, dare you! "

Zhan Pengfei turned his head and glanced back, his body shook, and his heart trembled.

He had never seen such an angry look in the eyes of this former subordinate, as if he wanted to kill. Unexpectedly, the slap raised by the martial arts expert, he trembled slightly, and he dared not to fall. He was actually frightened by a group of third-tier samurai subordinates.

At the same time, the other hostages recovered and shouted.

Old Shi was right, don't surrender, just do it to the end. "

For the honor of our family, since it is reversed, we must succeed! "

I have had enough of Wu Fatian and those clan relatives in this life, Xiao Fuzi, kill him and help us get revenge! "

Revenge, revenge, revenge...

Suddenly, the shouts of the hostages merged into one piece. Knowing that they had no way to survive, they awakened their courage and anger, and vented all the grievances and depression of this life.

Wu Fatian felt the gurgling anger around him, like a flood, rushing to him one after another, as if he was about to submerge him completely, and he couldn't help clenching his fists with anger.

You all hate me, right? This is how you really feel about me!

Wu Fatian, who is one of the heavenly seven spiritual elements, is particularly sensitive to the anger in people's hearts, but he usually suppresses the anger in these people's hearts with powerful authority, so that they are not even angry at themselves. Dare to arise.

But now, facing the mortal situation, people immediately let themselves go, and no longer deliberately suppressed the anger in their hearts against Wu Fatian.

Suddenly, Wu Fatian felt that he was hated by the whole world. Tuantuan's anger had completely surrounded him, and he was almost out of breath...

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